黄樱硕,张 健,王 丹,白 丽,杨 旭,黄 蔚,李 敏,孙 颖*
黄樱硕1,张 健1,王 丹2,白 丽1,杨 旭1,黄 蔚1,李 敏1,孙 颖1*
(首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院:1医疗保健中心心血管内科,2输血科,北京 100050)
心力衰竭(简称心衰)是全世界老年人住院和死亡的主要原因之一。研究表明≥65岁老年人占心衰死亡>80%[1]。目前认为,射血分数保留心力衰竭(heart failure with preserved ejection fraction,HFpEF)在心衰患者中所占的比例约50%(40%~71%)[2],2012年欧洲心脏病学协会(European Society of Cardiology,ESC)心衰指南指出没有证据证明任何治疗能够减少HFpEF患者的发病率和病死率[3]。明确和了解从无症状舒张功能不全发展为心衰的过程尤其重要,通过早期预防和干预危险因素可能降低发病率及病死率[4,5]。既往研究往往将慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)作为排除标准,但临床实际中,COPD是老年HFpEF患者常见的合并疾病[6,7]。本研究旨在通过比较无症状舒张功能不全和HFpEF的临床特点及超声心动图特点,分析包括COPD在内的HFpEF老年患者的危险因素。
入选2011年12月至2012年12月在首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院医疗保健中心心血管病房住院的234例老年患者(年龄≥60岁),所有患者入院时行超声心动图检查,基线左室射血分数(left ventricular ejection fraction,LVEF)均≥45%,记录患者的一般情况,合并疾病,实验室指标和用药情况。排除标准:LVEF<45%,瓣膜性心脏病,限制性心肌病,心肌炎,心包疾病。根据HFpEF诊断标准分为无症状舒张功能不全组(asymptomatic left ventricular diastolic dysfunction,ADD组)和射血分数保留心力衰竭组(HFpEF组)。
实验室检测项目包括血常规,估测肾小球滤过率(estimated glomerular filtration rate,eGFR),血脂,糖化血红蛋白(glycated hemoglobin A1c,HbA1c),血清N端脑钠肽前体(N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide,NT-proBNP),超敏C反应蛋白(high-sensitivity C-reactive protein,hs-CRP)。
经胸超声心动图检测包括M型、二维、多普勒及组织多普勒(tissue Doppler images,TDI)[8],采用Vivid7超声心动仪(GE Medical Systems,美国)。由同一名有经验的超声心动医师进行检测,患者的临床资料对超声心动医师保密。测量标准参考美国超声协会(American Society of Echocardiography)推荐[9]。左室质量根据Devereux公式计算[10]。左室质量指数(left ventricular mass index,LVMI)以左室质量除以体表面积计算。
HFpEF的诊断根据2013年美国心脏病学学会基金会(American College of Cardiology Foundation,ACCF)/美国心脏联合会(American Heart Association,AHA)心力衰竭诊治指南[11]:(1)心衰症状或体征;(2)保留或正常的LVEF值;(3)通过多普勒超声或心脏导管证实的异常左室舒张功能不全。COPD根据GOLD指南[12]诊断,冠心病根据冠状动脉造影或冠状动脉CT血管成像术(CTA)诊断。
两组患者间的一般情况、合并疾病、目前用药情况比较见表1。两组患者男女比例、BMI、合并高脂血症、糖尿病、房颤的发生率差异无统计学意义(>0.05)。HFpEF组患者年龄、吸烟比例、合并冠心病、高血压、慢性肾病、COPD发生率以及阿司匹林、硝酸酯类、利尿剂、血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor,ACEI)/血管紧张素受体拮抗剂(angiotensin receptor blockers,ARB)、β阻滞剂、醛固酮拮抗剂、钙通道阻滞剂、他汀类药物应用比率显著高于ADD组,且差异有统计学意义(<0.05,<0.01)。
表1 无症状舒张功能不全及射血分数保留心力衰竭患者的一般情况
ADD: asymptomatic left ventricular diastolic dysfunction; HFpEF: heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; BMI: body mass index; CAD: coronary artery disease; CKD: chronic kidney disease; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ACEI: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARBs: angiotensin receptor blockers; CCBs: calcium channel blockers. Compared with ADD group,*<0.05,**<0.01
表2 无症状舒张功能不全及射血分数保留心力衰竭患者的实验室指标及超声心动图参数比较
ADD: asymptomatic left ventricular diastolic dysfunction; HFpEF: heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; NT-proBNP: N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; HbA1c: glycated hemoglobin A1c; eGFR: estimated glomerular filtration rate; TC: total cholesterol; LDL-C: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; hs-CRP: high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; AAD: ascending aorta diameter; LAD: left atrial diameter; LVEDD: left ventricular end-diastolic diameter; LVESD: left ventricular end-systolic diameter; LVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction; LVST: left ventricular septal thickness; LVPWT: left ventricular posterior wall thickness; RVDD: right ventricular diastolic diameter; E: peak early mitral flow velocity; A: peak late mitral flow velocity; e’: velocity of mitral annulus early diastolic motion; E/A: ratio of E to A; E/e’: ratio of E to e’; LVM: left ventricular mass; LVMI: left ventricular mass index. Compared with ADD group,*<0.05,**<0.01
表3 HFpEF的独立危险因素
HFpEF: heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; CAD: coronary artery disease; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
本研究中,HFpEF组患者的年龄偏大(82.01±7.24)岁,舒张功能不全和HFpEF的发生均随增龄而增加。既往研究表明,50~70岁和>70岁患者则分别高达33%和50%左右[13]。在洋地黄研究组试验(the Digitalis Investigation Group trial,DIG)中[14],年龄是HFpEF死亡最重要的预测因素。本研究中,HFpEF组合并高血压、冠心病和糖尿病的比例与既往研究[7]类似,分别为87.6%,69.8%和54.3%。合并用药的差异与合并疾病的差异一致,即HFpEF组高血压、冠心病等疾病比例更高,心功能更差,故服用阿司匹林、硝酸酯类、利尿剂、ACEI/ARB、β阻滞剂、钙通道阻滞剂、醛固酮拮抗剂比例更高。
NT-proBNP与心衰的程度和预后密切相关。本研究中HFpEF组的NT-proBNP水平高于ADD组,符合心衰的进展过程。eGFR的显著差异提示肾功能不全与舒张功能不全及HFpEF有关,在美国医师健康研究(Physicians Health Study,PHS)中[15],早期肾脏疾病与心衰发生率增加相关。HFpEF组的总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇、血红蛋白均低于ADD组(均<0.01),提示血脂代谢异常、贫血等与心衰发生有关。贫血是心衰常见的合并症,CHARM研究的亚组分析中,HFpEF合并贫血的比例为27%[16]。心衰患者通常处于高代谢状态而药物治疗如利尿剂的使用会进一步加重营养不良状态。
已有研究表明[19],COPD是HFpEF患者全因死亡率的预测因子(OR 1.23,95% CI 1.11~1.37)。因此,既往除外COPD的HFpEF的相关研究不能代表老年群体的实际情况。在本研究中,COPD与HFpEF的风险增加有关,并且是HFpEF的独立危险因素,说明了COPD对HFpEF的重要影响。在分析HFpEF的发展和预后时,应考虑到COPD的因素。反之,对于COPD患者,除了右室功能,也要考虑到左室舒张功能不全的可能性。
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(编辑: 周宇红)
Risk factors for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in the elderly
HUANG Ying-Shuo1, ZHANG Jian1, WANG Dan2, BAI Li1, YANG Xu1, HUANG Wei1, LI Min1, SUN Ying1*
(1Department of Geriatric Cardiology,2Department of Blood Transfusion, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100050, China)
To determine the risk factors for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) in the elderly by retrospectively analyzing their clinical features and echocardiographic parameters of HFpEF patients and comparing with those of non-heart failure patients with asymptomatic diastolic dysfunction.A total of 234 consecutive patients (≥60 years old) admitted in our department from December 2011 to December 2012 were enrolled in this study. They were divided into asymptomatic left ventricular diastolic dysfunction group (ADD group,=104) and HFpEF group (=130). Risk factors of HFpEF were analyzed by logistic regression.Compared with ADD group, the patients in HFpEF group were older and had a lower estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) (<0.05). Logistic regression analysis indicated that coronary artery disease(CAD), hypertension, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) were independent risk factors of HFpEF (=0.001, 0.031, 0.003, respectively).CAD, hypertension and COPD are associated with HFpEF in this cohort.
elderly; heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; diastolic dysfunction
R541.6; R592
孙 颖, E-mail: ysun15@163.com