室内面积:320 m2(新建)
摄影:Nikita Wu
Author: Marco Casagrande
Location: Wenduine, Belgium
Measures: 45 m long, 10 m wide, 10 m high
Interior space: 320 m2
Completed: 2012
Photos: Nikita Wu
Sandworm is an organic structure/space/creature realized on the dunes of the Wenduine coastline, Belgium. The 45 meters long and 10 m wide and high installation moves freely inbetween architecture and environmental art and is constructed entirely out of willow following the local knowledge of a continuing interaction between work and environment. Casagrande worked hard with his team of young architects and local experts for 4 weeks in order to create something that he describes as “weak architecture” – a human made structure that wishes to become part of nature through flexibility and organic presence.
The visitors are describing the Sandworm as a willow cathedral finely tuned to celebrate the site specific conditions of the Wenduine tidal beaches. The space is used for picnics, relaxation and post industrial meditation.
“在沙虫建筑内部,你将见到一场自然的光影奇观。当时我被震撼到了:怎么会有人可以用这样简单的自然材料创造出如此令人惊艳的美!建筑师认为,建筑的控制性违背自然也因此违背建筑本身。这样的‘建造人文环境’能够协调人和大自然之间的关系,使之和谐共存。想要融入自然,人类必须是弱的。对芬兰艺术家马可·卡萨格兰而言,设计是先天不足的,设计不能取代现实。建筑必须超越一切地址场所,必须适应环境,它必须反映生命,也反映自身,就像其他所有生物一样。”— 彼得·拜延
“Inside the sandworm you are greeted by a natural spectacle of light and shadow. I was amazed.How you can create such beauty with such simple natural materials. The artist believes that architectural control goes against nature and thus also agains architecture. The built human environment is a mediator between human nature and nature itself. To be part of this, man must be weak. To the Finnish artist Marco Casagrande designing is not sufficient. Design should not replace reality. The building must grow out of the location, it must react to its environment, it must be a reflection of life and also be itself, as every other living being.” - Peter Beyen