Qian Li
Xuemei Li
Qian Li
Xuemei Li
A new spectral problem is proposed,and nonlinear diff erential equations of the corresponding hierarchy are obtained.With the help of the nonlinearization approach of eigenvalue problems,a new fi nite-dimensional Hamiltonian system onR2nis obtained.A generating function approach is introduced to prove the involution of conserved integrals and its functional independence,and the Hamiltonian fl ows are straightened by introducing the Abel-Jacobi coordinates.At last,based on the principles of algebra curve,the quasi-periodic solutions for the corresponding equations are obtained by solving the ordinary diff erential equations and inversing the Abel-Jacobi coordinates.
quasi-periodic solutions;Abel-Jacobi coordinates;Riemann-theta function
The confocal involutive system was fi rst systematically used by J.Moser[1]in the investigation of soliton equations such as the Korteweg-de Vries(KdV)equation.Nonlinearization method of eigenvalue problems[25]and constraint fl ow[6,7]are useful tools in the investigation of(1+1)-dimensional soliton equations,by which a class of new fi nite-dimensional integrable systems can be obtained.In the past few years,the nonlinearization method has been even successfully extended to obtain quasi-periodic solutions of(2+1)-dimensional soliton equations[3,4,8-10].Another interesting fact is that the confocal Lax matrix plays an important role in fi nding the involutive systems of finite-dimensional integrable systems,because the determinant of the Lax matrix is the generating function of the involutive systems. The Lax matrix has at least two important applications.First,it provides an important and eff ective way in finding new finite-dimensional integrable systems.Second,Abel-Jacobi coordinates,can be constructed concretely.
In the present paper,our main aim is to search for a new hierarchy of nonlinear evolution equations and to construct their algebro-geometric solutions.The outline of this paper is asfollows.In Section 1,we shallderive a hierarchy of(1+1)-dimensionaland(2+1)-dimensional soliton equations associated with the spectral problem(2.1)through Lenard’s gradient sequence.In Section 2,we shallintroduce the constraint between the potentials and eigenfunctins,a series of new fi nite-dimensionalHamiltonian system are obtained under the constraint, at the same time,a generating function approach is introduced to prove the integrability of these systems.In Section 3,by introducing the elliptic coordinates and the quasi-Abel-Jacobi coordinates,we prove the functionalindependence of conserved integrals,from which we prove that the Hamiltonian system is completely integrable.In Section 4,by introducing a set of polynomial integrals,we arrive at the decomposition of the soliton hierarchy.In Section 5,we are going to construct the Abel-Jacobi coordinates,by whichHk-flow can be straightened.In Sections 6 and 7,quasi-periodic solutions of soliton equations are obtained with the help of Jacobi-inversion.
Consider the following spectral problem:
whereφ=(q,p)T,andr1is an arbitrary constant.
Consider thet-part of the spectral problem(2.1)
We introduce the Lenard gradient sequence{gj}by the Lenard recursive equation
with△=(lnv+r1)/v.The equationJg-1=0 has a special solutiong-1=(0,0,1)T.
thus detσλ(gλ)is a constant along thexfl ow.We adopt
The fi rst few numbers of the Lenard gradient{gj}are
Let us consider the polynomial ofλ
we get
Therefore,we can define the vector fi elds
wherePis the projective map:
Denotingt1=yandt2=t,we have
Letvbe a compatible solution of(2.5)and(2.6),and defi ne
After direct calculations we have
From(2.7)and(2.8)we have
Substituting(2.7),(2.10)into(2.11)we can get the following(2+1)-dimensional KP equation
ConsiderNcopies of the linear equation(2.1)
with distinct eigenvaluesα1,···,αN.LetA=diag(α1,···,αN),and define a mapτλ
From(3.1)we have the following fundamental identity
The solution of the Lenard eigenvalue problem with general parameterλis constructed as
Since the potentialsu,vin(3.1)satisfy Bargmann constrait,substituting(3.4)into(3.1), then the spectral problem can be nonlinearized
From(K-λJ)Gλ=0,the stationary Lax equationVx-[U,V]=0 has a solution alongx-flow
then from the definition ofGλwe have
Regarding the generating functionFλas a Hamiltonian in the symplectic space(R2N,dqΛdp), the canonical equation is
ProofEquation(3.9)implies thatFµ=detVµis invariant along thetλ-flow.And the derivative of the functionFµalong theFλ-fl ow is exactly the Poisson bracket,then we have
It is easy to see that each one ofFλ,V12λandV21λ,as a rational function ofλ,has simple poles atαj.We have
and the roots{µk},{νk}are defined as elliptic variables[12].If we expandfollowing the power ofλ-1,and by comparing the coeffi cients of the same power ofλwe have
ProofSubstitutingλ=µk,νk,into(4.1),(4.2),respectively,we have
The evolution equation ofVµ,µ∈Γalong thetλ-flow is
the second and third components of equation(4.6)are
Letµ=µk,µ=νk,respectively.After some calculations we have(4.5).
whenj≥1,the coeffi cients ofµ-1in the Laurant expansion is 0,then from Cauchy integral theorem we have
For the fixedλ0,introduce the quasi-Abel-Jacobi coordinates
and we have the following proposition.
Proposition4.2(Straightening of theFλflow)
Corollary4.1(Straightening of theFkflow)LettkbethevariableoftheFkflow,then wehave
ProofAccording to the defi nition of the Possion bracket:
with the supplementary defi nitionA-k=0(k=1,2,···).By comparing the coeffi cients ofλ-k-1in(4.10),we derive
ProofWe only need to prove the linear independence of the diff erentials dF0,dF1,···,dFN-1.Recall the expression of the Possion bracket by means of the symmetric structure
Henceγ0=···=γN-1=0,since the coeffi cient determinant is equal to 1 by equation (4.11).
The kernel ofJis of dimension 1 with the generatorg-1.ExertingJ-1Kon(3.2)ktimes,since each time there is an extra termcjg-1,hence we have
wherec0=1,c1=0,c2=2r1,ckis a constant.
ProofDefi ne a polynomial
Multiplying byaN-kand summing withkfrom 0 toN,equation(5.1)becomes
Acting withQPon equation(5.4)yields(5.2).
Proposition5.2Undertheconstraint(5.1),thefunctionsGλandgλhavethefollowing directrelation
Acting withσλon equation(5.5)thus we have
Based oncλ=1-2Hλ,we introduce another generating functionHλ,then we have
According to
it is not diffi cult to obtain
Denote the solution variety of equations(3.5)and(5.2)byNandMrespectively.By Proposition 5.1,fmapsNintoM.Consider the canonical equation of theHk-fl ow
and the solution of the initial value problem
It is well-known that the involutionimplies the commutativity ofandHenceI∇Hkcan be regarded as a vector fi eld onN.The importance ofHkis that the diff erentialf∗mapsI∇Hkexactly intoXk-1restricted toM. From(3.4)and(3.8),after some calculations we have
ProofFrom the canonical equation(3.8)of thetλfl ow we get
From(5.8)we have
Hence we have the fi rst part.The second part is obtained by comparing the coeffi cients of the same powerλ-k-1.
Corollary5.1Inthecasek=2,denoteτ1=x,τ2=y.Let(q(x,y),p(x,y))Tbea compatiblesolutionof
Thenu(x,y)andv(x,y),whichareobtainedfromBargmannconstraint(3.4)solvessoliton equation(2.5).
Corollary5.2Inthecasek=3,denoteτ1=x,τ3=t.Let(q(x,t),p(x,t))Tbea compatiblesolutionof
Thenu(x,t)andv(x,t)whichareobtainedfromBargmannconstraint(3.4)solvessoliton equation(2.6).
The shape of equation(4.9)suggests the consideration of the holomorphic diff erential
on the hyperelliptic curveΓ:ζ2-4R(λ)=0,with the genusN.Take the canonical basis of cycles onΓ:a1,b1,···,aN,bN,which satisfi es
LetC=(Cjl)NNbe the inverse of the periodic matrix(Ali)NN:
Then for the normalized holomorphic diff erential
For the fixedλ0,we defi ne Abel-Jacobi coordinates
Since degR(λ)=2N+2,for the sameλ,there are two points on diff erent sheets of the Riemann surfaceΓ
At∞,the affi ne equationζ2=4R(z-1)is transformed into
LetC1,···,CNbe the column vector ofC,then by direct calculations we have the following conclusions.
Therefore we have the following proposition.
The straightened equations(6.9)are easily integrated by quadraturesThrough the definition of the Abel-Jacobi coordinatesφ(as well asψ),
The Abel mapA:Div(Γ)is defi ned by
wherep0=ρ(λ0)is fi xed,Div(Γ)is the divisior group,and the LatticeTis spanned by the periodic vectors{δj;Bj},which are the column vectors ofEand(Bjs).The defi nition of Abel-Jacobi coordinates is rewritten as
According to the Riemann Theorem,there exists a constant vectorKsuch that
(i)θ(A(ρ(λ))-φ-K)has exactlyNzeros atλ=µ1,···,µN,
(ii)θ(A(ρ(λ))-ψ-K)has exactlyNzeros atλ=ν1,···,νN.
And we have the inversion formula
Hence we have the power series expansion near∞sin the local coordinatesz=λ-1
Here the factθ(ζ)=θ(-ζ)is used.The power sums are obtained after substituting(7.5) into(7.3)
Denotex=τ1,y=τ2,t=τ3.Then equation(7.7)is further simplifi ed as
From(3.4),(3.5)and(4.3),the potentialsuandvcan be expressed by elliptic coordinates
Substituting(7.8)into the second equation of(8.1),we obtain
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∗This work was supported by Natural Science Research Project of Henan Education Department under Grant No.2011B110024.
†Manuscript received November 29,2014
Annals of Applied Mathematics2015年3期