EngIish Absttacts

2015-11-14 17:30:33
暨南学报(哲学社会科学版) 2015年2期

EngIish Absttacts

Absttact:Ba jin not only set up a lifelong commitment of Anarchism beliefs which based on reading and accepting the books of Kropotkin,Goldman and others,but also engaged in writing by the influence of them.Therefore,both of Ba jin’s life and writes are filled with idealism.We would disagree with Ba jin’s beliefs,but we have to admit that he is a man of faith and a purity great man. Specifically,Ba jin successfully broke the thick barrier between the text and life and effectively incorporates them together.For Ba jin,writing has naturally become important part of his life through the unremitting efforts.

Key wotds:ba jin;idealist;anarchism beliefs;live text;the text of life

[责任编辑 丛 敏]

Status Quo of Intetnet PubIic Opinion Reseatches in Communication Studies Ovetseas:a BibIiomettic AnaIysis

WANG Feng-xian
School of Journalism and Communication,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China

Absttact:This study conducts a bibliometric analysis of all articles related to public opinion on new media in Social Sciences Citation Index(SSCI),Arts&Humanities Citation Index(A&HCI)and Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Social Science&Humanities(CPCI-SSH).The results indicate that the research of public opinion on new media is in the developing stage.Its main research field is communication.Its research center is United States.And its author group is floating and core author group is weak.Our findings also demonstrate that the impact of new communication forms and media content to users is the focus of the researches of public opinion on new media.Compared with the researches overseas,the domestic researches have different interests and are further behind on level and methods.

Key wotds:public opinion;internet;new media;bibliometric;overseas;communication

Logic BuiIding and LegisIation Design fot the ModeI of CoIIective Ttust tegatding Land Conttact Management Right —A Path Which Accotds with GoaI of the Land CitcuIation

XU Wei
Law School,Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai 200030,China

Absttact:In current practice,the modes of implementing the land transfer are mainly following:transfer,subcontract,lease,joint-stock,(individual)trust,etc.As for these patterns,there are inherent defects in carrying out land circulation goals such as increasing farmers’income,realizing scale management and protecting the interests of farmers.Collective trust of land contract management right can effectively overcome limitations of the above land transfer modes,it is realistic to construct it.From the viewpoint of policy,law,theory and practice,there are corresponding basis for building collective trust of land contract management right.The future construction of collective trust of land contract management right should adhere to the principle of encouraging trustee and protecting the interests of farmers,design scientifically rules concerning the main structure,trust establishment and operation of collective trust,and the protection for interests of the beneficiaries.

Key wotds:land contract management right;collective trust;trust law;system construction

Intetptetation of Right Management Infotmation Ptovisions In WIPO Intetnet Tteaties

Department of Law,East China Hormal University Shanghai 200241,China

Absttact:As the rapid development of information technology,intellectual property protection and enforcement in digital environment gradually became an important issue.WIPO Internet Treaties include new provisions for the digital intellectual property protection since 1996,which require allthe members to provide adequate and effective legal remedies for the right management information.WIPO Internet Treaties only afford basic framework,leaving much discretion for members to decide how to implement their treaty obligations.The domestic legislations which aim to implement provisions of WIPO Internet Treaties concerning protection of right management information,mainly vary in five aspects:definition of right management information,acts to be sanctioned,knowledge requirement,limitations or exceptions of liabilities,and forms of legal remedies.The Draft for the 3rd revision of China Copyright Law promulgates more detailed and reasonable provisions on the protection of right management information.However,it still has some inherent flaws which need further clarification.

Key wotds:right management information;wipo internet treaties;third revision of china copyright law

Chinese LocaI Govetnment's Behaviot undet FiscaI DecenttaIization and Non-Economic PubIic Goods Ptovision —Undet the Viewpoint of New InstitutionaI Economics

YU Zhi-qian,LI Yu-fang
1.School of Economics and Statistics,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006,China;2.Economic College,Jinan University Guangzhou 510632,China

Absttact:This paper makes use of the new institutional economics to study the performance of local government behavior under fiscal decentralization,and shows the relationship between non-economic public goods provision and local government behavior.We find that the local government is not interested to provide non-economic public goods under fiscal decentralization.Moreover,we develop a theoretical model to analyze how the local government under fiscal decentralization affects non-economic public goods,and find that fiscal competition between local governments has a negative impact on non-economic public goods provision,while local governance was a positive impact on non-economic public goods provision.

Key wotds:fiscal decentralization;local government behavior;non-economic public goods

Faith,Life and Text —Tty to TaIk about the ReIationship between IdeaIist Ba jin's Life and Text

School of Literature and Journalism,Shandong University,Jinan 250100,China

Oxygen isotopic ratios of 18O/17O in molecular clouds with different Galactocentric distance
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