
2015-03-19 22:41:26广东外语外贸大学
外文研究 2015年3期

广东外语外贸大学 唐 芳


广东外语外贸大学 唐 芳








第二章论述国外口译研究的过去与现在。作者依照Gile(1994)的划分阐述了国外口译研究的4个发展阶段:20世纪50年代为起始阶段、60年代末至70年代初为实验心理学研究阶段、70年代至80年代中期为“口译实践型研究者”阶段、80年代末至今为口译研究“新兴期”。本章还专设一节对国外口译研究领域的代表人物及其理论展开介绍,包括Pöchhacker及其著作《口译研究概述》(IntroducingInterpretingStudies)与《口译研究读本》(TheInterpretingStudiesReader)(与Miriam Shlesinger合编)、巴黎学派及其释意理论、吉尔及其“认知负荷模型”。本章还基于对近20年国外口译研究文献的计量分析引申出其4大发展态势:研究主题多样,既有交替传译研究又有同声传译研究,既有口译过程研究又不乏口译产品研究;形成了较为成熟的口译研究范式;重点集中于以实证研究为主的认知研究(该类研究多以实验法而非观察法收集数据);出现了“社会性转向”(逐渐重视考察口译作为一种社会文化交际活动的本质特征)。

第二部分“学科理论与方法论”包含第三章与第四章,由仲伟合与王斌华共同撰写。第三章厘清了口译研究作为一门学科的研究对象、学科发展史、学科定位、学科框架及主要研究视角。一个学科形成的最核心课题即确定研究对象,因此本章开篇即为定义口译并归纳出口译区别于笔译的“3大特征”:源语发布的单次性、口译过程的即时性、口译活动的现场性。作者还解析了学科定位,包括学科名称的形成及与翻译研究的关系,认为最有利于口译研究充分发展的学科定位应是,与笔译研究并列的一门属于“翻译学”(Translation Studies)学科之下的独立的子学科,其鲜明特点是“交叉学科”(interdiscipline)。作者还描绘出一幅口译研究的学科框架图,将其划分为“理论基础”与“应用研究”两大部分。理论基础又可包含“学科认识论”和“学科方法论”两条主线;应用研究的对象可细分为口译过程、产品、活动参与者等,应用研究的方法可包含观察法、实验法、理论思辨法等。在本章的最后一节,作者阐述了口译研究中看待口译活动的5大视角,将口译分别视为一种信息处理过程、可分解并学习的技能、一种认知处理过程、一种社会互动行为、一种社会文化活动。


第三部分“选题与方法”包含第五章至第十章。第五章关注口译过程,由赵南撰写。作者首先介绍了口译过程的内涵意义及相关的可应用的范式及模型,突显了过程研究需从认知心理学、心理语言学和神经生理学等学科进行大胆借鉴。第二节中作者分别综述了西方及国内以往重要的口译过程研究,而后总结了口译过程前阶段、中间阶段和后阶段中使用频率较高的几种研究方法,并用实例(如张群星 2010; Proverbioetal.2004)说明实验法在口译过程研究中的应用。最后作者提出了今后口译过程研究可深入探讨的几个研究课题。

第六章由王巍巍和庞焱介绍口译产品研究及其方法。基于Philip Kotler (2001: 409)的市场营销学理论,作者将口译产品分为4个层次:1)核心价值是辅助用户进行的“有效的多语言、跨文化交际沟通”;2)有形产品指具体语言和非语言行为;3)期待产品包括活动参与各方的期待,如用户期待、译员期待等;4)延伸产品可包含口译产品对社会历史文化的影响、社会对译员职业的认可程度等。在文献回顾中,作者首先依照Gile (1994)上述的口译研究4大发展阶段进行,再从不同层次的产品维度展开,而后按产品的不同层次依次总结了口译产品研究的常用方法,如对有形产品的研究多用观察法和实验法,对延伸产品的研究多用理论思辨法和文献研究法,最后用3个实例展示了有形产品的实验法研究、期待产品的调查法研究及延伸产品的文献法研究。

第七章聚焦于口译质量评估研究,由钱芳撰写。作者首先依照Moser-Mercer (1996)对该类研究的分类,从面向职业实践的口译质量评估、面向口译教学的评估以及面向口译研究的评估3个侧面回顾中西方以往的口译质量评估研究。而后作者梳理了常用的研究方法并在结尾对进一步研究提出了建议。

第八章由陈定刚梳理口译职业活动研究及其方法。作者从口译史研究、口译的职业规范研究和口译社会学研究3个维度着手,简述了中国和西方的口译发展史,得出口译史研究可按编年史、专门史和人物史3种方法展开。作者将口译职业规范研究分为行业标准研究、职业伦理道德研究和行业资格认证研究3大类。首先介绍我国和西方的口译行业标准,而后区分了两者的差异并总结了常用的研究方法:横向对比法和问卷调查法。国内甚少有针对口译职业伦理的研究,而西方也多是针对翻译活动而非口译活动,因此作者只简要总结了Anthony Pym等学者的观点和Andrew Chesterman的伦理模式。行业资格认证方面,作者介绍了我国与西方的认证机构及相关的研究方法,如对比研究和问卷调查研究。关于口译社会学研究,作者基于对以往口译工作条件和译员社会地位研究的梳理,总结出3种常用的研究方法:系统方法、调查法及现场观察法。


第十章由王斌华介绍口译研究方法的一个最新进展——语料库口译研究。口译研究长期以来的困境便是“缺乏生态效度”且“数据规模偏小”,基于语料库的研究能带领口译研究走出困境,“得出具有普遍性意义的研究结论”(王斌华 2012: 94)。作者点明了这类研究面临的困境及发挥的作用,通过案例概述廓清了该类研究已涉及的领域,包含口译产品的特征研究、译员表现和口译评估研究、口译策略研究及口译教学应用等。对如何用语料库开展口译研究,作者从口译语料库的创建和应用两方面展开讨论。在语料库的创建方面,作者详述了5个必要步骤,即语料的收集、转写、对齐、赋码及标注、入库与检索。在应用方面,目前可针对平行语料库、类比语料库或翻译语料库运用ParaConc和WordSmith等软件实现对语料的标准类符/形符比和词频的统计以及对关键词和其他标注特征的检索。



首先,高屋建瓴,宏观统筹。作为国内首部口译研究方法论著作,该书填补了研究生阶段“口译研究”课程无本可循的空白,集中体现了国内学者对口译研究自身认识的不断深化,从宏观角度统筹了学科发展脉络,阐明了口译研究的“名”与“实”(仲伟合、王斌华 2010),廓清了口译研究的学科理论框架,标志着中国的口译研究已经步入一个成熟的发展阶段,也将推动口译研究学科继续扬帆远行。








Gile, D.1994.A communication-oriented analysis of quality in nonliterary translation and interpretation[A].L.Larson (ed.).Translation:TheoryandPractice,TensionandInterdependence[C].Binghamton: SUNY.188-200.

Kotler, P.2001.MarketingManagement[M].New York: Pearson Education.

Moser-Mercer, B.1996.Quality in interpreting: Some methodological issues[J].TheInterpreters’Newsletter7: 43-55.

Pöchhacker, F.2004.IntroducingInterpretingStudies[M].Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Pöchhacker, F.& M.Shlesinger.2002.TheInterpretingStudiesReader[M].London: Routledge.

Proverbio, A.M.etal.2004.Language switching mechanisms in simultaneous interpreters: An ERP study[J].Neuropsychologia(12): 1636-1656.

唐 笙, 周珏良.1958.口译工作及口译工作者的培养[J].西方语文 (3): 321-327.

王斌华.2012.语料库口译研究——口译产品研究方法的突破[J].中国外语 (3): 94-100.

张群星.2010.交替传译中脱离语言外壳的认知机制: 基于学生译员的实验研究[D].博士学位论文.广东外语外贸大学.

仲伟合等.2012.口译研究方法论[M].北京: 外语教学与研究出版社.

仲伟合, 王斌华.2010.口译研究的“名”与“实”——口译研究的学科理论建构之一[J].中国翻译 (5):7-11.

(责任编辑 侯 健)

s of Papers in This Issue

The prominent coding levels of the locative roles: A cognitive grammar approach(p.3)

WANGYina(School of Foreign languages, Beihang University,Beijing 100191, China)

This paper discusses the prominent coding levels of the locative roles within the framework of cognitive grammar.It claims that setting and location are two background roles at different conceptual levels, and their prominence is also represented at different levels in their marked coding, from the aspects of construal, Location, as the landmark of the focal participant, can be elevated to the object or subject position, when the located participant and its process are non-specified; Setting, on the other hand, cannot normally be elevated to the object position.As it is conceptually close to the viewer, setting-subject can be construed as a referential metonymy of the generalized experiencer in its located event; abstract setting can also be prominent, as the result of the speaker’s impersonalization of the propositional event.

Tense pattern in the English abstracts of agricultural M.A.theses and its pedagogical implication (p.10)

JUZhiqin(School of Foreign Languages, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, China)

The English abstracts of agricultural M.A.theses can be viewed as an independent genre, whose macro-structure consists of three moves, namely, research status quo, research presentation and experiment notification.All these moves are supposed to fulfill certain communicative purposes.At the micro-level, the communicative purposes are realized by lexical-grammatical strategies, such as tense.Authors choose different tenses to achieve different communicative purposes.In this paper, we compared the English abstracts of agricultural M.A.theses by Chinese students and students from English-speaking countries, and found that Chinese students had grasped the correlation pattern between moves and choice of tense, but they were less keen in sense.We analyzed the reasons for these differences and proposed suggestions for teaching practice.

A general survey of the research on the control construction(p.16)

WANGHeyu(School of Foreign Languages, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China)

Empirically,the control construction involves distribution and referential identification of PRO subject in non-finite clauses.Theoretically, investigating the control construction concerns the theories of empty categories, abstract case, finiteness and locality.Relevant research either highlights the variations, denying the syntactic analysis of the control phenomena, or attempts to pattern control with the raising construction.To lessen the tension between descriptive exhaustiveness and explanatory adequacy, the multi-modular approach turns out to be a best choice.Young children’s linguistic output provides cross-linguistic evidence for early child control and for the continuity view of language acquisition, i.e., the knowledge of the control construction is a part of Universal Grammar.Future research should focus on four topics: (i)to address the control construction in minimalism; (ii)to define and analyze the control construction in Mandarin Chinese, (iii)to explore the control phenomena in other non-finite clauses and nominalized phrases, and (iv)to further the empirical study on child acquisition of the control construction.

Degree semantics and the semantics of “Adverb-Adjective” combinations: A case study ofzhen-jia(true-false)(p.25)

LUOQiongpeng(College of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China)

This paper investigates the semantics of “adverb-adjective” combinations by takingzhen-jia(true-false)as the case study.It is proposed thatjiadenotes a two-place relation from individuals to degrees along the scale of “deviation from truth”.Zhen-jiameans some individual x whose degree of similarity to the stereotypical value of “deviation from truth” (represented by “0”)is very large.This novel semantics not only nicely captures the semantics ofzhen-jia, but also has some implications for the study of the combinations of degree adverbs and (gradable)adjectives in general.

Doubts on the hypothesis that Chinese is a non-case-marking language(p.32)

ZHANGPeicui(School of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

MABaopeng(School of Foreign Studies, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China)

The paper argues that Hu’s (2007)proposal that Chinese is a non-case-marking language does not have a sound ground.For one thing, he does not provide enough (cross-)linguistic data to support his hypothesis; for another thing, the Chinese data he relies upon can be explained in the framework of Generative Grammar.After a careful examination of Hu’s hypotheses, data and argumentation, the current paper believes that it is still too early to propose that Chinese is no-case-marking language.

A study on the anaphor mechanism of Chinesezijithrough a language chain(p.41)

ANFengcun(School of Foreign Languages, Yanbian University, Yanji 133002, China)

Dynamic anaphoric relations of Chinesezijiare reflected in Chinese sentences.According to the syntactic distribution and anaphoric relation ofziji, it is not the simple reflexive pronoun.Chinesezijihas the feature of [+anaphor, +pron], which causes the usages ofzijimore complex.On the basis of properties and distributions ofziji, the thesis brings in a free empty category as e, and forms an anaphoric language chain of “antecedent-e-ziji” with the combination structure of e-ziji, which can help to explain the anaphoric issues onziji.

Narrative and witness: E.L.Doctorow’s historical fiction(p.49)

TANGWei(School of Foreign Languages, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)

E.L.Doctorow is one of the most prominent novelists in contemporary America.He specializes in the fictional representation of American history and develops a particular form of historical fiction by being artistically venturesome and socially conscientious.This paper explores Doctorow’s ideas on the relationship between narrative and reality, myth and history, fiction and witness, and indicates that his writing can help the reader realize the ambiguity of reality, the complexity of history and the importance of bearing witness to history through a discussion of three novels,CityofGod,TheMarchandHomerandLangley.

Healing function of Brooklyn—Trauma recovery inTheBrooklynFollies(p.56)

XUEYufeng(School of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

Brooklyn is “New York and yet not New York.” Over years of development, Brooklyn has been a city of multiple cultures, attracting numerous scholars and immigrants from all over the world.InTheBrooklynFollies, the American contemporary writer Paul Auster describes such a warm Brooklyn “cultural region”, full of colorful cultures, and a lovely place for Nathan and other characters to cure their traumas.“Positive writing,” kinship and love are the three most important things in Nathan’s trauma recovery in his hometown Brooklyn.

On the qualifications of the translators of pictures books: Exemplified by the picture books translated into Chinese(p.62)

DONGHaiya(School of Education, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China)

Over the past decade, an increasing number of picture books from other countries have been translated into Chinese in an unprecedented speed and scale, but the quality of the translation is problematic and worthy of attention.The paper argues that a good translator of picture books should not only be very proficient in foreign languages and familiar with the typical features of children’s speech, but be equipped with wide knowledge of pictures books and strong abilities to read visual images.Besides, he should also avoid making judgement in the translation and intervening in the relationship between the author and the young readers of the original text.

“Death of author”, “death of translator” and arbitrary, confusing translation criticism(p.67)

HERuiqing(College of Foreign Languages, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088, China)

MAHuijuan(Translation Studies Center, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing 100089, China)

“Death of Author”, and “Death of Translator”, as the basis for irrational Western theories of literary criticism, have led to arbitrary and confusing translation criticism.Due to “Death of Author”, readers can interpret any text freely, the agency of a translator is put into too free play,and there is no objective and universal criterion for translation criticism.Due to “Death of Translator”, translated work was mistaken for non-translated work, translation evaluation was mistaken for translation criticism or literary criticism, and the criticism overlooked the author and the translator, but overstressed the readers.The paper made comments on five kinds of arbitrary, confusing translation criticism related to Hermeneutics, which resulted from two wrong hypotheses, the critic’s failure to understand the essence of the relevant theory, and to realize the application scope of the theory, and to choose the right theory in line with the identity of the critic.

On the Chinese translation of psychoanalytic theory(p.73)

SUNYangyang(Department of Foreign Languages, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 211198, China)

This paper reflects the Chinese translation works of Freud and discusses translation from both spiritual and cultural aspects through psychoanalytic theory.It puts forward a multi-faceted attempt to translate psychoanalytic theory.From the perspective of psychoanalysis, this paper analyses the psychoanalytic language used in the Chinese translation and its availability.

Translation and communication model of Chinese culture going out from the perspective of communication studies: WithSunTzu’sArtofWarin English world as an example(p.79)

XIEKe&LIYi(School of Foreign Languages, Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, Chongqing 402160, China)

This paper points out that the essence of making Chinese culture go out through translation is intercultural communication and only by abiding by communication laws can the expected goal be achieved.On the basis of Lasswell’s 5W Communication Model, the paper raises 5W translation and communication model, and analyzes the communication process and effect ofSunTzu’sArtofWarin three different stages in the light of 5W translation and communication model.The research finds out that all the cases that have achieved good communication effects in three different stages have abided by 5W model.The paper explores the translation and communication model of Chinese culture going out and it believes that 5W model can provide a reference for Chinese culture going out.

An analysis on the translational features of the English versions of Chinese poems: A corpus-based study(p.85)

GAOBo(Non-English Department, Nankai University Binhai College, Tianjin 300270, China)

With the help of corpus technique, this paper attempts to investigate the translational features of the English versions of Chinese poems by means of comparing them with non-translated English poems in lexical, syntactical and textual level.The results show that translated poems tend to use more various vocabularies and they also manifest the tendency of explicitation and normalization in both syntactical and textual level.All the results are not only relevant to the intralingual expansion of the translated language, but more importantly, related to the special literary genre of poetry.

Review ofConstructionGrammarandItsApplicationtoEnglish(p.92)

YANGLimei&NIUBaoyi(School of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

The article reviewsConstructionGrammarandItsApplicationtoEnglishpublished by Edinburgh University Press in 2014,which elaborates on central concepts of Construction Grammar, as applied to English and explains how the theory of Construction Grammar relates to issues of language processing, language acquisition, and language variation and change.As the first textbook to offer an introduction to Construction Grammar, as applied to English, the book plays an important role in deepening people’s understanding on Construction Grammar.

Review ofRelabeling(p.95)

SUNWentong(Foreign Language Department, Zhengzhou Chenggong University of Finance and Economics, Zhengzhou 451200, China)

Relabelingdoes a comprehensive research on the label shift in the process of syntactic computation, representing the latest academic achievement in the generative literature.The operation Probing Algorithm put forward in the book reinterprets such linguistic phenomena as relativization, successive-cyclic movement constraints, structural islands, etc.from a new theoretical standpoint.It can also provide a brand-new methodology to the study of the grammar of Mandarin Chinese.

Review ofMethodologyinInterpretingStudies(p.100)

TANGFang(School of Interpreting and Translation Studies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, China)

Written by Prof.Zhong Weihe and his Interpreting Studies Team,MethodologyinInterpretingStudies(2012)is China’s first academic monograph focusing on an under-researched topic in Interpreting Studies—the methodology.The book not only reviews the history and the current status of Interpreting Studies at home and abroad but also presents promising topics and feasible approaches, which provides Chinese researchers with comprehensive perspectives and precise tools for their further investigation on interpreting.






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