优化阅读教学设计 培养学生思维能力

2014-04-29 00:44钱剑英
科学大众·教师版 2014年3期


摘 要:本文笔者思考的是如何改进阅读教学设计,让学生对阅读内容、阅读过程充满兴趣和好奇心,进而促进他们的思维发展,最后达到“有思想、有内容的表达”。

关键词:英语教学; 优化阅读教学设计; 培养思维能力

中图分类号:G633.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-3315(2014)03-014-003



笔者经历了近20年浙江省所有英语教学改革。80年代以《How Karl Marx Learned Foreign Languages》为代表的文学经典类教材用了将近15年,1996年由人民教育出版社和朗文出版集团有限公司合编了《高级中学教科书》,当时英语教师一片欢欣鼓舞,不管从听说还是读写都觉得有了时代感、有了生活气息,到了2003年,人民教育出版社英语室编著了《全日制普通高级中学教科书》,然后就是现行的教材。虽然现行教材还存在一些不足,但可以看出教材编写者一直在不断努力中。同时我们一线教师也从未停止过优化课堂教学的研究。本文笔者思考的是如何改进阅读教学设计,让学生对阅读内容、阅读过程充满兴趣和好奇心,进而促进他们的思维发展,最后达到“有思想、有内容的表达”。



本课例的文章《The Rescue》选自《全日制普通高级中学教科书(必修)》第一册第四单元。主要的教学目的是通过学生阅读文章,完成老师设置的教学任务,培养他们的思维能力。


步骤一: 导入

Today we are going to read a story “The Rescue” by DH Lawrence, who was one of the most famous writers in Britain. “Rescue” is the act of saving sb. or sth. from a dangerous or difficult situation. Can you name some dangerous or difficult situations in which people need rescue?

【预设答案】earthquake; flood; typhoon; hurricane; fire; robbery; war; explosion; traffic accidents; tsunami; lost in the forest; snow storm; sand storm, etc.



Activity 1: In the story, there are two main characters: Flora and Jeff. They are facing a dangerous situation. Read the first few sentences of the story and guess what it is?

Flora heard somebody shouting. She looked around and saw Jeff running. Before she could move, she heard a loud noise, which grew to a terrible roar.

【预设答案】A terrible flood was advancing towards Flora and Jeff.

【评析】阅读被看成是属于接受技能(Receptive Skill)的范畴,往往被看做是一种“被动”、“消极”地接受信息的过程。教师在阅读教学的过程中引导学生恰当地运用预测,能变“被动”为“主动”。由于它要求学生集中精力、开动脑筋,进行大胆、积极、富于创造性的思维活动,因此,它将极大调动学生参与意识,时刻准备接收所需信息的思维倾向。对于根据上述文本的预测,有学生认为是There was a terrible earthquake,也有学生认为是A building was falling down.

Activity 2: Read more sentences and you will have a clear idea.教师展示更多的文本信息。

She looked at Jeff, who was waving his arms. She looked around, behind her. There she saw a wall of water that was quickly advancing towards her. She was so surprised that she couldnt move. She wanted to watch it. However, before she could think twice, the water was upon her.

【评析】读到此处,学生恍然大悟,几乎齐声说 “A flood”.

Activity 3: What damage will a flood cause?

【预设答案】Things will be washed away; people will lose their lives; crops will be destroyed…

【评析】学生回答“a flood”后,教师顺势提问学生洪水会带来什么危害。目的是要求学生利用已知信息来限定将要阅读到的内容可能会涉及的范围,为了让学生积极思考,在阅读的过程中匹配自己预测的内容和最大限度地获取未知信息。

Activity4: Keep on reading till “Flora started crying” and underline the damage the flood caused. Dont worry about the missing words.

“____1___!”Jeff shouted, ____2___ her arm.

The next moment the first wave swept her down, swallowing the garden. Jeff __3___ her towards the house. Everything went so fast, she couldnt think. Before they reached the house, a new great wave came, sweeping down trees, and sweeping them down too. They both went down under water.

Then Jeff pulled her up. He was standing, __4____ a tree that grew against the wall. Floras head was above the water but she couldnt stand up. She ___5___, but could not get on her feet. Only his hand was holding her hand. She fought for her life, and finally ___6__. Now, the water, which was cold as ice and flowed faster than a river, was above her knees. Jeff and Flora looked into each others face with a look of fright.

“____7____!” Jeff shouted.

It was only just around the corner: four big steps! She looked at him, but she could not move. When the water seemed to go down a little, they ran. As they got to the steps, they heard another great roar, and the wall of the house shook. The water flowed around their legs again, but Jeff had opened the hall door.

Flora quickly began ___8___. Boom! Another wave struck the house, and a strange cracking noise again. The water moved up like a sea. Flora ran up the stairs. There she stopped, listening to the strange sounds, while the whole house moved. Flora, whose beautiful hair and dress were all cold and wet, started crying.

【预设答案】swallowed the garden; swept down trees; moved the hous……

【评析】 这一环节是引导学生自主查找、梳理信息点,主动建构信息网,以帮助学生对阅读文本的准确理解。

Activity 5: Flora and Jeff were in real danger. What do you think they should do?

【预设答案】climb to a high place; hold onto something firm or strong enough; catch sth which can float; call 110; send SOS signals etc.


Activity six: Finish the last part of the story and answer two questions:

“The house is falling down!” shouted Jeff. “Where is the chimney? Which room? The chimney will stand.”

Jeff looked out of the window. Below, the water swept past the house like a wild river. Tree after tree went down, cut down by the water, which must have been three meters deep. The garden that was once so beautiful was completely destroyed, swept away by the wild water.

A terrible noise went through the house. A part of the house had gone down and the floor moved up and down under their feet. For some moments both were silent.

“This will stand. This here will stand. See! That chimney! Like a tower. Yes! All right! All right!”

Question 1:What was Jeff looking for? Why?

Question 2:What does “stand” mean? Choose one sentence in which “stand” has the similar meaning as the one in the passage.

A.The salad improves if made in advance and left to stand.

B.Stand the plant in the open in a sunny, sheltered place.

C.There are very few buildings left standing.

D.I reached for the lamp, which stood in the middle of the table.

【預设答案】1. Jeff was looking for the chimney, because it was the highest place in the house.




seizing, run, pulled herself up, struggled and struggled, climbing the stairs, dragged, get to the steps, ran up, holding onto

Activity 1: Discuss with your partner and decide what the missing words should be. There are some words and expressions to help you.

What do the words and expressions have in common?

【预设答案】1.Run 2. seizing 3.dragged 4.holding onto 5.struggled and struggled 6.pulled herself up 7.Get to the steps8.climbing the stairs

All the words and expressions vividly convey the two main characters were eager to rescue themselves.



Activity 2:How did the writer describe the terrible flood? Read the whole story again and underline the words, phrases and sentences to describe the flood.




Activity 1:Since the writer did such a detailed and vivid description of the flood, can we use a “A Terrible Flood”to replace the title “The Rescue”?Why?

【评析】好标题应做到概括性、针对性、醒目性三原则的有机结合。本文虽然有大篇幅描写洪水的来势汹汹,但作者想突出的主题是主人公在如此凶猛的洪水中如何自救和互助,所以文章标题更适合用The Rescue,而不是A Terrible Flood. 这是训练学生们评判性思维能力。

Activity 2:The story we learned today is only part of a novel.What do you think will happen to Jeff and Flora?








[3]欧阳护华,熊涛.基于批评话语分析的三维批判性阅读模式[J] 广东外语外贸大学学报,(1):37-39,2013


