
2014-06-23 19:02
纺织导报 2014年6期

在即将举办的ITMA ASIA + CITME 2014上,法国纺机将展出非常先进的创新产品。法国是世界第 6 大纺机出口国,年营业额超过10亿欧元(13亿美元),95%的产品出口到全世界。对中国的出口额约为 3 亿美元,占约7%的市场份额。


今年,法国纺机制造商将关注重点放在创新上,为客户提供专门设计的机器以及良好的服务,以帮助他们节能、节水。节能是中国及世界上其他国家和地区非常关注的重要话题。在这方面,我可以骄傲地说,在许多方面,仅在几年之内,节能已经达到30% ~ 40%。目前由我担任主席的法国纺机制造商协会(UCMTF)是欧洲机械纺织制造商协会(CEMATEX)的成员,也是ITMA展会品牌的拥有者。我们期望6月份在上海的参展取得圆满成功。同时,观众可登录www.ucmtf.com网站预先了解法国纺机制造商。

The French textile machinery, at next ITMA ASIA + CITME 2014, will be highly innovative.

Among other:

◇ NSC FIBRE TO YARN will showcase a new ERA combing machine and a new GN8 intersecting drawing machine

◇ LAROCHE, a new complete textile waste recycling line

◇ VERDOL, the GU Advantage, the new covering machine

◇ FIL CONTROL, new yarn cutters, sensors, and electronic devices

◇ PETIT, a very reactive process for spare parts

◇ AESA, a full solution for air conditioning

◇ SUPERBA, new technologies in continuous heat-setting

◇ DOLLFUS & MULLER, a new compacting felt for knit finishing

◇ and ST?UBLI, complete Jacquard installations on weaving machines and a new generation of rotary dobbies.

FRANCE is the 6th textile machinery exporter worldwide with an annual turnover of more than a billion Euros (1.3 billion USD). More than 95% is exported all over the world. In CHINA it is around 300 million USD which means that we have a market share of around 7%.

Innovation and service are our tradition, and they have been embedded in our DNA since Jacquard, the French inventor of the most sophisticated weaving technology.

This year, the French textile machinery manufacturers have focused their innovations to offer our customers specially designed machines, a very good service and help save energy and water. On energy savings, which is a major issue in CHINA and all over the world, I am proud to report that, in many examples, the energy savings achieved, in only a few years, have been in the range of 30% ~ 40%.

UCMTF, our organization which I have the honor to be the President, is a member of CEMATEX, owner of the ITMAs brands. We expect a very good attendance in June at ITMA ASIA 2014 in Shanghai. In the meantime, the visitors can prepare their visit on the web site www.ucmtf.com which is a hub to know more about the French machinery manufacturers.

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