《牛津英语词典》(The Oxford English Dictionary)依历史原则编纂,是英语世界最大、最权威的英语词典。自2010年底整合资源,更新条目、定义与书证后,以在线版的形式重新问世。在线版《牛津英语词典》收录了约300个源自中文的词汇,或音译(loanword)或借译(loan translation)。
【词源】[< Chinese tuīná (early 17th cent.) 【定义】n. In traditional Chinese medicine: a type of therapeutic massage, incorporating the principles of acupressure and qigong, used to treat muscle or joint pain and other ailments. 在中医里,指的是一种结合指压与气功原理的治疗式按摩,用来治疗肌肉关节疼痛和其他疾病。 【书证】 Tui-Na is very hard to learn and very hard to teach.推拿极难学也极难教。──美国《芝加哥论坛报》(Chicago Tribune),1979/3/7 Tuina works on muscle and bone problems... as well as internal ailments. 推拿能治疗肌肉和骨头的毛病,对体内的病痛也能见效。──美国《俄勒冈人报》(The Oregonian),1988/10/13 【词源】[translating Chinese chìjiǎoyīshēng, 【定义】n. a paramedical worker with basic medical training, esp. one working in rural China. 受过基础医学训练的准医护人员,尤指在中国农村地区行医者。 【书证】 The term ‘barefoot doctor’ is now known the world over. It seems that it was first used in the Chiangchen People’s Commune on the outskirts of Shanghai in 1965,where a medical team started teaching young farmers to perform some medical tasks. “赤脚医生”现在全球皆知,这个说法似乎最早出现于1965年上海郊区的江镇公社。当时有个医疗团队进驻,开始教导年轻农民执行一些医疗任务。──美国《自然》期刊(Nature),1975/8/21 Sarawak’s own ‘barefoot doctors’…are given up to three years paramedical training. 沙捞越自己的“赤脚医生”最多要受三年的准医疗训练。──英国《泰晤士报》(The Times),1976/8/31barefoot doctor 赤脚医生