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直音法the phonetic method反切法theFanqiemethod汉语拼音方案Chinesephonetic alphabetsystem
In ancient China,people indicated the pronunciation of a word by reading homophones.However, if there were not homophones,the method would not work.Moreover,when the homophones were too rare to read,the method would not be in effect either.
Since the implementation of“unified written language”in Qin Dynasty,and the invention of papermaking technology by Cai Lun during the Eastern Han Dynasty,Chinese nation utilized standardization theory to improve typography continuously and boosted the cultural heritage of human beings.Meanwhile,the researches and practices ofphoneticnotationforChinesewordsrun through the history of the Chinese nation.
During the Han dynasty,limited to difference in pronunciations between oral and written language for the same word,with basic standardization principle of mutual exchange,people adopted the phonetic method to read a word and ended the history of word-of-mouth pronunciations.Furthermore.
people learnt from ideas from Indian phonetic knowledge and invented the Fanqie method,to indicate the pronunciation of a word by using initials,finals and tones of two different words.Such application of basic standardization principle of combination symbolized great progress in the history of Chinese phonetics and constantly promoted the Chinese language education for more than 1700 years.However,this phonetic methods highly depended on the mastery of Chinese language,the general public relied on some materials including Three-Character Canon,Hundreds of Surnames,and The Thousand-Character Writing as early learning materials and frequently encountered embarrassments in misreading words.
U ntil 1605 in Ming Dynasty(era of Emperor Wanli),the Italian Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci published Xizi Qiji("The Miracle of Western Letters"),which was the first book to use the Latin alphabet to compose Chinese language phonetic system.Enlightened with this idea,Chinese people started to use phonetic symbols in Chinese language pronunciation since then.A few campaigns spread over China in the late 19th century,including:"Qieyin Characters Movement","Latinization Movement",“Mandarin Romanization movement",and"Latinized New Writing Campaign”.Dozens of Chinese phonetic alphabet systems were proposed a large number of great practitionerscameout,suchas:Lu Zhuangzhang,Wang Zhao,Liu Mengyang,Zhao Yuanren,Qu Qiubai.
国人的努力终于在新中国成立后结出了硕果——国家确定“简化汉字、推广普通话、制定和推行《汉语拼音方案》”的文字改革三大任务,于1958年批准《汉语拼音方案》;1982年,国际标准化组织(ISO)决议采用汉语拼音作为世界文献工作中拼写中国专有词语的国际标准(ISO 7098:1982《文献工作——中文罗马字母拼写法》)。1996年,《汉语拼音正词法基本规则》(GB/T 16159-1996)作为国家标准批准颁布……汉语拼音的每一次进步,无不饱含着中国人对于实现汉字读音标准化、推动民族科教事业兴旺发达的不懈追求。
Those efforts finally bore fruits after the founding of new China.The government started three main campaigns for the reform of Chinese language,including simplification of Chinese language,promotion of Chinese mandarin,and development and implementation of Chinese Phonetic Alphabet System.In 1958,the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet System was approved.In 1982,ISO decided to adopt Chinese phonetic alphabet as an international standard(ISO 7098:1982 Documentation--Romanization of Chinese),which was applied to Chinese words in the worlddocumentationfields.In1996,GB/T 16159-1996(The basic rules of Chinese phonetic alphabet orthography)was approved as a national standard.Each progress of Chinese phonetic alphabet is filled with Chinese people's relentless pursuit to achieve standardization of the pronunciation of Chinese characters,and to promote national science and education business.
Nowadays,along with the new wave of learning Chinese worldwide,the standardized Chinese phonetic alphabet has become a solid foundation of the international Chinese language education and therefore builds a bridge for cultural exchange.