李 明,李 玺*,权乾坤,袁海峰,李 源,王 娟
李 明1,李 玺1*,权乾坤1,袁海峰2,李 源3,王 娟4
(西安交通大学医学院第二附属医院:1老年病科,2脑病科,西安 710004;3西安市电力中心医院脑病科,西安 710032;4第四军医大学西京医院检验中心,西安 710032)
阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease,AD)的核心病理变化之一是神经原纤维缠结(neurofibrillary tangle,NFT)形成,其产生原因是tau蛋白过度磷酸化致使微管正常功能丧失所致[1]。并且NFT的数目与AD患者的痴呆程度密切相关[2]。研究表明,钙调神经磷酸酶(calcineurin,CaN)的活性下降在AD的tau蛋白异常磷酸化中发挥了重要的作用[3]。而且,CaN活性缺陷所致的tau蛋白异常磷酸化是一个可逆的生理过程,CaN激活剂有望在这一过程中扮演重要的角色。人参皂苷Rg1是人参的主要成分之一,有增强记忆和认知功能的作用[4]。目前研究已证实人参皂苷Rg1可以通过抑制细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶5(CDK5)的表达[5],下调蛋白激酶A(PKA)的表达[6]等途径以抑制tau蛋白磷酸化,但其对CaN的研究未见报道。因此,本实验采用磷酸酯酶抑制剂冈田酸(okadaic acid,OA)孵育大鼠脑片制备tau蛋白过度磷酸化AD大鼠脑片模型,观察人参皂苷Rg1对AD大鼠脑片模型中磷酸化tau蛋白(phosphorylated tau protein,P-tau)及CaN表达的影响,拟阐明人参皂苷Rg1是否通过上调CaN蛋白表达途径以降低AD大鼠脑片模型中P-tau水平,从而发挥抗痴呆作用。
1.4.1 AD大鼠脑片模型制备 SD大鼠经水合氯醛麻醉后,断头取脑,快速置于0~4℃的人工脑脊液冰水混合物中,振动切片机以振幅8档,速度3档行冠状切片所切脑片含皮质和海马,平均厚度400μm。挑选形态较好的脑片(含皮质和海马)置入盛有人工脑脊液的6孔板中孵育,温度(32.0±0.5)℃,整个过程人工脑脊液中持续通入混合氧气(95%O2+5%CO2)。人工脑脊液成分(mmol/L):NaCl 150,CaCl22,MgSO41.2,KH2PO40.5,K2HPO41.5,葡萄糖10,pH7.4。
1.4.2 分组及干预 脑片随机分为4组:对照组、模型组、人参皂苷Rg1组、人参皂苷Rg1+FK506组,每组10张脑片。人工脑脊液孵育1h,人参皂苷Rg1组加入人参皂苷Rg1 240μmol/L,人参皂苷Rg1+FK506组加入人参皂苷Rg1 240μmol/L、FK506 1.25μmol/L,培养2h,然后模型组、人参皂苷Rg1组和人参皂苷Rg1+FK506组分别加入OA(1μmol/L)孵育3h。对照组不加任何处理因素。
1.4.3 P-tau、CaN蛋白表达检测 干预结束后,各组大鼠脑片经4%多聚甲醛固定4h,然后转入30%蔗糖溶液浸泡至沉底,做冰冻切片,切片10μm厚,每张切片含皮层、海马、齿状回。采用免疫组化染色(SABC法)分别检测各组脑片皮质和海马P-tau、CaN的蛋白表达情况。P-tau(Ser202)、CaN一抗浓度分别为1∶1000和1∶600,染色步骤按说明书进行,PBS代替一抗作阴性对照。采用图像处理与分析系统检测脑片阳性反应物质的平均灰度值,每张切片同一区域中,随机选取6个视野,检测面积相同,取其平均灰度值代表该切片目标区域的蛋白表达水平。灰度值越低,阳性表达量越高,反之灰度值越高,阳性表达量越低。
表1 OA对AD大鼠培养脑片P-tau和CaN表达量的影响
OA: okadaic acid; AD: Alzheimer’s disease; CA1: CA1 area of hippocampus;CA3: CA3 area of hippocampus; DG: dentate gyrus. Compared with control group,*<0.05
图1 各组大鼠脑片CA3区P-tau蛋白表达(免疫组织化学染色,×400)
Figure 1 Expression of P-tau in CA3 of hippocampus in different groups (SABC ×400)
A: control group; B: model group; C: ginsenoside Rg1 group; D:ginsenoside Rg1+FK506 group. P-tau ( tan color ) is expressed in thecytoplasm of neurons in the brain slices, and P-tau expression is stronegest in model group, followed by ginsenoside Rg1+FK506 group, and the lowest in ginsenoside Rg1 and control groups
图2 各组大鼠脑片海马齿状回CaN蛋白表达(免疫组织化学染色,×400)
Figure 2 Expression of CaN protein in dentate gyrus of hippocampus in different groups (SABC ×400)
A: control group; B: model group; C: ginsenoside Rg1 group; D:ginsenoside Rg1+FK506 group. CaN (tan color) is expressed in thecytoplasm of neurons in the brain slices, and CaN expression is strongest in the control group, followed by ginsenoside Rg1 group, and the lowest in ginsenoside Rg1+FK506 and model groups
表2 人参皂苷Rg1对AD模型大鼠脑片P-tau表达的影响
AD: Alzheimer’s disease; CA1: CA1 area of hippocampus; CA3: CA3 area of hippocampus; DG: dentate gyrus. Compared with control group,*<0.05; compared with model group,#<0.05; compared with ginsenoside Rg1 group,△<0.05
表3 人参皂苷Rg1对AD模型大鼠脑片CaN表达的影响
CA1: CA1 area of hippocampus; CA3: CA3 area of hippocampus; DG: dentate gyrus. Compared with control group,*<0.05; compared with model group,#<0.05; compared with ginsenoside Rg1 group,△<0.05
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(编辑: 周宇红)
Effect of gensenoside Rg1 on tau phosphorylation in rat brain slice model of Alzheimer’s disease
LI Ming1, LI Xi1*, QUAN Qian-Kun1, YUAN Hai-Feng2, LI Yuan3, WANG Juan4
(1Department of Geriatrics,2Department of Encephalopathy, the Second Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710004, China;3Department of Encephalopathy, Xi’an Central Hospital of Electrical Power Inc, Xi’an 710032, China;4Center for Laboratory Medicine, Xijing Hospital, the Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an 710032, China)
To determine the effect of ginsenoside Rg1 on the expression of phosphorylated tau protein(P-tau) and calcineurin (CaN) in a rat brain slice model of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) induced by okadaic acid (OA), and to investigate whether gensenoside Rg1 inhibits tau phosphorylation through up-regulating CaN in the process.Brain slices (containing cerebral cortex and hippocampus) in 400 µm thickness were obtained from 5-week-old SD rats, and then randomly divided into control, model, ginsenoside Rg1 and ginsenoside Rg1+tacrolimus (FK506, CaN inhibitor) groups, with 10 slices in each group. All these brain slices were cultured with artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) firstly, and then ginsenoside Rg1 with or without FK506 was added into the ACSF of the corresponding groups for 2 h. Then, OA was administrated into ACSF of model, ginsenoside Rg1 and ginsenoside Rg1+FK506 groups separately for 3 h to induce tau phosphorylation to prepare AD model. There was no any intervention for the control group. Expression of P-tau and CaN proteins in brain slices as determined by immunohistochemical staining, and the results were analyzed by image acquisition and analysis system.Compared with the control group, the level of P-tau protein was significantly higher (<0.05) and that of CaN protein was obviously lower (<0.05) in the model group. Compared with the model group, the expression of P-tau was markedly lower (<0.01) and that of CaN protein was remarkably higher (<0.05) in the ginsenoside Rg1 group. Compared with the ginsenoside Rg1 group, the expression of P-tau was higher (<0.01) and the expression of CaN protein was lower (<0.05) in the ginsenoside Rg1+FK506 group.Ginsenoside Rg1 inhibits tau phosphorylation probably by enhancing CaN expression in rat brain slice model of AD, and thus exerts anti-dementia effect.
gensenoside Rg1; Alzheimer’s disease; phosphorylated tau protein; calcineurin
陕西省科技攻关计划项目[2007K16-07(5)]; 陕西省中医药管理局基金项目(2005030)
李 玺, E-mail: lixi2100@sohu.com