(1.School of Science,Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Beijing,100044)
(2.Department of Mathematics,China University of Mining and Technology,Beijing,100083)
Existence of Solution for Fractional Di ff erential Problem with a Parameter
(1.School of Science,Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Beijing,100044)
(2.Department of Mathematics,China University of Mining and Technology,Beijing,100083)
Communicated by Li Yong
We apply the method of lower and upper solutions combined with monotone iterations to fractional di ff erential problem with a parameter.The existence of minimal and maximal solutions is proved for the fractional di ff erential problem with a parameter.
Caputo derivative,parameter,monotone iterative method
We consider the following fractional di ff erential problem with a parameter:
where 0<T<+∞,λ∈R,f∈C([0,T]×R×R,R),G∈C(R×R,R),u0∈R,andDαis Caputo fractional derivative of order 0<α<1 de fi ned by
is the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral of order 1−α(see[1]).
Integer order di ff erential problem with a parameter has been studied for many years(see [2]).Di ff erential equations of fractional order occur more frequently on di ff erent research areas and engineering,such as physics,chemistry,control of dynamical,etc.Recently, many authors pay attention to the existence result of solutions of initial value problem for fractional di ff erential equations(see[3–15]).Motivated by[9–15],we consider the existence of the minimal and maximal solutions of(1.1),employing the classical proofs of di ff erential equations-monotone iterative method.
De fi nition 1.1We say that a pair(u,λ)∈Cα([0,T],R)×Ris a solution of(1.1)if(u,λ)satis fi es(1.1),where
Lemma 1.1([1],Lemma 2.22)If f(t)∈AC([0,T])or f(t)∈C([0,T]),and0<α<1, then
Lemma 1.2([1],Lemma 2.3)IpIqf(t)=Ip+qf(t),f∈L([0,T]),p,q>0.
The following lemma is an existence result of solution for the linear initial value problem for a fractional di ff erential equation,which is important for us to obtain the existence result of solution for(1.1).
Lemma 1.3([1],Theorem 4.3)The linear initial value problem
where d is a constant and q∈C([0,T]×R),has a unique solution u(t)∈Cα([0,T],R), and this solution is given by
where Eα,α(−dtα)is Mittag-Leffler function.
In particular,when d=0,the initial value problem(1.2)has a solution
In this section,we devote to considering the existence result of the minimal and maximal solutions of(1.1),by means of the monotone iterative method.
The following is the de fi nition of the upper and lower solutions of(1.1).
De fi nition 2.1A pair(v,µ)∈Cα([0,T],R)×Ris called a upper solution of(1.1),if it satis fi es
Analogously,the function(w,ν)∈Cα([0,T],R)×Ris called a lower solution of(1.1), if it satis fi es
The following result plays a very important role in our next analysis.
Lemma 2.1If w∈Cα([0,T],R)satis fi es:
is a constant,then
Proof.We assume by contradiction that the conclusion is not true,then there exist two pointst0,t1∈(0,T]such that
Assume thatt2is the fi rst minimal point ofw(t)on[t0,t1].
Firstly,we verify the result ford0>0.It follows from(2.1)that
Hence,we have
From the de fi nition of Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative,we obtain that
which implies that
On the other hand,fort∈(t0,t1],we have
which contradicts(2.2).
It follows that
That is,
Thus,from(2.3)and(2.4),we have
This contradicts the negative property ofw(t2),since
Thus,we complete the proof.
Theorem 2.1Let f∈C([0,T]×R×R,R),G∈C(R×R,R).Assume that
1°(y0,λ0),(z0,γ0)∈Cα([0,T],R)×Rare the lower and upper solutions of(1.1)such that y0(t)≤z0(t),t∈[0,T]and λ0≤γ0;
Then there exist monotone sequences{yn,λn}and{zn,γn}such that
Moreover,(y,λ)and(z,γ)are the minimal and maximal solutions of(1.1),respectively.
Proof.It is easy to see that(1.1)is equivalent to the following problem:
wheredis a given constant.This proof consists of fi ve steps as follows.
Step 1.Constructing sequences.
In order to apply the monotone iterative to study the existence of the minimal and maximal solutions of(1.1),we construct sequences(zk(t),γk),(yk(t),λk),k=1,2,···with the following iteration process(with(y0,λ0)and(z0,γ0)being the initial iteration):
whereM,P,Nare the constants in the conditions 2°,3°,5°.From(2.7)and(2.8),we know that the sequences{γk}and{λk}are well de fi ned.Hence,combining with the assumptionf∈C([0,T]×R×R,R),by Lemma 1.3,we know that the sequences{zk}and{yk}are also well de fi ned.Moreover,by Lemma 1.3 and the continuity assumptions onf,we can easily obtain thatzk,yk∈Cα([0,T],R),k=1,2,···
Step 2.Monotone property of the sequences.
The sequences{yk},{λk},{zk}and{γk}constructed by(2.7)and(2.8)process the monotone property as follows:
In fact,let
By(2.7)and De fi nition 2.1,one has
which implies thath≤0,i.e.,γ1≤γ0;moreover,by(2.7)andh≤0,we have
In view of Lemma 2.1,we have
which leads to
By(2.8)and De fi nition 2.1,one has
which implies thath≥0,i.e.,λ1≥λ0;moreover,by(2.8)andh≥0,we have
In view of Lemma 2.1,we have
which leads to
By(2.7),(2.8),y0≤z0,λ0≤γ0and 4°,5°,one has
which implies thath≥0,i.e.,λ1≤γ1;moreover,by(2.7),(2.8),y0≤z0,λ0≤γ0,2°,3°, andγ1≥λ1≥λ0,one has
Again,in view of Lemma 2.1,we have
The above conclusion shows that
Assume,by induction,
Then by(2.7),λ0≤γ0,5°and(2.11),we have
which implies thath≥0,i.e.,
Moreover,by(2.7),2°,3°,h≥0 and(2.10),(2.11),one has
In view of Lemma 2.1,we haver(t)≥0,i.e.,
Then,by(2.8),(2.10),(2.11)and 4°,5°,one has
which implies thath≤0,i.e.,
Moreover,by(2.8),h≤0,2°,3°,(2.10)and(2.11),we see thatrsatis fi es
In view of Lemma 2.1,r(t)≥0,i.e.,
By(2.7),(2.8),(2.10),(2.11)and 4°,5°,one has
which implies thath≥0,i.e.,
Moreover,by(2.7),(2.8),(2.10),(2.11),h≥0 and 2°,3°,we have
Again,in view of Lemma 2.1,we have
Hence,the monotone property(2.9)follows from the principle of induction.
Step 3.The sequences constructed by(2.7)and(2.8)have pointwise limits and satisfy some relations,that is,
exist and satisfy
In fact,by(2.8),we see that the sequences{yk}and{λk}are monotone nondecreasing and bounded from above,and the sequences{zk}and{γk}are monotone nonincreasing and bounded from below.Therefore,the pointwise limits exist and these limits are denoted byy,λ,z,γas in(2.12)and(2.13).Moreover,by(2.8),the limitsy,λ,z,γsatisfy(2.14).
Step 4.We prove that the pairs(y,λ)and(z,γ)are the solutions of(1.1).
Let(wk,ρk)be either(yk,λk)or(zk,γk),and
By(1.3),for the linear initial value problem,the solutionwkof(2.7)or(2.8)may be expressed as
The assumptions of functionf,Gthe monotone convergence ofwktowandρktoρ(see (2.12),(2.13))imply that(F(wk−1,ρk−1))(t)converges to(F(w,ρ))(t),t∈[0,T]andG(w(T),ρ)=0.Letk→∞in(2.15)and by the dominated convergence theorem,wsatis fi es
That is,(w(t),ρ)is the representation of the solution of(2.6),that is,(w(t),ρ)is the representation of the solution of(1.1).By the Lemma 1.3 and the continuity assumptions onf,we can easily obtain thatw∈Cα([0,T],R),which proves that the sequences{zk,γk}and{yk,λk}converge to the solutions(z,γ)and(y,λ)of(1.1),and satisfy
Step 5.To complete the proof,we need to show that if(u,β)is any solution of(1.1) such that
By the analogy arguments as the previous,we can obtain that
Taking the limits asn→∞,we have
whereyn(t),zn(t),λnandγnare de fi ned by(2.7)and(2.8).It means that(y,λ)and(z,γ) are the minimal and maximal solutions of(1.1),respectively.
In this section,we give an example to illustrate the usefulness of our main result.Let us consider the following fractional di ff erential equation with a parameter:
We can verify that(ρ,1)and(12ρ,2ρ)(2<ρ<4)are the lower and upper solutions of (3.1),respectively,andf,Gsatisfy assumptions 1°–5°in Theorem 2.1.In fact,
We verify 2°–5°as follows:
Then,by Theorem 2.1,there exist the monotone sequences{yn,λn},{zn,γn}such that
Moreover,(y,λ)and(z,γ)are the minimal and maximal solutions of(3.1),respectively.
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Received date:Dec.15,2011.
Foundation item:The NSF(11371364)of China,the Fundamental Research Funds(2009QS06)for the Central Universities,and the 2013 Science and Technology Research Project(KM201310016001)of Beijing Municipal Education Commission.
*Corresponding author.
E-mail A L), S Q).
Communications in Mathematical Research2014年2期