Yun Xin
(CollegeofComputerScienceandTechnology,HenanPolytechnicUniversity, Jiaozuo454000,Henan,
Zhibo Cheng
(SchoolofMathematicsandInformationScience, HenanPolytechnicUniversity,Jiaozuo454000,Henan)
Yun Xin
(CollegeofComputerScienceandTechnology,HenanPolytechnicUniversity, Jiaozuo454000,Henan,
Zhibo Cheng
(SchoolofMathematicsandInformationScience, HenanPolytechnicUniversity,Jiaozuo454000,Henan)
In this paper,we investigate a non-autonomous second-orderp-Laplacian system. Based on critical point theory,we discuss the existence of homoclinic orbits of the system.
homoclinic solutions;p-Laplacian;coercive potential
In this paper,we consider the existence of homoclinic orbits to the non-autonomous second-orderp-Lapcian system
wherep>1,t∈R,u∈RnandF:R×Rn→R andf:R→Rn.
As it is well known,a solutionu(t)to(1.1)is homoclinic(to 0)ifu(t)→0 and˙u(t)→0 as|t|→∞.In addition,ifu/≡0,thenuis called a nontrivial homoclinic solution.
The existence of homoclinic orbits is one of the most important problems in the theory of Hamiltonian systems.Recently the existence and multiplicity of homoclinic orbits to Hamiltonian systems have been studied extensively via critical point theory,such as[1-12]and the references therein.In particular,the second-order systems were considered in [2-5,8-10,12].
Whenp=2,(1.1)reduces to the following second-order Hamiltonian system
In[3],Izydorek and Janczewka proved the following theorem.
In[9],Tang and Xiao further investigated the existence of homoclinic solutions to(1.1). And the following theorem was obtained.
Clearly,either assumption(A2)in Theorem 1.1 or assumption(B2)in Theorem 1.2 implies that the coercive condition
holds,which is crucial for obtaining the existence of homoclinic solution to(1.2)and(1.1) in[3,9],respectively.In this paper,we continuously investigate the existence of homoclinic solutions to(1.1),and our result generalizes the above results.
Our goal in this paper is to use the following more general conditions instead of(B2), such asFcan change sign when|x|is small enough.
(C2)There are constantsb>0,ν>1 andµ>νsuch that for all
Next,we present our main result.
Theorem1.3AssumethatFandfsatisfyassumptionsThen system(1.1)possessesahomoclinicsolution
In order to receive a homoclinic solution to(1.1),similarly to[3],we consider a sequence of diff erential system:
wherefk:R→Rnis a 2kT-periodic extension offin the interval
ε0∈(0,min{1,T})is a constant independent ofk.We will prove the existence of one homoclinic solution to(1.1)similar to that of the limit of the 2kT-periodic solutions to(1.3) in[3].However,some technical details in this paper are diff erent form that in[3].
For eachk∈N,letdenote the Hilbert space of 2kT-periodic functions on R with values in Rnunder the norm
Then we can easily check thatis a weakly lower semi-continuous and
for allu,v∈Ek.Furthermore,it is well known that the critical points ofIkinEkare classical 2kT-periodic solutions to(1.3).
Based the follows lemmas,Theorem 1.3 obviously holds.
Lemma2.1[9]Leta>0andu∈W1,p(R,Rn).Thenforeveryt∈R,thefollowing inequalityholds:
Lemma2.3AssumethatFandfsatisfy(A1),(C2)and(B3).Thenforeveryk∈N, system(1.3)possessesa2kT-periodicsolutionuk∈Eksuchthat
Then by Sobolev’s inequality,we have
In view of(2.9),it is easy to verify,for eachk∈N,that the following conditions are equivalent:
Hence,form(2.8),we obtain
Now by Theorem 1.1 and Corollary 1.1 in[13],we conclude that for everyk∈N there exists auk∈Eksuch that
This completes the proof.
Lemma2.4Letuk∈Ekbeasolutiontosystem(1.3)whichsatisfies(2.5)fork∈N. ThenthereexistsapositiveconstantCindependentofksuchthat
ProofBy(2.5),we can see that
which implies that there is anM1>0 independent ofksuch that
From(2.5)and(2.11),we obtain
It follows from(2.4),(2.11)and(2.12)that
which shows that(2.10)holds.The proof is complete.
From(2.10),(2.13),(A1)and(B3),we obtain
which implies that
We claim thatis also equicontinuous.If not,then there exist anε0>0,two sequencesand a sequenceof integers such that
Combining(2.16)with(2.17),we have
On the other hand,from(2.14)and(2.16),we have
ProofStep 1We will show thatu0(t)satisfi es(1.1).By Lemmas 2.3 and 2.5,we have
Takea,b∈R such thata<b.There exists aj0∈N such that for allj>j0
Integrating(2.20)fromatot∈[a,b],we have
Note that Lemma 2.5 shows thatukj→u0uniformly on[a,b]anduniformly on [a,b]asj→∞.Letj→∞in(2.21),then we get
Sinceaandbare arbitrary,(2.22)shows thatu0(t)is a solution to(1.1).
Obviously,for everyi∈N,there exists aj1∈N such that for allj>j1we have
by(2.11)and(2.12).Lettingj→+∞,we get
next lettingi→+∞,we have
By(2.3),we obtain
Combining(2.24)and(2.25),we receive,as
Step 3Finally,we will show that
From(2.10)and Lemma 2.5,we have
which together with(1.1),(A1)and(B3)imply that
It follows that
which contradicts(2.23),so(2.26)holds.The proof is complete.
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∗This research was supported by NNSF of China Project(No.11326124)and Education Department of Henan Province Project(No.14A110002).
†Manuscript received January 21,2015
Annals of Applied Mathematics2015年3期