1.1 试验材料
荸荠材料,经过茎尖培养脱毒的桂蹄2号第五代继代苗,由广西农科院生物技术研究所提供。固体培养参照杭玲等[13]和林辉锋等[14]组培快繁技术设计,培养瓶为250 mL翠绿色玻璃瓶,瓶高13 cm,直径7 cm,固体培养基体积30 mL,凝固剂用卡拉胶。TIBs系统根据Lorenzo等[15]的设计思路建立,TIBs系统中培养瓶和储液瓶分别为2.5、3.0 L的广口无色玻璃瓶和三角瓶,瓶高分别为26、30 cm,直径分别14、15 cm。储液瓶中液体培养基体积为1 L。
1.2 试验方法
TIBs系统各参数参照Lorenzo等的设计方案,即间歇频率按浸没1 min间歇3 h、接种密度为10丛/瓶,每15棵芽为一丛。TIBs系统增殖培养阶段为40 d。固体培养试验继代接种密度为5丛/瓶,20 d继代1次。以上各试验均采用相同培养环境和培养基成分,即光强1 500 lx;光周期:16 h光照,8 h黑暗;温度25~28℃的培养环境。培养基继代增殖成分:MS+6-BA 1.5 mg/L+NAA 0.01 mg/L+白糖30 g/L。TIBs系统5套,固体培养10瓶。每隔10 d拍照记录一次,40 d后统计增殖数,计算增殖率,并比较2种方法的增殖率、组培材料的长势等。
2.1 TIBs系统与传统固体培养荸荠增殖率的比较
利用间歇浸没式生物反应器(TIBs)与传统固体组培进行快繁培养40 d后,结果如表1所示,利用TIBs系统进行荸荠组织培养,除去1瓶污染,第1代增殖数为389丛、426丛、459丛、406丛,平均增殖数420丛,增殖率为42倍。传统固体组培选择其中长势最好的5瓶,经过第一代、第二代增殖,增殖平均数为41.8丛,增殖率为8.36倍。可见,TIBs系统增殖率远远高于传统固体组培方法。
2.2 TIBs系统与传统固体培养荸荠生长势的比较
表1 TIBs系统与传统固体组培荸荠增殖率的比较
表2 TIBs系统与传统固体组培植株生长势的比较
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Comparison of Different Rapid Propagation Methods of Water Chestnut
GAO Meiping,CHEN Lijuan,CAI Binghua,JIANG Wen,GUO Chang,DONG Weiqing,BI Zhiqiang
Taking the tissue culture seedlings of Guiti No.2 as materials,we studied and compared two rapid propagation technical systems temporary immersion bioreactors system(TIBs)and traditional solid culture of water chestnut.The results showed that,the multiplication times of TIBs method was more than 40,which was much higher than that of traditional solid culture method,and the plants had more tillers,thicker cladophyll,less roots and grew well,providing a reference for the popularization and application of TIBs system in plant tissue culture.
Water chestnut;Temporary immersion bioreactors system (TIBs);Solid culture;Rapid propagation;Plant growth vigor