The Enlightenment of Krashen’Monitor Model to English Teaching in China

2015-05-30 23:19孙凯元
校园英语·上旬 2015年1期

【Abstract】Karshens Monitor Model has important implications for foreign language teaching and foreign language teachers.This paper analyses Krashen Monitor Model, which is includes the acquisition-learning hypothesis, the monitor hypothesis, the natural order hypothesis, the input hypothesis, and the affective filter hypothesis.Then it demonstrates that Karshens Monitor Model still enlighten modern English teaching.

【Key words】Monitor Model; learning; acquisition; hypothesis

1.the Acquisition-Learning hypothesis and special meanings for English teaching in China

According to Karshen, acquisition refers to the subconscious process identical in all important ways to the process children utilize in acquiring their first language and learning refers to the conscious process that result in knowing about language.English teachers are in great need.Some of them professionally trained.Some of the teachers teach to translate the English into equivalent Chinese Word by Word and explain the grammar rules, which seem to be half century backward.Some teachers know something about the audio-lingo approach and visual-audio lingo approach.

2.the Monitor hypothesis and English teaching in China

The Monitor hypothesis states that learning only has on function, and that is the monitor and editor, and learning comes into play only to make changes in the form of our utterance, after it has been produced by the acquired system.Acquisition initiates the speakers utterances and is responsible for fluency.The monitor is thought to be alter the output of the acquired system before or after the utterance is actually written or spoken.The natural order hypothesis is supported by some experiments.A number of studies,commonly referred to as the morpheme studies,were carried out to investigate the order of acquisition of arrange of grammatical factors in the speech of second language learners.

3.the Natural Order hypothesis and English teaching in China

The Natural Order hypothesis means that we acquire the rules of language in a predictable order, some rules tending to come early and others late.The order does not appear to be determined solely by formal simplicity and there is evidence that it is independent of the order in which rules are taught in language classes.Krashen also points out the three kinds of people who use monitor theory.Over-monitor,they don not believe their ability of acquisition,they almost use the grammar knowledge what they have leant to monitor each out put sentence consciously..Under-monitor,this kind of people is quite opposite to the former.Optimal-monitor, they use monitor to edit or revise only it is necessary for ensure the quality and quantity of language output.

4.the Input hypothesis and English teaching in China

The Input hypothesis is linked to The Natural Order hypothesis in that it claims we move along the developmental continuum by receiving comprehensible input.Comprehensible input is defined as second language input just beyond the learners current second language competence.If a learners current competence is ‘i then comprehensible input is ‘i+1, the next step in the developmental sequence.For most Chinese learners,English is learnt in class.Therefore,the quality of class instruction is very important.It is the teacher who must create the world of reading in a particular class.It is the teacher who must stimulate interesting reading and stimulate students enthusiasm for books,and who must make the reading materials comprehensible to the students and help them see that reading can be of great value to them.

5.the Affective Filter hypothesis and English teaching in China

The Affective Filter hypothesis captures the relationship between affective variables and the process of second language acquisition by positing that acquires varies with respect to strength or level of their affective filters.What teachers should pay attention to can be listed as follows:

Enthusiasm: learners think that teacher attitude towards their job will directly affect the learning effectiveness of their students.Personality: The ones who share their personality with their classes often better results than those who don not.Humor: Humor is a significant factor for a teacher.Humor can make a person in a comfortable state of the whole body.

Karshens Monitor Model has been current since he first advanced them, and they have some influences on English teaching in China, though it has some limitations.Karshens Monitor Model has important implications for foreign language teaching and foreign language teachers.


[1]Krashen,S, 1985.The Input Hypothesis: Issues and implications.London: Longman.

[2]Krashen,S.&Terrel,1983.The National Approach:Language acquisition in the classroom.Oxford:Pergamon.



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