孙 涛
(呼和浩特市第一中学,内蒙古 呼和浩特010030)
自2012年9月份以来,我校高一年段全体师生参加了国家 “十五”规划课题“英语报刊阅读辅助教学新模式的研究”的教学实验。在过去一年的教学实践中,我以21st Century Teens报刊阅读为平台,以课题研究为契机,实行小组合作学习,有效地突破了以往陈旧的英语阅读的教学模式,通过思考、调查、讨论、交流﹑合作等方式培养学生的阅读兴趣,把不同层次和不同类型的学生吸引和组织到读报活动中来,有效地促进师生课堂的互动,受到学生的欢迎,教学效果甚佳。现与大家进行分享交流。
“小组合作”模式可以帮助学生创设真实或半真实的英语语言环境中,通过学生间及师生间的合作交流,学生可以有效提高听、说、读、写、译的综合素质。因此,在每周一节的报刊阅读课上,我充分利用21st Century Teens尽可能地创设真实语境,利用科学灵活的设问调节广度和深度,最大限度的发挥“合作学习”在报刊阅读中的作用。
2.1.1 词汇学习
在学习过程中,21st Century Teens起到了很大的作用。它不仅帮助学生在阅读时扩充词汇量,而且还可以帮助学生在课堂上结合所学话题进行有效的词汇练习及输出。例如,在学习选修五Unit 5 First Aid时,刚讲完词汇,我让同学们利用所学来翻译21st Century Teens上读过的文章“Fighting the smog”。现展示如下:
Fighting the smog
①随着雾霾天气的广泛传播,口罩在人们的日常生活中起着重要作用。②雾霾不仅扰乱了人们的生活,且对人们的健康造成了危害,给人们的生活带来了巨大的压力。Indeed,according to the Ministry of environmental protection,③由于雾霾的频繁袭击,许多有呼吸疾病的人们正在住院治疗。④为了解决这个问题,政府采取了各种措施,因地而异。⑤为了重获蓝天,北京决定限制车辆使用。 ⑥其次,将利用先进技术生产更多环保车辆。⑦且大量的重污染工厂将被告知于明年关闭。⑧我们将拭目以待是否这些措施真正起作用。
①With smog becoming increasingly widespread,mask plays a vital role in people’s daily life. ② Smog hasn’t simply disturbed people’s lives—it still does harm to people’s health,bringing a lot of pressure on people’s living.Indeed,according to the Ministry of environmental protection.③because of the frequent smog,many people suffering from breathing diseases are under treatment in hospital.④To solve the problem,the government has taken various measures,varying from place to place.⑤To get back more blue skies,Beijing will limit the number of car application.⑥ What’s more,advanced technologies will be applied to producing more environmentally friendly cars.⑦Then,a number of heavy polluting factories are informed to be closed next year.⑧It remains to be seen whether the measures taken can really make any difference.
2.1.2 语法学习
在语法课上我通常找一些学生感兴趣的话题,让学生利用所学语法进行翻译练习,加深对语法的理解,达到学以致用的效果。下面这段短文是摘自一个小组读完“Shirley Temple”这篇的阅读心得,其中用到了许多最近课本所学的定语从句、非谓语动词与课文相关短语,实现了与课本的成功对接,相辅相成。
Shirley Temple
Born on April 23,1928 in California,Shirley Temple was considered one of the most successful child stars in the history of the films.Encouraged by her mother,she began to learn singing,dancing and acting when very young,laying a solid foundation for her later success.Starting her acting career at the age of 3,she impressed the audiences most with her sweet singing voice,the bright eyes and the beautiful curly hair.She became famous in 1934 when she was the box-office champion for her excellent performances.At the age of 7,she was the first child star to be awarded with Oscar.Hearing the news that she passed away,many Chinese fans were shocked,expressing it’s hard to accept.Good—bye Shirley Temple,our sweetheart!She will never be forgotten for the hope and love she brought has warmed us.
2.1.3 长难句分析、翻译
高考新题型对考生的阅读理解及语言应用能力提出了更高的要求。而在阅读中,学生最头疼的问题自然是长难句的分析理解。基于此,我在课上经常设置长难句翻译的任务,帮助学生培养阅读能力。例如:21st Century Teens 495期的Movie版面 An adventure at sea中的最后一段很难理解。经过小组合作讨论后,我们成功的译出了其中的深刻含义,大家受益匪浅。
原文:“On one level,this is a magical tale of survival,with boy and tiger facing off.On a deeper level,it’s a meditation on the role that faith plays in our lives and actions.”
2.1.4 话题交流
报刊上的话题新颖,很多话题是学生感兴趣并且愿意发表看法的。在教学中,我经常联系社会热点,将英语报刊与教学内容有机地结合起来,让小组同学翻译、讨论且对热点话题发表观点及评论。例如:在21st Century Teens 532期第二版的文章“Gaokao changes”时,我让学生用自己的语言介绍“高考改革”且发表对英语高考改革的评价。利用一节课的时间,每个小组认真讨论,交流看法,最后选一名组员代表总结发言,课堂效果很好。通过将英语报刊与课本进行有机整合,增强英语课堂教学的趣味性。
Gaokao concerns every Chinese family,a number of people treat it as a vital and life—altering exam.Any move about it make headline in China.Since September,a heated discussion swept the country after the announcement of the reform plan.However,does the change of total points make any difference to education reform? Opinions vary from person to person.Some students approved of it as it can possibly reduce their pressure and,to some extent,it can help little with education reform.More importantly,it can guide them to apply what they learned to practice.Others,though,have different opinions,saying in no case,should we give up learning English.First,with English becoming increasingly important,it goes against globalization.Second,it makes no sense to the exam—oriented exam system.It remains to be seen where the reform is in place.Where does it lead to?
高中学生思维敏捷,善于表现自己,也希望被倾听。采用小组讨论的方式比较适合他们的特点,有利于激发他们的互动。讨论式小组合作可以有效地促进生生间、师生间的讨论合作,能明显地体现出课程改革中学习方式的变革。我经常在课上设置如下内容进行讨论:1)对文章标题展开讨论;2)对文章体裁、写作特点等进行讨论;3)对文章的段落大意及主旨大意进行讨论;4)对文章的的写作背景、作者所持的态度和观点展开讨论。在给出适当启发引导后,我深入其中,与学生共同探讨或倾听学生的观点,发现问题且进行有针对性的指导、提问。讨论中,学生能积极参与且产生思想共鸣,从而增强在真实环境中表达自己的思想的能力。如:进行509期2版中的“Fight against smog”题目之后,我准备了4个问题:
(1)Why has “PM2.5” become a popular word?
(2)What is the cause of“PM2.5”?
(3)What harm can“PM2.5” particles do to people?
(4)What is the solution to the “PM2.5”pollution in China?What did Premier Wen Jiabao say about it?
如今,合作模式下的报刊阅读在高一年级已进行了一年的教学实践。老师们纷纷进行尝试,开展了各项活动。实践证明,小组合作下的英语报刊辅助教学是一种新型有效的方式,增强了学生学习英语的兴趣,提高了学生的阅读能力,培养了学生的团结合作意识,同时也开阔了学生的视野,丰富了教师的课堂教学。促进了教学的多边互动,使每个学生都能获得平等参与的机会。现代教学方法不再局限于传统的单向活动论和双向活动论,而是强调教学是一种多边活动,师生、生生、师师之间的多边互助。最大程度上形成了“英语互动课堂”。 经过一年的小组合作学习,班级的两极分化现象得到很大程度上的缓解,“小组合作学习”下的报刊阅读为学生提供了更多的语言实践的机会,为学生提供感受多种生活角色的机会,培养他们终身与英语报刊为伴的良好习惯。