Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Linear Piezoelectric StePPing Motor with Broad OPerating Frequency
- ImProvement Design of BiochiP Towards High Stable BioParticle Detection Utilizing DielectroPhoresis ImPedance Measurement
- Simulation Analysis and ExPeriment on Piezoelectric Cantilever Vibrator
- Stick-SliP Tower-ShaPed Piezoelectric Actuator
- Influence of Friction Interface Contact on Ultrasonic Motor Efficiency Under Static Conditions
- Friction Behavior on Contact Interface of Linear Ultrasonic Motor with Hard Contact Materials
- Structural Design and Control of Variable Camber Wing Driven by Ultrasonic Motors
- PreParation and Characterization of PZT Piezoelectric Thick Film Generation Materials Enhanced by PZT NanoParticles
- Frequency-SPeed Control Model Identification of Ultrasonic Motor Using SteP ResPonse
- Design and ExPeriment of Vertical Motion Dual-stage with Piezo-actuated NanoPositioning Stage
- Large Thrust Trans-scale Precision Positioning Stage Based on Inertial Stick-SliP Driving
- Intelligent Control Algorithm of PTZ System Driven by Two-DOF Ultrasonic Motor
- Dynamic Model Identification for Ultrasonic Motor Frequency-SPeed Control
- StePPing Control Method of Linear DisPlacement Mechanism Driven by TRUM Based on PSoC
- Posture Adjustment of MicroPhone Based on Image Recognition in Automatic Welding System
- Dynamic Loads and Wake Prediction for Large Wind Turbines Based on Free Wake Method
- Numerical Investigation on Drag Reduction Effect by Mass Injection from Porous Boundary Wall