
2015-03-14 02:19胡一君
水利经济 2015年5期

胡一君,周 健,舒 欢

(河海大学商学院,江苏 南京 211100)



(河海大学商学院,江苏 南京211100)









2.1 文化融合以及文化融合理论

a. 文化融合:即两种不同源的文化间在相互作用的过程,最终达到相互融合的和谐状态。不同源的文化是指这两种文化间的特性、表现形式均不同。

b. 文化融合理论:即通过分析文化适应的过程,采用文化融合思想,将两种文化适应的过程向统一化的路径发展,通过心理以及行为的双重融合,达到促进跨文化适应以及解决文化冲突的目的[12]。文化融合是两种文化间相互适应的一条路径,而文化融合理论则是在其基础上发展而成的一种学说。

2.2 国际工程项目文化融合与企业文化融合的区别



2.3 基于文化融合理论的跨文化风险的应对框架


图1 基于文化融合理论的跨文化风险应对框架

a. 以国际工程项目绩效目标为导向。国际工程项目是文化融合理论服务的具体对象,从国际工程项目绩效出发,可以使得文化融合工作更具有目标性,绩效的提升可以作为文化融合进程的考核依据之一,始终以工程项目绩效的提升为目标,从而避免文化融合工作的被动和盲目。

b. 动态性。跨文化风险在国际工程项目中无处不在,贯穿了项目实施整体,无论从不同阶段的角度还是同一阶段的不同时间节点,跨文化风险都在不停变动,文化融合的过程因而具有动态性。在文化融合的过程中需要信息的不断反馈和总结,从而不断进行文化融合各个维度工作的调整和优化,以实现最优管理。

c. 三维文化融合路径。已有文化融合理论的相关研究多以文化承载体——人为研究对象。从宏观层面研究文化融合过程,包括个人对不同文化背景下人行为的理解,双方文化共生到最终文化融合,对实践的指导意义不强。从图1可以看出,本文的研究对象是国际工程项目的实施过程,结合施工过程中包括人员、流程、组织在内的工作流程管理,将文化融合的路径从人员层级、工作环节以及实施阶段3个维度展开,最终实现国际工程项目实施阶段跨文化风险管理的创新。



3.1 人员层级维度


表1 巴基斯坦高摩赞工程风险管理现状调查问卷




3.2 工作环节维度



图2 国际工程项目文化融合过程分析



3.3 实施阶段维度









图3 基于三维文化融合的跨文化风险应对模型



5.1 项目跨文化风险识别



5.2 项目跨文化风险应对策略













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Water resource carrying capacity in coastal areas of Jiangsu Province:Example of Yancheng City/REN Li, et al (State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China; College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)

Abstract:The regional water resource carrying capacity is of great importance to the eco-environmental construction and socio-economic development. In the light of the principles for establishment of evaluation system of water resource carrying capacity, 3 sub-systems of water resources, socio-economy and eco-environment are listed for the development of Yancheng City. A fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model for water resource carrying capacity is established, and it is applied in Yancheng City. The results indicate that the development and utilization of water resources in Yancheng City has reached a considerable scale under the existing economic and technological conditions. The potential of water resources is relatively small, and the contradiction between water supply and demand is obvious. Some measures are proposed to improve the water resource carrying capacity. The correlation analysis and grey system theory are employed to systematically study the quantitative relationship between industrial structure and water consumption. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) Under the constraint of water resources, the development of the secondary industry should be actively and steadily promoted, and the heavy industry structure with high water consumption based on energy industries should be eliminated and optimized. (2) The tertiary industry should be vigorously developed. (3) The adjustment of agricultural structure and the restriction or suitable reduction of the development scale of the primary industry are the direction of the coordinated development of industrial structure and water resources in Shanxi Province. The index system for security standard evaluation of water sources and the grading standards are established by selecting 9 indexes from 3 aspects of water security, water quality security and management security. Due to the shortage of the best projection direction PP model in practical application, a new bionic swarm intelligence algorithm, social spiders optimization (SSO) algorithm, is used to search the optimal projection direction PP model, and an evaluation model of SSO-PP is proposed. The SSO algorithm is verified by using 5 high-dimension complex functions and is compared with the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The SSO-PP model is applied in the evaluation standards of an example. The results show that the SSO algorithm has better convergence precision and global optimization ability. The accuracy of PP evaluation model can be effectively improved by using the SSO algorithm to select the best projection direction of the PP model. The evaluation of Mudi River water source is “basically standard” and “standard” in 2010 and 2015 and “ideal” in 2020 and 2030. Taking the water ecosystem in Jiangsu Province for an example, the accounting method for the gross ecological product (GEP) is investigated. It is found that the GEP of water ecosystem in Jiangsu Province is 568.888 billion RMB Yuan in 2013, with 170.499 billion RMB Yuan more than that accounted by the GDP. It is concluded that the accounting system of GEP can evaluate the function and contribution of ecosystem and it can be regarded as an important index for the construction of ecological civilization. There is still no standard GEP accounting system in China, and the data missing and imperfection of pricing method lead to inaccuracies and lack of persuasion. The supervision and research of ecological products and service should be strengthened, and the pricing method for function of each index should be improved so as to establish an integrated GEP accounting system. Based on the relevant economic data from 1981 to 2013, the dynamic relationship between the total power of agricultural machinery and exports of agricultural products in China is studied from the perspective of empirical analysis by using the method of vector autoregression model (VAR model). The results show that there exists mutual causality between the level of agricultural technology and exports of agricultural products in China, and it is suitable to establish VAR model. The analysis of impulse response and the analysis of variance show that the level of agricultural technology has a positive long-term effect on exports of agricultural products in China. Finally, some suggestions are put forward. By establishing ten risk evaluation indices for an international BOT hydropower project, the weight of each index is quantitatively determined by using the entropy method. Based on the TOPSIS method, the positive and negative degrees of association from each project to the ideal solution are investigated and integrated. Thus a decision model of grey correlation method based on the entropy and TOPSIS is established to evaluate the investment risk of the international BOT hydropower project. Five typical international BOT projects are selected to make empirical analysis. The results show that the risks of international BOT hydropower projects can be analyzed by the proposed method effectively and objectively. The geological disaster risk, land acquisition risk, construction risk and economy and contract risk of international BOT hydropower projects have larger weights, while the government credit risk and infrastructure project risk have less effect owing to the relatively backward areas. Finally, the investment risks of five projects are analyzed and sorted by using the grey correlation decision model. According to the development status and problems in marine economy around the world, it is put forward that the policies and laws for supporting the development of marine economy in China are scarce, and there exist irrational structure of financial market and severe imbalance of financing structure. A regression analysis is performed by choosing the data from 11 provinces in China in 13 years in order to validate the positive effect of finance on marine economy and effect differences of various financial patterns. The results show that the finance and marine economy are correlated, but the effect is feeble on the whole, mainly relying on the bank deposit. Some measures are proposed for developing the marine finance: (1) establishment of multiple-financial institution system, improvement of policies and financing channels; (2) coordination of the regional development of marine finance; (3) increase of insurance industry in financial support for marine economy. On the basis of VFM theoretical analysis, the VFM evaluation systems in different countries are compared through correlation researches. According to the characteristics of the water projects, the VFM evaluation process of public-private partnership (PPP) projects in China is analyzed. From the perspective of both qualitative and quantitative analysis, the VFM evaluation methods for water projects under PPP model are studied, and it may provide basis for the establishment and improvement of the VFM decision-making evaluation system of water projects under PPP model. Based on information asymmetry and multiple identities of government in PPP public service projects, the possible collusion between government regulators and the project company is discussed considering different stages of the project implementation process. Under the premise of making reasonable assumptions on the behavior between government department and private capital in a water supply project, a game model among government department in charge, regulatory body and the project company is established. The main factors for the collusion are analyzed. Some precautions are proposed, including establishment of multi-stakeholder regulatory bodies and creation of competitive mechanism in procurement phase of social capital. Based on the investment into Xiluodu Hydropower Plant and the data of economy development in Yongshan County of Yunnan Province, the effects of hydropower construction on regional GDP, social consumption and residential income are investigated by using the Granger causal relation test. The results show that the construction and investment of Xiluodu Hydropower Plant have significant promotion on the increase of GDP, retail sales of social consumption products and disposable income of urban residents in Yongshan County but insignificant function on the increase of income per capita of rural residents. The local government should strengthen transfer payment intensity and promote the construction of infrastructural facility in rural areas and the urbanization process taking advantage of hydropower development so as to benefit more people. On the basis of analyzing the differences between project integration and enterprise integration, a framework model to deal with the cross-cultural risk of international projects is proposed. From three dimensions of staff level, work area and project team, the possible cross-cultural integration paths of international engineering projects are analyzed, and a three-dimensional cross-cultural risk response model is established. Finally, based on the Comal Zam project in Pakistan, the preceding cross-cultural risk is studied, and some specific response measures are put forward. Based on Nam Lik 1-2 Hydropower Station in Laos, the political, economic, policy and institutional characteristics of overseas projects at various stages of project initiation, reliability analysis, negotiation, approval, financing construction and operation are analyzed. Some measures are put forward as follows: risk prediction and mitigation should be highlighted in overseas investment projects, favorable policies should be fully used, satisfactory relationship with government and cooperative partners should be established and good brand should be constructed. Accordingly, it may provide useful reference for planning, financing, construction and operation of overseas investment projects. According to its actual situations, the raw water cost of Dazhangxi River Water Diversion Project in Fujian Province is calculated from three aspects of water resource cost, environmental engineering cost and opportunity cost. On the one hand, it can reflect the real raw water cost, on the other hand, the ecological compensation of the water source area is considered. It is conducive to the construction of ecological protection of water resource environment so as to fully mobilize the people in the water source areas to participate in the environmental protection. The benign operation of Dazhangxi River Water Diversion Project is ensured. It may provide a reference for calculation of raw water cost of other water diversion projects. In view of the higher water price of seawater desalination entering into urban water supply, the internal and external factors affecting the water-pricing of seawater desalination are studied. The water cost, reasonable profit and social acceptance are comprehensively analyzed. The pricing schemes for seawater desalination are investigated considering two dimensions of reasonable income of seawater desalination plants and acceptance level of users. Some price strategies and suggestions are put forward, including scientific use of cost control measures, further reduction of seawater desalination cost, establishment of smooth sales channel of seawater desalination products, improvement of water resource price formation mechanism and formulation of subsidy policies of seawater desalination. Based on the investigation of water utilization of public service in Beijing, the composition and water utilization structure of public service are analyzed to determine important part of water utilization. Some water-saving measures are proposed to improve public water use efficiency. The expectant achievement of the measures is measured. The main objective is contributing to further development in reducing public water use. The budget of basic construction projects of water conservancy is an important part of the department budget and the annual expenditure plan prepared for the completion of the basic construction projects of water conservancy. Under the background of new “Budget law of the People's Republic of China” and three-year medium-term fiscal planning management issued by China’s Ministry of Finance, the important role and characteristics of budget preparation of water conservancy construction projects in the new period are analyzed combined with the characteristics of water conservancy construction projects, that is, long period, various procedures and difficult technology, and the existing problems and countermeasures are put forward in order to provide some reference for the practices of budget preparation of basic construction projects of water conservancy. Under the support of later supporting policy of reservoir resettlement, the training programs of large and medium-sized reservoir resettlement have achieved a lot of results after several years of development. However, there exist many problems, such as enforcement of organization, active participation of resettlement and effectiveness of training. The role perspective provides a new exploration path to solve the above problems. On the basis of fully respecting the willing of the reservoir resettlement, the following measures are put forward: determination of role of the county level resettlement organization, change of thought and patterns of resettlement training, introduction of market competition mechanism, combination of product development projects of later supporting and promotion of resettlement village party branches and village committees.

Key words:water resource carrying capacity; fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method; index system; Yancheng City water resources; industrial structure; correlation analysis; Shanxi Province water source standard evaluation; index system; grading standard; SSO algorithm; projection pursuit; parameter optimization GEP; accounting system; water ecosystem; Jiangsu Province total power of agricultural machinery; export of agricultural product; vector autoregression model; impulse response; analysis of variance international BOT project; entropy method; grey correlation decision model; hydropower investment; hydropower project; risk assessment marine economy; marine finance; panel data; regression analysis PPP model; value for money; government procurement; decision evaluation; water project game theory; PPP model; water supply project; collusion; precaution hydropower development; economic development; Xiluodu Hydropower Plant; Yongshan County international engineering project; cross-cultural risk; response model; cultural integration theory overseas market; project investment; Nam Lik 1-2 Hydropower Station diversion project; raw water cost; opportunity cost; ecological compensation seawater desalination; urban water supply; influence factor; water-pricing strategy water for public service; potential of water saving; water utilization structure; Beijing City water conservancy; basic construction; budget preparation role perspective; reservoir resettlement; training

Industrial structure under constraint of water resources in Shanxi Province/YANG Lixia, et al (Shanxi Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Taiyuan 030002, China)

Application of SSO-PP model in security standard evaluation of water sources/CUI Dongwen, et al (Wenshan Water Bureau of Yunnan Province, Wenshan 663000, China)

Practice of gross ecological product (GEP) accounting:Example of water ecosystem in Jiangsu Province/WANG Baoqian, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Dynamic relationship between total power of agricultural machinery and exports of agricultural products in China :Analysis based on VAR model/LIU Shuangqin (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Risk assessment of international BOT hydropower investment based on entropy method and grey correlation analysis/WU Yepeng, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Effect of finance on marine economy/JING Lu, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China; Jiangsu Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center of World Water Valley and Water Ecological Civilization, Nanjing 211100, China; Institute of Industrial Economics of Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

VFM decision evaluation of water projects under public-private partnership model/ZHONG Yun, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China; Jiangsu Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center of World Water Valley and Water ecological civilization, Nanjing 211100, China)

Collusion of PPP public service projects based on game theory:Example of water supply projects/LEI Zhen, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Empirical study on effect of hydropower construction on development of regional economy:Example of Xiluodu Hydropower Plant in Yongshan County of Yunnan Province/ZHOU Ruimeng, et al (School of Humanities and Social Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 102488, China)

Three-dimensional response model for cross-cultural risk of international engineering projects based on cultural integration theory/HU Yijun, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Analysis of overseas investment projects based on Nam Lik 1-2 Hydropower Station in Laos/ZHANG Kun, et al (China Three Gorges Corporation, Beijing 100038, China)

Calculation of raw water cost of Dazhangxi River Water Diversion Project in Fujian Province/MA Jun, et al (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China; Post Doctoral Laboratory of Theoretical Economics,Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093;Synchronous Innovation Center of Jiangsu Coastal Development and Protection, Nanjing 210098)

Pricing strategy of seawater desalination entering into urban water supply/XING Shuying, et al (Institute of Seawater Desalination and Multipurpose Utilization, SOA, Tianjin 300192, China)

Water utilization structure and potential of water saving of Beijing’s public service/CHE Jianming, et al (Beijing Water-saving Management Center, Beijing 100142, China)

Thinking of strengthening budget preparation of basic construction projects of water conservancy in the new period/LIU Jianshu, et al (Bureau of Huaihe Project Construction & Management, Huaihe River Water Resources Commission, Bengbu 233001, China)

Training of large and medium-sized reservoir resettlement under role perspective/DU Xiuli, et al (Liangji Canal Management Office of Jining City, Jining 272000, China)






