English Abstracts

2016-11-25 21:59FromRealTimeJudgmentsToHistoricalAcceptationsOntheEvolvementofJiaSidaoImageinPoetry
暨南学报(哲学社会科学版) 2016年3期

From Real-Time Judgments To Historical Acceptations——On the Evolvement of Jia Si-dao Image in Poetry

ZHANG Chun-xiao

Chinese Literature College,Jinan University Guangzhou 510632,China

English Abstracts

From Real-Time Judgments To Historical Acceptations——On the Evolvement of Jia Si-dao Image in Poetry

ZHANG Chun-xiao

Chinese Literature College,Jinan University Guangzhou 510632,China

Abstract:In the late Song Dynasty,there were some folk poems satirizing the policies made by Jia Si-dao,the powerful minister.Accord with the time past,from current affairs irony to rethinking of Song Dynasty death,then to the poem on history in Ming and Qing Dynasty,Jia Si-dao image in poetry had been added much more profound consideration and prejudice.All these changed with the different time and the values.That shows the expression of literary and the acceptation of history to Jia Si-dao image and the historical phenomenon he was on behalf of. As a branch of ecofeminism,vegetarian ecofeminism brings non-human animals into its research framework,and points out the relationship among species,races,classes,gender and nature.This paper aims at exploring vegetarian ecofeminism's ethical orientation through its dietary choice.Firstly,vegetarian ecofeminism denounces the ontologization of animals by the carnivorous culture,which results in the objectification of animals.It proposes life ethic as a way to restore animal subjectivity.Secondly,vegetarian ecofeminism criticizes the social,historical and political factors behind meat production and meat consumption,and advocates care and sympathy to animal subjects of moral standing.Finally,vegetarian ecofeminism notices that vegetarianism has its own cultural contexts,thus puts forward principles of interspecies justice.The pluralistic and inclusive way of thinking opens up a wider ethic space for vegetarian ecofeminism and reflects its humanitarian spirit. Monogamy with several concubines is the common form of marriage system in ancient China.However there has been a kind of system called“PingQi”existed at that moment.The penalty of“PingQi”which had caused by bigamy and took concubine as a wife been reduced.Both ofbook=135,ebook=135“PingQi”in“two-wife”phenomenon and “PingQi”in“dual inheritance”phenomenon are belong to“PingQi”but follow the different logic,and the ritual,law,folk custom behind them also follow the different way. The retained land resettlement compensation mode as an innovative placement measure the income increase of the farmers' property it that expropriated,its effectiveness that depends on the effective development and utilization for the retained land.From the perspective of benefit game,this article reviews the exploration and practice of the institution of development and utilization of the retained land.It would like to reveal the different types of development and utilization of the retained land and the benefit game in the participation,put forward the path on institutional innovation of the development and utilization of the retained land in land expropriation,in order to provide the constructive ideas into improve the land acquisition compensation and resettlement system. Today the long-term use right of housing land use right in the property law and related legal is still not clearly.How to understand“the longterm use rights”,there're many face to the disputes on the differences in theory and practice.Accurately,determine the deadline of housing land use right,according to the related theory and practice need to explore:“long-term use right of housing land in different legal relationships should have different connotations.In dealing with the relations how to collective rights to the members,should hold new theory of co-ownership should be necessary,used for a long time means that the permanent use.The legal relationship in the transfer of land use right from the member of the collective to other should hold the similar theory of ownership.It should set the superficies on the rights could be sited,and shohld to set specific deadlines.In this case,it can be proved from the aspects of the nature,function,the system of housing land use right dilemma and to pass into the direction of reform,etc. In the new media era,journalism and communication education should be repositioned in accordance to the new industry environment and market demands.The paper argues that the overall paradigm of journalism and communication education should change from“journalistic communication”to“public communication”.Firstly,from the perspective of disciplinary development and educational integration,it is necessary to reconstruct the theory,research and education of journalism study by refering to the disciplinary system of communication study.Secondly,from the perspective of the purpose of journalism education,it's a vital change to educate public communication talents for all kinds of institutions,instead of only educating journalistic talents for media institutions.Thirdly,from the perspective of normative theory and empirical theory,there could be a good opportunity for eduction reform if the normative theory of journalism study is transformed by refereing to the empirical theory of communication study. In this paper,college students are studied through an analysis of the data from“Shanghai undergraduate smart mobile applications(APP)basic usage survey”to investigate the basic situation of the usage of APP by college students in Shanghai.The study found that the usage of APP by college students in Shanghai presents two dimensions including a large amount of time and a decentralized state;“information search”and“instant messaging”are the most frequently used APP functions with the highest degree of satisfaction; all kinds of news and information APPs show less frequency and lower credibility. Based on the data of Chinese A shares listing company from 2007 to 2013,this paper empirically tests whether relative performance evaluation(RPE)was used in management compensation contract.The result shows that RPE was widely used in the enterprises.And the enterprises in the area with higher market-based degree were more inclined to use RPE.Further study found that in the region of higher degree of market development,non-state-owned enterprises were more likely to implement RPE than state-owned enterprises.

Key words:Jia Si-dao; real-time judgments; historical acceptations vegetarian ecofeminism; meat-eating; meat production; meat consumption;animal ethics “PingQi”; ritual; law;folk custom retained land resettlement mode; retained land in land expropriation ; development and utilization of retained land in land expropriation;benefit game the right of rural housing land; new theory of co-ownership the usufructuary right; long-term use “state film”; mobile cinema; the “Big Triangle”region;fieldwork journalistic communication; education paradigm;public communication HPP;college students in Shanghai independent directors; cumulative voting; shareholders tunneling; reward for reputation marketization; management compensation; relative performance evaluation
On the Animal Ethics of Vegetarian Ecofeminism
YUAN Xia(1,2)1.School of Foreign Studies,Nanjing UniversityNanjing 210023,China;2.School of Foreign Languages and CulturesNanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China

Research of“PingQi”in Ancient China from Legal Perspective

WANG Wei-ming

Law School,China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing 100088,China

State Film: a Field Research on Mobile Cinema in“The Big Triangle”Area of Yunnan-Sichuan-Tibet

GUO Jian-bin
College of Journalism,Yunnan University Kunming 650504,China

Abstract: In this paper,the author coined the concept“State film”,which refers to the state's penetration in the practices of film creation,production,distribution,projection and viewing activity.The implications of this concept are reflected in dimensions including state's production and distribution of films,state's reconstruction of film discourses,the establishment of projection network and viewing activities.The paper examined the concept by paying attention to the practice of mobile cinema in the“Big Triangle”area.This study presents the mutual configuration of the state and the local through mobile cinema in the last 60 years.

Independent Directors Corporate Governance and Reputation Reward——Evidence from Cumulative Voting of Independent Directors

HAN Qing

Management School,Jinan University Guangzhou 510632,China

Abstract: Independent Directors' responsiveness to shareholders helps to alleviate conflicts among different groups of shareholders,and cumulative voting contributes to practice of this function.When cumulative voting plays a role in the system of corporate governance,minor shareholders who were not aware of power of voting or would like to take a free ride are possible to trade their voting rights.Independent directors supported by minor shareholders are reluctant to take compromise offered by major shareholders,which refines supervisions over tunneling or other fund transferring initiated by major shareholders.Meanwhile,during this process,potential employers have a better understanding of independent directors' duties from highly competitive cumulative voting and intense media coverage on news of subsequent proxy fight,which will be converted into increases in the number of directorship of other companies and in the amount of salary.Therefore,Independent directors' reputations are recognized and rewarded,and their behaviors are disciplined in a concreted way.In a long run,cumulative voting should be considered as stimulus to the reputation-reward system,leading to a virtuous turnover cycle which stays attractive to competent independent directors.

Marketization,Management Compensation and Relative Performance Evaluation——Based on Empirical Evidence from Chinese A Shares

ZHANG Dun-li,WANG Yan-hua
School of Accounting,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan 430073,China

[责任编辑 丛 敏]

English Abstracts
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English Abstracts
EngIish Absttacts
English Abstracts