(浙江省平阳中学,浙江 平阳 325400)
一、题目:Unit 2 English Around The World
T(引 入 话 题):We Chinese are all extremely proud that the 29th Olympics were held in China this August.What’s the official language spoken at the Olympics?Are you proud that you can understand English while watching games on TV?We have learened English for several
Q:When we talk about English study,what aspects we usually refer to?For example,pronunciation is often mentioned.What else?
学生分别说出了这个单元的新词汇如spelling,grammar,usage,expression,vocabulary等单词,然后教师总结Strategy(策略)1:Brain storm(通过头脑风暴回忆单词)
Step2.Rules of word formation
T(过渡):In modern times,more and more people around the world are learning English,no matter they are from the western or eastern part.然后在幻灯片上出现northern southern eastern modern这四个单词,并要求Pick out the one that does not fit each group.Then try to explain why.学生很容易说出modern词义与其他不同,其他都表示方向,这时教师再引导学生modern还与另外三个单词还在哪个方面存在不同,学生会想到另外三个单词都是有名词north,south,east加-ern构成,而modern中的ern并非后缀,教师总结名词east等+-ern→形容词。在这个例子充分讨论后,给学生更多的与这个单元新词汇相关的词,要求Pick out the one that does not fit each group.Then try to explain why.
2.frequently lonely gradually fluently
3.capital official national natural
4.wider latter hotter fatter
5.dislike disagree disappear discuss
2.形容词+-ly 副词
3.名词 +-al 形容词
在校对之后教师总结Strategy2:Rules of word formation(构词法可扩充词汇)
Pratice:Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the given words
Li Yang can speak English_______.He says if one wants to speak_______English,they must be active in class.
Shanghai,which lies in the_____of China,is attractive(吸引人的)to many people,especially those living in_______parts of China.
3.My English teacher advised us not to_________ (frequent)look up(查阅)new words while reading.At first,I_____ (like)the way,but________(gradual),I got used to it.
Step3.Guessing Game
1.at this time;now
2.to ask sb.to do sth.politely
3.in fact
4.a phrase(短语)which means “to use”
5.to use sth.as the starting point or reason(a phrase)
6.make a contribution to
教师板书该答案at present,request,actually,make use of,be based on,play a part,在校对过程中学生会有困难,特别是No.5和No.6,需要教师的帮助,教师也因此总结Strategy3:English explanation of a word/phrase.(英语释义有助于准确理解单词/短语)
Exercise:Complete the short passage,using the vocabulary we have reviewed.
________most middle students___________dictionaries to help study English. My English teacher says dictionaries __________important_____in our study and________each of us to buy one.There are many dictionaries,so our choice should____________our needs.______,the dictionary is more important than we expect.
Step4.Comparing synonymous
T(过渡):Many athletes go abroad to take part in all kinds of games,so many of them are learning English by heart,such as Yaoming.
A.such as/for example(choose to fill in the blanks)
Actually,many athletes________Yaoming and GuoJingjing are studying English.They study hard.________,Yao always carries an English book wherever he goes.
T:Can you tell me the differences between such as and for example?鼓励多个学生说出这两个的区别,教师再口头总结区别。之后进行巩固练习
1.吸烟有害健康。譬如它会伤害我们的肺 (lung)。
Smoking is bad for our health.For example,it will do harm to our lung.
2.在北京奥运会(the Beijing Olympics)期间我观看了很多球类比赛,如排球、篮球、乒乓球等。
I watched many ball games during the Beijing Olympics,such as volleyball,basketball,table tennis and so on.
B.because/because of
The opening ceremony was a great success because Zhang Yimou worked hard at it.
The opening ceremony was a great success_______ ____Zhang Yimou’s hard work.
教师总结Strategy4:To compare synonymous words or phrases(通过对比有助于更准确地使用近义词)
Make sentences,using because/because of参考词汇:injury n.伤 ,get injured v.受伤
这个单元学习了两个重要短语such as和because of,鉴于学生在实际运用中常常混淆such as与for example,because与because of,所以十分有必要在词汇复习时强化学生认识掌握他们的区别并会正确使用。这也是我们学习英语词汇经常遇到的一个难点——怎样区分近义词。
Step5.Different meanings of a word/phrase.
T(过渡)When Liuxiang gave up the race at the Olympics,the world were shocked and disappointed.Many reporters said to his coach“Give us a straight answer,please.”
幻灯片上打出“Give a straight answer,please.”
The word “straight”has the SAME meaning as the one in sentence_____.(D)
A.Go straight forward and then turn left.
B.Draw a straight line.
C.He went straight home after school.
D.Be straight with me.
校对时让学生弄清楚各个句子中的straight的词义、词性,然后教师总结Strategy5:Pay attention to different meanings of a word/phrase.(一词多义)
然后再呈现本单元的一个重要短语come up
Put the following sentences into Chinese.Pay more attention to the phrase “come up”.
A.The sun came up. a.升上地平线
B.The question will come up at the meeting. b.被提出,被讨论
C.He came up and said hello to us. c.走近
D.Something urgent(紧急)has come up. d.发生
Step6.Self Assessment
T:Boys and girls,we have reviewed vocabulary in Unit 2English Around The World.Now it’s time for you to make self-assessment.
The words you learnt(默写单词):
The phrases you learnt(默写短语):
The strategies you learnt(讨论并写下):
Do you use any other strategies?If so,tell the class and let others share.(讨论并写下):
在一两个学生的自评之后教师总结Strategy6:Making selfassessments is good for your study.
Review the useful words and expressions in this unit.
Finish self-assessments.
该课例是一个单元词汇的复习课,这堂课以English study和the Olympics为主线把词汇学习的多个策略串起来,可以说是词汇教学上的一个很大胆的尝试。在词汇的教学上层次性强,在每个策略指导时通常都是呈现词汇——总结学习策略———目标词汇的运用,而且形式多样,教学方法灵活,有brainstorm,guessing game,translations,making sentences,filling the blanks,multiple choices。学生思维整堂课都非常活跃,而且在笔者呈现词汇时他们很好地理解了词义,词的构成,在经过笔者的策略指导之后他们觉得茅塞顿开,恍然大悟原来可以运用这样的方法来学习英语单词,这也为他们接下来的目标语的运用打下扎实基础,所以学生在课堂上基本能当场正确使用这些词,如用because和because of分别说出刘翔放弃比赛的原因。笔者认为这是相当成功的单元词汇复习课,当然也存在以下几个问题: