(岭南师范学院 基础教育学院,广东 湛江 421000 )
(岭南师范学院 基础教育学院,广东 湛江 421000 )
平行文本,这个术语通常用于比较语篇语言学,概指不同语言文化中交际功能相似的语篇类型,差不多相似的交际情境中产生的具有相似信息的不同语言的文本[2]。Hartmann 将其分为3类,本文参考上述B 类:形式上不完全一致,但功能对等的译文及原文;定。一般说来,翻译时我们所面临的文本皆是一系列语句串联而成的连贯序列,作为一个整体行使一定的功能和目的[3]。 这样的文本往往有特定的语篇结构和语言体现方式。而某一特定文本的语篇结构和语言体现方式常常要受语篇体裁的影响。同时,语篇体裁与文化息息相关,有很强的社会文化属性。在这个意义上,相似的交际情境中产生的、行使相似功能的两种语言的平行文本实际上就是两种语言中同一体裁的文本。目的语中与源语同一体裁的平行文本则可以从宏观的文本纲要式结构和微观的语言体现样式两方面为译者的调整提供具体依据和参照。语篇体裁相同,交际功能相似的语篇必有相同的必要成分,基本结构是一样的。同时,语篇体裁是文化语境的内容,它涉及一定的社会文化范围内有目的的交往。语篇体裁体现方式之一是“纲要式结构”,纲要式结构指有阶段的、有步骤的结构。例如,名称- 简介- 原料、配料- 烹饪方法。这个明显是食谱[4]。提出在翻译一些语篇体例极为标准的文本时,平行文本甚至可以作为一个现成的翻译范本[5]。
获取目标语文本惯例的主要方式是进行文本分析。综合哈桑(Hasan 1996)的语篇结构成分,Swales(1990)的语步(move)和步骤(step)和Bhatia(1993)的分析方法,语篇分析的框架大致可以概述为“组成部分——语步 → 步骤 / 策略→词汇语法”这一层级系统[6-7]。前三个方面可视为较宏观的分析,主要通过阅读判断和统计分析实现,也可适当运用语料库手段辅助;词汇语法层次的分析可视为较微观的分析,主要依靠语料库手段。
笔者收集了财富500强中30家企业简介,建立一小型语料库它们的结构体现形式是“纲要式结构”。语篇包含多个语步,如”who we are,what we do,how we develop,our product,our culture”等。以“雪佛龙(CHEVRON) ”的简介为例。
Chevron is one of the world's leading integrated energy companies.Our success is driven by our people and their commitment to get results the right way—by operating responsibly,executing with excellence,applying innovative technologies and capturing new opportunities for profitable growth.We are involved in virtually every facet of the energy industry.We explore for,produce and transport crude oil and natural gas;refine,market and distribute transportation fuels and lubricants;provide renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions;and develop the energy resources of the future,including research into advanced biofuels.还包括
Company Roots,Global Scope,Environment and Safety,Our Work等详细内容。
语步名称1.who we are
典型例句Chevron is one of the world's leading
integrated energy companies.
语步名称2.what we do
典型例句We are
involved in virtually every facet of the energy industry
语步名称3.how we develop
典型例句Our success is driven by our people and their commitment to get results the right way—by operating responsibly,executing with excellence,applying innovative technologies and capturing new opportunities for profitable growth.
语步名称4.our culture
典型例句 our values serve as a compass for our actions and describe how we behave in the world.
通过这样的系统归纳,有助于揭示实现某一语步或步骤的典型词汇语法模式。如荣誉语步,有“be ranked as,winner of,has built a reputation as,award- winning,rated”等表达。而且,通过语料库的关键词等技术,进行检索等手段也能从多个角度探讨体裁的典型词汇语法结构,尤其是典型术语。系统发现的高频词:quality,commitment、brands、rank、sustainability,innovative等。对”quality”的调查发现其典型构成有“exceptional quality,high-quality,high-performance service,highest standards of quality,superior quality value and service,industry-leading quality”等。以上检索内容是简介英译时非常好的参考。
结构部分除了概念意义的传达,在具体的语步体现形式上语篇还特别注重人际意义的的传达,表现为人称使用以及语气、情态、评价系统方面。英美企业90%为私有,企业文化内容宣扬企业价值观,以消费者、股东利益为中心等,强调互动的人际关系。通常以“we,our products”等第一人称的词为主位叙述视角,适当的地方使用第二人称实现句子间的衔接与连贯,并配以一定的情态语气助词,达到企业与顾客的互动交际。
以中国海油 (CNOOC) 英译文本中的一段为例:
During the“Eleventh Five-year Plan”period,while focusing on the“Eleventh.
Five-year Plan” objectives and highlighting the construction of an“offshore Daqing field”,this company has firmly grasped the important economic strategic opportunities arising from China’s economic and social development and responded effectively to the material adverse impact of the global financial crisis with spirit of deepening reform and promoting development through innovation,and made outstanding achievements in capacity building in energy supply,construction of industry value chain,thus this company has entered into a new phase of devlopment.
此译文汉语的痕迹较明显。它所体现的信息包含objectives,opportunities,respond,achievements 等,在平行文本语料库中可检索到类似的语步:
While we maintain flexibility to adapt to changing conditions,we will consistently strive to improve efficiency and productivity through learning,sharing and implementing best practices.(Chevron)
We use advanced technologie and innovative approach to help build a sustainable energy future. (Shell)
With 200 years of experience meeting the world’s toughest challenges and seizing its greatest opportunities,we strive to create the best outcome for customer with solutions.(Citi)
改译:By focusing on the objectives of initiatives “Eleventh Five-year Plan”that provides a strategic framework for sustainable success and highlighting the construction of an“offshore Daqing field”,CNOOC will consistently strive to improve efficiency and productivity through learning,sharing and implementing best practices.CNOOC use advanced technologies and take an innovative approach to help build a sustainable energy future,while we maintain flexibility to adapt to changing conditions.CNOOC will strive to create the best outcome for customers.To continue to thrive,CNOOC must look ahead,understand the trends and shape our business in the future and move swiftly to prepare for what’s to come.
[1]Nord,C.Translating as a Purposeful Activity [M].Shanghai :Shanghai Foreign Language Educati on Press,2001:15.
[2]Neubert,A.Text and Translation [M].Leipzig:.Enzyklopdie,1985.
[3]Hatim,B.& I.Mason.Discourse and the Translator[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press 2001.
[4]黄国文.语篇分析的理论与实践——广告语篇研究 [M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2008:25,126.
[5]Snel-Hornby,M.Translation Studies :An Integrated Approach [M].Amsterdam & Philadelphia:John Benjamins Publishing Company,1996:86.
A Model of Parallel Texts for English Translation of Company Profiles
ZHOU Liang-xun
(Basic Education College,Lingnan Normal University,Zhanjiang 421000,Guangdong Province,China)
Abstract:Company profile is important for companies in the participation of world competition.This paper proposes a model of parallel text through the analysis of the company profiles of Fortune 500.The mode and parallel texts serve as good examples for the translator in the English translation of company profiles.
Key words:company profiles;parallel texts;English translation
中图分类号:H 315.9
文献标志码:A DOI:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2015.12.004