
2014-12-08 11:24文/SelenaLarson译/Ce
新东方英语 2014年10期


I am currently enrolled in a free online Coursera1) class on terrorism through a university located in the Netherlands, in which I watch lectures and complete assignments from the comfort of my couch. As much as I enjoy the subject matter, though, completing the course in a timely fashion2) while maintaining a work-life balance has proven challenging.

I almost gave it up.

Instead of quitting altogether, I paid Coursera $49 to give me a “completion certificate” so Ill have a reward when I complete the course. Putting actual money on the line3) turned out to be all the incentive I needed to keep going.

Online education services like Udacity4) and Coursera bank on5) students like me to drive them to success. And if recent online course offerings are any indication, this year we might start to see a trend towards legitimacy and profitability that proves open education has staying power among the multitasking masses.

2013 proved to be a banner year6) for online education. Massive open online courses, sometimes called MOOCs, surged in popularity, due to advanced offerings and a promise to make university-level education accessible. But these companies also faced considerable scrutiny.

In attempting to disrupt traditional education and become a standard of online learning, MOOCs suffered very low retention and completion rates as well as skepticism surrounding their business models. Coursera, one of the most popular online education companies, averaged a retention rate of just four percent across all courses, according to Coursera cofounder Daphne Koller.

It appears education companies are ready to tackle low retention rates and carve out7) their niches8) in academia. With a few subtle changes, these startups could prove to the naysayers that online education is not only affordable, but also attractive to students and employers alike.

A Move to Legitimize

Coursera recently introduced “specialization certificates,” which awards students with certificates once they master a sequence of courses on a specific topic and complete a capstone9) (a.k.a. “senior”) project.

In an interview with ReadWrite10), Andrew Ng, cofounder and co-CEO of Coursera, said the goal of specialization certificates is to provide more meaningful credentials by putting together11) a full course of study.

Initially, the specialization certificate courses will focus on areas where jobs are in high-demand and could help students secure employment opportunities. For instance, a specialization in data science offered by Johns Hopkins University consists of nine courses, and a Virtual Teacher Program with the University of California at Irvine can be completed in just four courses.

In order to achieve a specialization certificate, students must pay a fee per course to receive verified certificates, which Ng says will drastically improve completion rates.

“We do believe doing a capstone project and earning a specialization certificate will provide greater incentive and motivation for students to complete,” he said.

In initial user tests surrounding the proposed specialization certificate program, Coursera found that introducing a capstone project increased students interest in completing the series of courses by 50 percent.

With Coursera, students can take a course for free or pay anywhere from $49 to $100 for a verified certificate through its Signature Track12) program. Ng said the completion rate for students who paid for courses to earn verified certificates was 63%—considerably higher than the average completion rate.

The majority of courses on Coursera and other online education services can be taken for free, though paid tiers13) offer more in-depth study, and in Courseras case, a more legitimate completion certificate.

On Udacity, another MOOC website, non-paying students have access to course videos and exercises and can view and manage their progress, but a paid subscription gives them access to in-class projects, feedback from instructors and a verified certificate.

Udacity takes a different approach to providing students with desirable classes or skills: The company teamed up with14) corporations including Cloudera15) and Salesforce16) to create industry-specific classes that allow students to achieve certificates recognized by the Open Education Alliance, a partnership between leading technology companies to further the education and adoption of technical skills.

Dont Call It a Major

When comparing a traditional college education to online-only programs, the new specialization certificates could be considered Courseras version of a degree. But Ng said thats not the way it was intended.

“Seventy-five percent of Coursera students today already have a degree,” he said. “We hope to see that these will be a complement to a degree.”

While Coursera is making a distinction between its services and brick-and-mortar17) universities, Udacity, Georgia Tech18), and AT&T19) have jointly developed an online masters degree in computer science that gives students an accredited20) university degree online for 20% less than on-campus tuition.

The worlds first massive online degree program started on January 15; nearly 2,400 people applied for the program, but only 375 students were accepted.

This isnt Udacitys first attempt to make its courses available to university students for credit. Last year, the company offered three online math classes to students at San Jose State University, but more students failed the online classes than students who took those courses in traditional settings.

Udacity is trying again with Georgia Tech. Depending on how well the program does, it could pave the way for more universities to partner with MOOCs and provide less-expensive degree programs to a larger audience.

The Tune Has Changed

Initially, founders of the MOOC movement—as well as proponents for free and open online education—heralded their creations as the next great education disrupter, a way for people who cant go to college to attain an inexpensive education.

Sebastian Thrun, founder of Udacity, a well-known Stanford academic and founder of the secretive Google X research lab21), largely ignored the initial statistics that proved a free, open online education might not be the future of learning after all. In some instances, Udacity courses have up to a 90% dropout rate, but that didnt stop the charismatic founder from touting the platforms successes.

Thrun has since admitted he may have been wrong. In a recent interview for Fast Company22), he said Udacity may not be fulfilling the goal of a complete education experience. He also said he doesnt even like the term “MOOC.”

“We were on the front pages of newspapers and magazines, and at the same time, I was realizing, we dont educate people as others wished, or as I wished. We have a lousy23) product.”

Students echo similar opinions.

Nathan Winn, a sales account manager in San Francisco, has signed up for and not completed three Coursera classes. Winn told me he thought the courses were interesting, but didnt provide the enrichment he was looking for.

Instead, he took a $600 course through Berkeley Extension, a continuing education branch of the University of California at Berkeley.

He said relying on the resources at Cal and investing a large sum of money encouraged him to complete the course. “It was expensive, but because I put that much money into it, I totally completed it.”

An Education Will Cost Money, Perhaps Just Not as Much

Open online educational companies are still experimenting to find the perfect model—one that benefits students, educators and the companies alike.

Legitimacy costs money. Its why traditional colleges and universities often charge exorbitant24) sums so you can receive a diploma with the institutions name on it.

If the recent efforts from Coursera and Udacity are any indication, a completely free education and certification will never be available, but as the price of admission increases, so might the promise of a complete, and authentic, online education.







































1. Coursera:一个提供免费公开在线课程的教育公司,由美国斯坦福大学两名计算机科学教授吴恩达(Andrew Ng)和达芙妮·科勒(Daphne Koller)联合创办,旨在同世界顶尖大学合作,在线提供免费的网络公开课程。

2. fashion [?f??(?)n] n. 方式;方法

3. put sth. on the line:使……处于危险之中;将……置于危险境地

4. Udacity:美国一家在线教育公司,总部位于加州帕洛阿尔托。

5. bank on:指望,依靠

6. banner year:丰收年,好年景

7. carve out:成功开创(事业);努力赢得(工作机会、合适的职位等)

8. niche [ni??] n. (对某人来说)适当的位置;合适的职位

9. capstone [?k?p?st??n] n. (尤指成就的)顶峰,顶点

10. ReadWrite:读写网,美国一家科技博客网站

11. put together:设计,创造,制订(协议、计划或产品)

12. Signature Track:签名认证,Coursera推出的一项收费认证服务,主要用于认证学习者的身份,以证明课程由本人完成。

13. tier [t??(r)] n. (组织或系统的)层;级

14. team up with:与……组队;与……协作

15. Cloudera:美国一家大数据软件创业公司,是云计算服务提供商。

16. Salesforce:美国一家客户关系管理(CRM)软件服务提供商

17. brick-and-mortar:(传统)实体的

18. Georgia Tech:佐治亚理工学院的英文简称,全称为Georgia Institute of Technology,是美国顶尖的理工学院。

19. AT&T:美国电话电报公司,是美国最大的本地和长途电话公司。

20. accredited [??kred?t?d] adj. 经官方认可(或承认)的

21. Google X research lab:谷歌X实验室,是谷歌最神秘的一个部门,位于旧金山,其机密程度堪比CIA,曾开发过谷歌眼镜和无人驾驶汽车等项目。

22. Fast Company:《快公司》,美国最具影响力的商业杂志之一

23. lousy [?la?zi] adj. 糟糕的;劣等的

24. exorbitant [?ɡ?z??(r)b?t?nt] adj. 索价过高的;过分的

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