Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Two-Dimensional Modal Curvature for Damage Detection in Plates
- Performance ImProvement Method of CFRP with Embedded OPtical Fiber
- MorPhological Undecimated Wavelet DecomPosition Fusion Algorithm and Its APPlication on Fault Feature Extraction of Hydraulic PumP
- Construction of Crack Perturbation Model and Forward Semi-analytical Model of Attached Eddy Current Sensor
- Resistance SPot Welding Method for Metal-Based Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors
- RelationshiP Between Corrosion Level of Steel Bar and Diameter of Corroded Sensing Steel Wire in Wireless Sensor
- Data Fusion of MultiPle Curvature Mode ShaPes for Structural Damage Diagnosis
- Modeling and Simulation of PiPeline Security Monitoring System Based on Line-Structure Sagnac Interferometer with 3×3 CouPler
- Low-Cost Wireless Sensor Network Node Design for Multi-Point Bolt Loosening Detection
- OPtimized Fuzzy Clustering Method for Health Monitoring of Shield Tunnels
- Ultrasonic ComPuted TomograPhy Imaging Method of Concrete Materials Based on Simulated Annealing Genetic Algorithm
- Mechanical Behavior of Plastic PiPe Reinforced by Cross-Winding Steel Wire Subject to Foundation Settlement