Analysis of the Rupture of Sino—Soviet Alliance

2015-04-07 11:07TAOZheng
科技视界 2015年9期


【Abstract】There are many reasons for the rupture of the Sino-Soviet alliance, and different opinions about the reasons why the rupture of the two allies occurs have been discussed in academia. In this thesis, analysis of the internal logic of the rupture of the Sino-Soviet alliance is presented from the ideological perspective. On the basis of the 20th CPSU Congress, major ideological differences between the Soviet Union and the Communist Party are elicited. In terms of analyzing these differences, the internal logic of the rupture of the Sino-Soviet alliance is expounded. Besides, the effects of this rupture are summarized.

【Key words】Sino-Soviet; Alliance divergence; Rupture reasons ideological

Sino-Soviet relation played a pivotal role in the world history, and the development of the relation between the two also contributed to the changes in the political landscape of the entire world. Throughout the history of half a century of Cold War, the Sino-Soviet alliance went through several stages from the formation of the relation, honeymoon,existence of the differences and rupture, to the normal diplomatic relation now. The reasons for the breakdown of the alliance between the two varies. This paper explores the rupture of the Sino-Soviet alliance only from the perspective of the ideology.

1 The major ideological differences between China and the Soviet Union

1.1 Regarding the evaluation of Stalin

The Twentieth Meeting shows that the understanding of the entire Communist Party in Khrushchevs secret report is a process of development and change. Khrushchev made a report On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences to expose Stalins autocratic style and the cult of the individual hazards. Khrushchev led the Soviet Union while Mao Zedong led China, who is likely to get rid of Stalins personality cult behavior. And Mao would expose and criticize Stalin compared to unlock the lid. Mao also emphasized ,“ the Politburo meeting, which Khrushchev is against Stalins view, is to break the magical spell or the superstition of the Soviet Union, in order to go their own way.”[1]Mao certainly contributed positively to help resolve Khrushchevs Polish and Hungarian crisis, to strengthen the unity of the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries, and to promote the development of friendly Sino-Soviet relations. After that, both of the two countries maintained close cooperation and mutual trust in “Molotov anti-party group ” event and in the Defense of new technology agreement.

1.2 The debate of the three peaces

Peaceful coexistence is to resolve disputes between countries with different social systems through peaceful negotiations. In the 1950s, the blasting of atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs gained successes. Khrushchev believed the war can be repositioned. He put forward the general line of peaceful coexistence and stressed the principles of peaceful coexistence to adjust the relationship between socialist countries and capitalist countries. Besides, he urged the Communist Party of the capitalist countries to abandon the communist road to seize the power of the nation by force, instead of using peaceful means to participate in parliamentary struggle. Mao has a different view, which includes the attitude of the capitalist countries. Mao intends to seize power by force, with the relation to the issue of the socialist state. Mao regards that the socialist countries should not be limited to peaceful coexistence and they should support each other.

Peaceful competition means adopting a healthy way to compete with each other, which is the basic guarantee of peaceful coexistence. Khrushchev pointed out that:“A dispute about whether the socialist system is superior to the capitalist system, should not be resolved by military methods. Peaceful ways should be used to resolve the competition.”[2] But Mao did not think so. The main reason is that the new Chinese not only suffered from the economic blockade, but also suffered from constant military threats from the Western world. So, Mao would not believe that the Western world would be a friend to the Socialist Peoples Power.

Peaceful transition means getting the victory of the socialist revolution without violent revolutions, which is mainly achieved through non-violent forms of political parliaments. And he even stressed the need to strengthen the class struggles and violent revolutions.

1.3 The ideological hegemony of the competition

The Soviet Union supported the revolution and socialist construction of new socialist China. For that, the ideological leader is Soviet. In the Stalin era, the Soviet Union strengthened relations among the socialist countries based on Marxist ideology, Communist countries must obey Soviet Union to obey Communism. In the Khrushchev era , Soviet ideology acquired the leadership mainly through economic aid. Most of the socialist countries have the needs of their economic development, in order to obtain financial assistance of the Soviet Union,they all regarded the Soviet Union as the leader. On the one hand, the ideological unity strengthened the relationship between the socialist countries. On the other hand, it also adds a lot of risks, which conceals the internal ethnic conflicts between the socialist countries. It is also gradually expanding such differences. First of all, Mao questioned Soviets leadership. Secondly, Mao also questioned Khrushchevs personal characteristics.

2 the consequences of Sino-Soviet split

2.1 Promote revolutionary changes in the Cold War

Considering the changes in the Cold War, the relation between the China and the Soviet Union is very important. Throughout the history of Cold War,we find that changes in the relationship directly lead to the development and changes of the Cold War. When the relation between China and the Soviet Union is in the honeymoon period, the international situation is that the socialist camp set against the capitalist camp. The Sino-Soviet alliance prompted that the United States choosed its own enemy in World War II—Japan, to be its most important strategic ally in the Far East. When there went a conflict between China and the Soviet Union, the United States played a wedge role, prompting the contradictions between China and the Soviet Union.

2.2 Produce a false influence on the socialist road with Chinese exploration

The exploration of the road of socialism is never-ending. When the new China was founded, China and the Soviet Union are unified in the diplomatic and ideological field. At the same time, China is also exploring their own path, based on the experiences of the Soviet Union. But with the expansion of China, the diplomatic differences gradually increased, which gradually evolved into a quarrel between the two. Great Leap Forward campaign proved that China can develop faster than the Soviet Union. It also proved that China can grow at a faster rate than the Soviet Union. Peoples Commune provided a typical pattern for the world socialist countries, which can be regard as the perfect form of the transition to communism. In short, the relationshipbetween China and the Soviet Union blocked a useful exploration of Chinas socialist model and directly distort the direction of Chinas socialist road ahead.

China and the Soviet Union all stressed the correctness of their ideology. They are all trying to seize the leadership of the international communist movement to achieve the unity of ideology. Today, although the domestic or international environment has had fundamental changes, ideology follows the pace of the times and it can properly guide our practice.


[1]Decades of civil war[M]. Beijing: Central Press, 1999(11): 59,72.

[2]Khrushchevs speech (Episode 1)[M]. Beijing: World Knowledge Publishing, 1996: 215.


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