廖 杰,邓子辉,王录焕,张金英,薛 辉
解放军总医院,北京 100853 1医学实验测试中心;2生化室
廖 杰1,邓子辉2,王录焕2,张金英2,薛 辉2
解放军总医院,北京 1008531医学实验测试中心;2生化室
目的探讨胃癌和贲门癌患者外周血表皮生长因子(epidermal growth factor,EGF)和瘦素(Leptin)水平变化及与肿瘤标记物甲胎蛋白(alpha-fetoprotein,AFP)水平之间的关系。方法收集我院2012年10月- 2013年1月健康查体的工作人员及确诊胃癌和贲门癌患者的血清,放射免疫分析法检测150例胃癌患者、50例贲门癌患者、50例健康人员血清EGF、Leptin、AFP水平。结果胃癌及贲门癌患者血清EGF、Leptin、AFP水平均显著高于正常对照组(P均<0.01),直线相关分析发现,EGF与胃癌患者AFP水平显著正相关(r=0.291 2,P<0.01),其余检测指标间无显著相关性。结论胃癌及贲门癌患者血清均存在高水平的EGF和Leptin,但两者之间无相关性,各自独立发挥作用;血清EGF水平和AFP显著正相关,两者联合可能有助于胃癌诊断。
研究表明,表皮生长因子(epidermal growth factor,EGF)和瘦素(Leptin)及其各自的受体在肿瘤的形成及生长过程中起重要的调控作用,两者及其受体均具有细胞生长因子作用,它们的过度表达均能够促进肿瘤的发生发展[1-5]。目前对两者在肿瘤方面作用的单独报道较多见,但对EGF和Leptin同时检测却少见报道。对于胃癌的诊断,临床上缺少相应的肿瘤标记物。甲胎蛋白(alphafetoprotein,AFP)本是肝癌诊断的重要标记物,近年来研究认为,胃癌和肝癌同属于消化系统肿瘤,目前临床上提高了对新入院患者血清AFP检测力度,把血清AFP的水平作为一种胃癌诊断及恶性程度和预后判断的指标。但是使用单一的分子标记物对肿瘤诊断时,可能由于机体的其他病变而造成诊断的不准确。相对于单一诊断的弊端,使用多种标记物进行联合诊断就精确得多。本文同时检测胃癌及贲门癌患者血清EGF、Leptin、AFP水平,探讨EGF和Leptin水平在消化道上皮性肿瘤患者血清中的变化,并与血清AFP水平变化做相关分析,探讨联合EGF、Leptin和AFP检测对于胃癌诊断的临床意义。
1 血清样本来源 2012年10月- 2013年1月本院收治的150例胃癌患者,男80例,女70例,平均年龄52.4岁;贲门癌患者50例,男女各半,平均年龄58.2岁。依据相应临床症状及病理诊断确诊,并于确诊后抽取静脉血。正常对照组50例,为我院参加健康查体的工作人员,男女各半,平均年龄56.2岁。经显著性检验,3组受试者年龄(P=0.53)和性别(P=0.37)无统计学差异。分离血清,冷冻存于-20℃待测。
2 检测方法 EGF、Leptin、AFP水平采用放射免疫分析法检测,试剂盒购自北京北方生物技术研究所,按试剂盒说明书操作,每份样品取100 μl加样,γ计数仪计数并计算出实际含量。
3 统计学分析 采用STATA软件进行统计分析,平均值以表示,组间比较用t检验;性别比较用χ2检验并对3个检测指标间进行直线相关分析,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
1 血清EGF、Leptin、AFP水平比较 如表1所示,胃癌、贲门癌患者血清EGF、Leptin、AFP水平均显著高于正常对照组(P均<0.01),提示EGF、Leptin和AFP对于胃癌、贲门癌的诊断可能有一定的意义。见表1。
2 3项指标间的直线相关分析 3组血清EGF与Leptin水平均无相关性;胃癌患者EGF与AFP水平显著正相关。见表2、图1。
图 1 胃癌患者血清EGF和AFP水平直线相关分析散点图Fig. 1 Serum EGF and AFP scatterp lot levels in gastric carcinoma patients (r= 0.291 2, P<0.01)
a P<0.01, vs control group
表2 胃癌及贲门癌患者血清EGF、Leptin、AFP三者间的相关分析Tab. 2 Correlation-regression analysis of EGF, leptin and AFP in gastric carcinoma and carcinoma of cardia patients
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Clinical significance of epidermal growth factor and leptin levels changes in the serum in patients with gastric carcinoma and carcinoma of cardia
LIAO Jie1, DENG Zi-hui2, WANG Lu-huan2, ZHANG Jin-ying2, XUE Hui2
1Research Laboratory of Medical Experiment and Test Center, Basic Medical Institute;2Research Laboratory of Biochem istry, Basic Medical Institute Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China
The frst author: LIAO Jie. Email: liaojie301@126.com
ObjectiveTo exp lore the EGF and leptin levels changes and their relationship with AFP level in patients with gastric carcinoma or carcinoma of cardia.MethodsSerum from normal control and patients with gastric carcinoma or carcinoma of cardia in our hospital from October 2012 to January 2013 w ere collected. EGF, leptin, and AFP levels were detected by Radio-immunoassay in serum of 150 gastric carcinoma patients, 50 carcinoma of cardia patients and 50 normal control.ResultsThe levels of EGF, leptin and AFP w ere signif cantly higher in serum of gastric carcinoma and carcinoma of gastric cardia patients than in serum of normal control. In serum of gastric carcinoma patients EGF level had direct correlation with AFP level (r=0.291 2, P<0.01) by correlation analysis w hile other markers had no relationship.ConclusionEGF and leptin levels are higher in serum of gastric carcinoma and carcinoma of cardia patients than in serum of normal control, EGF and Leptin have no relationship in patients’ serum, but EGF and AFP are signif cant to diagnose gastric carcinoma.
epidermal grow th factor; leptin; gastric cancer; cardiac cancer
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2014-04-09 11:30
Supported by National Basic Research Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2011FY130100)
廖杰,女,硕士,研究员。Email: liaojie301@126.com