(General Courses Department,Academy of Military Transportation,Tianjin,300160)
Interpolation by Bivariate Polynomials Based on Multivariate F-truncated Powers
(General Courses Department,Academy of Military Transportation,Tianjin,300160)
Communicated by Ma Fu-ming
The solvability of the interpolation by bivariate polynomials based on multivariate F-truncated powers is considered in this short note.It uni fi es the pointwise Lagrange interpolation by bivariate polynomials and the interpolation by bivariate polynomials based on linear integrals over segments in some sense.
multivariate F-truncated power,point-wise Lagrange interpolation, solvability of an interpolation problem
Suppose that M is an s×n real matrix with rank(M)=s and f(x1,···,xn)is an n-variables real function de fi ned on
The multivariate F-truncated power Tf(·|M)associated with M and f is de fi ned as in[1]:
where D(Rs)is the space of test functions onRs,i.e.,the space of all compactly supported and in fi nitely di ff erentiable functions onRs.
Based on(1.1),one can conclude that(see[1])
whereµis the Lebesgue measure on the(n−s)-dimensional affine variety H that contains
Based on(1.2),one can see that Tf(x|M)is linear with respect to f,that is,
Moreover,if f≡1,then
is reduced to the classical multivariate truncated power.
We next turn to an interpolation problem.We useto denote the n-variables polynomial space of total degrees no larger than l.Given a set of pairs{(x(i),M(i))}where M(i)are s×n real matrices,x(i)∈Rs,and N=We say that it is poised inif for all⊂Rthere exists a unique P∈such that
The interpolation problem(1.3)is called the interpolation by multivariate polynomials based on multivariate F-truncated powers.If{(x(i),M(i))}is poised inthen(1.3)is called to be solvable.It is easy to see that{(x(i),M(i))}is poised inif and only if
which implies P≡0.
In this short note,we only consider the solvability of(1.3)for the cases n=2 and s=1,2.Sufficient and necessary conditions are obtained to guarantee the set of pairs {(x(i),M(i))}to be poised.Referring to the point-wise Lagrange interpolation by bivariate polynomials(see[2–3])and the interpolation by bivariate polynomials based on linear integrals over segments(see[4–6]),for the case that n=2 and s=2,(1.3)is a point-wise Lagrange interpolation by bivariate polynomials and for the case that n=2 and s=1 is an interpolation by bivariate polynomials based on linear integrals.Therefore we can say that we unify the point-wise Lagrange interpolation and the interpolation based on linear integrals to the interpolation based on multivariate F-truncated powers.Our main results are stated as follows.
Theorem 1.1Suppose thatn=2ands=2.The set of pairs{(x(i),M(i))}is poisedinif and only if
and{(M(i))−1(x(i))is poised for the point-wise Lagrange interpolation inwhere
andmij(j=1,2)are the column vectors ofM(i).
Theorem 1.2Suppose thatn=2ands=1.The set of pairs{(x(i),M(i))}is poisedinif and only if
For convenience we state two useful lemmas as follows.
Lemma 1.1[1]Iff(x1,x2)=thenTf(x|M)=k1!k2!T(x|M(k1,k2)),wherem1∈R,m2∈R,andM=(m1,m2).
Lemma 1.2[7]LetM=(m1,m2,···,mn)be a1×n(n>1)real matrix such that the origin is not contained in
Proof of Theorem 1.1By(1.2),x(i)∈cone(M(i))(i=1,2,···,N)are necessary to guarantee{(x(i),M(i))}to be poised,and then
The interpolation becomes the point-wise Lagrange interpolation.
Proof of Theorem 1.2By(1.2),x(i)∈cone(M(i))(i=1,2,···,N)are necessary to guarantee{(x(i),M(i))}to be poised,and then
satis fi es
where the second equation is got by Lemma 1.1 and the third equation by Lemma 1.2.Since
under the conditions that
we have
which implies
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[3]Liang X.Multivariate Polynomial Interpolation and Approximation.Master’s Thesis.Changchun:Jilin University,1965.
[4]Bojanov B,Georgieva I.Interpolation by bivariate polynomials based on Radon projections. Studia Math.,2004,162:141–160.
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Received date:July 4,2013.
Foundation item:The NSF(10401021)of China.
E-mail address:yuanxuemei 8013@163.com(Yuan X M).
Communications in Mathematical Research2014年4期