中国气象科学研究院2012年度学术论文Publications in 2012 at Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences

2012-07-07 10:20
中国气象科学研究院年报 2012年0期

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year,Volume (Issue)备注Notes白月明等 20世纪以来中国蝗虫监测预测研究动态进展 中国农学通报 2012,28(26)白月明等 气候变化背景下我国西北地区作物干旱灾损评估技术探讨 科技导报 2012,30(19)卞林根等 中国第四次北极科考航线上黑炭和臭氧的变化特征 环境科学学报 2012,32(8)陈斌等 夏季青藏高原地区近地层水汽进入平流层的特征分析 地球物理学报 2012,55(2) SCIE方双喜等 光腔衰荡法观测我国4个大气本底站大气CH4浓度及变化特征环境科学 2012,33(9)方双喜等 香格里拉本底站大气CH4体积分数及变化特征 环境科学学报 2012,32(10)侯青等 北京市酸雨变化趋势及成因分析 自然灾害学报 2012,21(2)胡绍萍 浅析我国交通气象预报信息系统建设 交通企业管理 2012,27(290)霍治国 季节性变暖对中国农作物病虫害的影响 中国农业科学 2012,45(11)霍治国 降水变化对中国农作物病虫害的影响 中国农业科学 2012,45(10)霍治国 气候变暖对中国农作物病虫害的影响 中国农业科学 2012,45(10)金啟华 北太平洋副热带海洋环流强度异常对长江中下游夏季降水的影响海洋学报 2012,34(1)康红文等 多模式集合预报及其降尺度技术在东亚夏季降水预测中的应用气象学报 2012,70(2)李丰等 S波段多普勒天气雷达非降水气象回波识别 应用气象学报 2012,23(2)梁宏等 青藏高原大气水汽探测误差及其成因 气象学报 2012,70(1)梁宏等 青藏高原探空大气水汽偏差及订正方法研究 大气科学 2012,36(4)林祥等 全球季风和季风边缘研究 地球科学进展 2012,27(1)刘舸等 6月长江中下游旱涝的一个前兆信号——亚洲-太平洋涛动 气象学报 2012,70(5)刘黎平等 云雷达反演层状云微物理参数及其与飞机观测数据的对比 中国工程科学 2012,14(9)刘立新等 气体稳定同位素比质谱法分析本底大气CO2的δ13C和δ18O 环境科学学报 2012,32(6)刘英等 东北冷涡的结构及其演变特征的个例综合分析 气象学报 2012,70(3)楼小凤等 人工增雨催化作业技术 气象知识 2012,(2)陆龙骅等 中国极地大气科学观测工程 中国工程科学 2012,1009 (1742)吕俊梅 热带大气MJO活动异常对2009—2010年云南极端干旱的影响 中国科学:地球科学 2012,42(4) SCI罗亚丽 极端天气和气候事件的变化 气候变化研究进展 2012,8(2)孟昭阳等 2010年长江三角洲临安本底站PM2.5理化特征 应用气象学报 2012,23(4)施晓晖等 北京及周边气溶胶区域影响与大雾相关特征的研究进展 地球物理学报 2012,55(10) SCIE史月琴等 人工增雨潜势预报 气象知识 2012,(2)苏正军等 人工影响天气催化剂和作业装备 气象知识 2012,(2)谭凯炎等 增温对华北冬小麦生产影响的试验研究 气象学报 2012,70(4)陶玥等 2008年1月南方一次冰冻天气中冻雨区的层结和云物理特征大气科学 2012,36(3)

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year,Volume (Issue)备注Notes陶玥等 华北一次暴雨过程中潜热对中尺度系统和降水影响的数值研究气象学报 2012,70(1)王飞 影响南京地区的两次典型空气污染过程分析 环境科学 2012,33(10)王广河等 我国人工影响天气工作进展及展望 气象知识 2012,(2)王培娟 1961—2010年我国冬小麦可能种植区变化特征分析 自然资源学报 2012,27(2)王培娟 基于不同灌溉条件下冠层光谱与参数的关系反演冬小麦冠层含水量光谱学与光谱分析 2012,32(1) SCIE王亚非 初夏东亚环流对厄尔尼诺的两种响应过程及其对中国降水的影响气象学报 2012,70(1)王瑛等 大气有机物热脱附-全二维气相色谱-火焰离子化分析方法 中国科学:化学 2012,42(2)王郁等 2000—2010年北京空气持续污染特征研究 高原气象 2012,31(6)魏凤英 中国东部夏季不同雨带类型的海洋和环流特征差异 气象学报 2012,70(5)邬定荣等 华北地区冬小麦生产潜力数值模拟及其自然正交分析 干旱地区农业研究 2012,30(5)邬定荣等 基于CAST客观分类的华北平原干热风区划研究 科技导报 2012,30(19)邬定荣等 近50年华北平原干热风时空分布特征研究 自然灾害学报 2012,21(5)肖栋等 过去千年中国东部气候变化的数值模拟研究 中国科学:地球科学 2012,42(9)辛羽飞等 冻土水热变化对东亚气候影响的模式研究 科学通报 2012,57(30)徐祥德等 城市大气污染源追踪“广义判识”与Nudging源同化集成技术途径中国工程科学 2012,14(10)姚波等 大气氢氟碳化物采样分析和质量控制方法研究 中国环境科学 2012,32(9)姚波等 气相色谱质谱联用法在线观测大气中的氢氟碳化物和全氟化碳环境化学 2012,31(9)姚雯等 用数值预报场间接对比新疆两种型号探空系统 应用气象学报 2012,23(2)于文勇等 中国地区降水持续性的季节变化特征 气象 2012,38(4)翟盘茂等 气候变暖背景下的极端天气气候事件与防灾减灾 中国工程科学 2012,14(9)张东启等 喜马拉雅山区1951—2010年气候变化事实分析 气候变化研究进展 2012,8(2)张人禾等 青藏高原及东缘新一代大气综合探测系统应用平台——中日合作JICA项目中国工程科学 2012,14(9)张小曳等 北京PM1中的化学组成及其控制对策思考 应用气象学报 2012,23(3)张养梅等 北京亚微米气溶胶粒径分布季节变化特征研究 中国科学:地球科学 2012,55(1) SCI张义军等 2006—2011年广州人工触发闪电观测试验和应用 应用气象学报 2012,23(5)赵俊芳等 过去50年黄淮海地区冬小麦干热风发生的时空演变规律 中国农业科学 2012,45(14)郑栋等 我国地闪活动和降水关系的区域差异 热带气象学报 2012,28(4)周广胜 生态系统响应全球变化的陆地样带研究 地球科学进展 2012,27(5)庄薇等 雷达地物回波模糊逻辑识别法的改进及效果检验 气象学报 2012,70(3)左志燕等 中国春季降水异常及其与热带太平洋海面温度和欧亚大陆积雪的联系大气科学 2012,36(1)安兴琴等(第2)基于GIS和大气数值模拟技术评估兰州市PM10的人群暴露水平中国环境科学 2012,32(10)陈联寿等(第2)2003—2005年西北太平洋台风眼生成特征分析 热带气象学报 2012,28(5)

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year,Volume (Issue)备注Notes陈联寿等(第2)登陆热带气旋海马(0421)变性加强的诊断分析 气象学报 2012,70(4)陈联寿等(第2)登陆热带气旋与夏季风相互作用对暴雨的影响 应用气象学报 2012,23(6)陈联寿等(第2)热带气旋远距离暴雨的研究 气象学报 2012,70(4)程艳丽等(第2)使用整合模型体系研究气候变化下人群健康风险 中华预防医学杂志 2012,46(10)董万胜等(第2)基于电离层反射的袖珍云闪(CID)三维定位研究 地球物理学报 2012,55(4) SCIE方双喜等(第2)水汽对光腔衰荡光谱系统(CRDS)法测定CH4的影响 环境化学 2012,31(11)方双喜等(第2)香格里拉本底站大气CO2浓度及变化特征初步研究 环境化学 2012,31(12)房世波等(第2)1981—2010年西藏怒江流域潜在蒸发量的时空变化 气候变化研究进展 2012,8(1)郭建平等(第2)黄淮海地区冬小麦干热风发生趋势探讨 麦类作物学报 2012,32(5)郭建平等(第2)基于实际生育期的东北地区玉米气候生产潜力研究 西南大学学报(自然科学版) 2012,34(7)郭建平等(第2)气候变化背景下东北地区热量资源及玉米温度适宜度 应用生态学报 2012,23(10)郭建平等(第2)气候变化下东北春玉米品种熟型分布格局及其气候生产潜力科学通报 2012,57(14)郭建平等(第2)郑州地区冬小麦产量构成要素的回归模型 应用气象学报 2012,23(4)郭学良等(第2)强风暴个例电荷结构及云闪放电差异的数值模拟 高原气象 2012,31(3)郭学良等(第2)人工影响天气科学技术现状与发展趋势 中国工程科学 2012,14(9)郭学良等(第2)人为大气污染物对一次冬季浓雾形成发展的影响研究 大气科学 2012,36(5)郭学良等(第2)灾害性大风发生机理与飑线结构特征的个例分析模拟研究 大气科学 2012,36(6)郭学良等(第2)强风暴个例电荷结构及云闪放电差异的数值模拟 高原气象 2012,31(3)霍治国等(第2)冬小麦节水灌溉气象等级指标 生态学杂志 2012,31(10)霍治国等(第2)气候变化对中国农作物病害发生的影响 生态学杂志 2012,31(7)霍治国等(第2)气候变暖对中国褐飞虱越冬北界的影响 生态学杂志 2012,31(8)李英等(第2) 登陆台湾岛热带气旋强度和结构变化的统计分析 热带气象学报 2012,28(3)李英等(第2) 黄海西移台风的环流特征及其对辽东半岛降水的影响分析 热带气象学报 2012,28(6)林祥等(第2) 东亚夏季风年代际进退与中国和全球温度变化的联系 科学通报 2012,57(31)林永辉等(第2)超低仰角扫描改进雷达观测台风的探讨 高原气象 2012,30(1)林永辉等(第2)利用组网雷达资料分析台风“黑格比”结构 气象科技 2012,40(3)林永辉等(第2)梅雨锋上两类中尺度对流系统形成的边界层特征 大气科学学报 2012,35(1)刘黎平等(第2)C波段多普勒雷达双PRF模式速度混淆区识别和处理方法研究气象学报 2012,70(4)刘黎平等(第2)毫米波雷达资料融化层亮带特征的分析及识别 气象 2012,38(6)刘黎平等(第2)雷达与雨量计联合估测降水的相关性分析 高原气象 2012,23(1)刘黎平等(第2)双线偏振雷达差分传播相移的小波滤波初探 暴雨灾害 2012,31(3)刘黎平等(第2)双线偏振雷达差分传播相移的质量控制 应用气象学报 2012,23(6)刘黎平等(第2)水平风场线性假设EVAD技术的改进及其风场代表性分析 气象科技 2012,40(4)刘煜等(第2) 近年平流层气溶胶模式研究综述 气象科技 2012,40(3)

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year,Volume (Issue)备注Notes罗亚丽等(第2)NCEP全球预报系统在ARM SGP站点预报大气温度、湿度和云量的检验大气科学 2012,36(1)阮征等(第2) 风廓线雷达测风精度评估 应用气象学报 2012,23(5)阮征等(第2) 风廓线雷达探测大气返回信号谱的仿真模拟 应用气象学报 2012,23(1)孙俊英等(第2)天津武清地区云凝结核变化特征 气象科技 2012,40(3)王东海等(第2)冬季高海拔复杂地形下GRAPES-Meso要素预报的检验评估 气象 2012,6(38)王东海等(第2)中尺度对流系统中的湿中性层结结构特征 气候与环境研究 2012,17(5)王改利等(第2)自适应中值滤波在云雷达数据预处理的应用 激光技术 2012,36(2)王广河等(第2)2009年上海浦东新区能见度资料的深度分析——兼论高时间分辨率地面观测资料的应用 气象 2012,38(2)王培娟等(第2)漓江上游山区复杂地形水热通量的时空变化规律 农业工程学报 2012,28(3)王亚非等(第2)江淮梅雨期降水南北反位相分布与大气准双周振荡 热带气象学报 2012,28(4)王亚非等(第2)热带MJO和ENSO对西北太平洋热带气旋影响研究综述 气象科技 2012,40(1)魏凤英等(第2)基于低频振荡特征的夏季江淮持续性降水延伸期预报方法 大气科学 2012,36(3)魏凤英等(第2)近540a东亚夏季海平面气压场的重建及其与数值模拟的比较中国沙漠 2012,32(4)魏凤英等(第2)近千年东亚夏季风演变 古地理学报 2012,14(2)温敏等(第2) 东北冷涡活动的季节内振荡特征及其影响 大气科学 2012,36(5)武炳义等(第2)20世纪90年代初东亚夏季风的年代际转型 应用气象学报 2012,23(4)武炳义等(第2)欧亚大陆春季融雪量与东亚夏季风的可能联系 大气科学 2012,36(6)武炳义等(第2)欧亚大陆积雪两种物理效应对2010年春末夏初华南降水的影响大气科学 2012,36(2)徐祥德等(第2)大规模城镇化对黄淮海地区气候及水资源影响的数值试验 气象 2012,38(4)徐祥德等(第2)青藏高原冬季积雪关键区视热源特征与中国西南春旱的联系高原气象 2012,31(4)徐晓斌等(第2)基于观测的污染气体区域排放特征研究 应用气象学报 2012,23(1)杨俊等(第2) 基于KNN的地基可见光云图分类方法 应用气象学报 2012,23(6)姚展予等(第2)非随机化人工增雨作业功效数值分析和效果评估 气候与环境研究 2012,17(6)姚展予等(第2)环北京地区空气污染指数与降水的周循环特征及其影响机制分析大气科学 2012,36(4)张人禾等(第2)北京不同区域表面气温的变化特征以及北京市观象台气温的代表性气候与环境研究 2012,17(5)张人禾等(第2)北京降水特征及北京市观象台降水资料代表性 应用气象学报 2012,23(3)张人禾等(第2)南亚高压的南北偏移与我国夏季降水的关系 应用气象学报 2012,23(6)张胜军等(第2)2010年8月8—10日辽东半岛暴雨过程的中尺度特征分析 高原气象 2012,31(5)张胜军等(第2)黄、渤海大风的次天气尺度环流特征及其应用 高原气象 2012,31(4)张义军等(第2)北京地区雷暴的雷达回波特征与闪电活动的相关关系 气象 2012,38(1)张义军等(第2)雷暴起电和放电物理过程在WRF 模式中的耦合及初步检验 大气科学 2012,36(5)张义军等(第2)我国雷击致人伤亡特征及易损度评估区划 应用气象学报 2012,23(3)

作者Author (rank)题名Title出出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year,Volume (Issue)备注Notes张义军等(第2)一次海风锋触发的多单体雹暴及合并过程的观测分析 气象学报 2012,70(5)赵平等(第2) 春季中国南方雨带年际变动与大气环流异常 气象学报 2012,70(4)赵平等(第2) 夏季亚洲-太平洋遥相关季节演变与大气环流和降水 气象学报 2012,70(5)赵艳霞等(第2)不同发育期干旱对冬小麦灌浆和产量影响的模拟 中国生态农业学报 2012,20(9)赵艳霞等(第2)不同气候背景下中国华北与东北作物产量变化趋势模拟 干旱地区农业研究 2012,30(3)赵艳霞等(第2)不同时段低温冷害对玉米灌浆和产量的影响模拟 西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版) 2012,40(9)赵艳霞等(第2)基于波谱分析技术的遥感作物分类方法 农业工程学报 2012,28(3)赵艳霞等(第2)基于集合卡尔曼滤波的Pywofost模型在东北玉米估产中的适用性验证中国农业气象 2012,33(2)赵艳霞等(第2)近10年我国农业气候区划研究进展概述 安徽农业科学 2012,40(2)赵艳霞等(第2)日光温室气候适宜性研究——以北方地区为例 中国农业资源与区划 2012,33(5)郑向东等(第2)2011年春季日本福岛核泄漏污染输送∶ 贵阳131I 和137Cs观测示踪分析环境科学学报 2012,32(9)郑向东等(第2)两种探空仪观测湿度垂直分布及其应用比较 应用气象学报 2012,23(4)周广胜等(第2)1961—2010年中国春玉米潜在种植分布的年代际动态变化 生态学杂志 2012,31(9)周广胜等(第2)不同物候模型对东北地区作物发育期模拟对比分析 气象与环境学报 2012,28(3)周广胜等(第2)不同玉米低温冷害指标在梅河口地区的比较分析 气象科学 2012,32(6)周广胜等(第2)大兴安岭林区10小时时滞可燃物湿度的模拟 生态学报 2012,32(22)周广胜等(第2)地表反照率动态参数化对陆-气通量模拟的影响∶以东北玉米农田为例气象科学 2012,70(5)周广胜等(第2)基于纤维素吸收指数(CAI)的内蒙古荒漠草原非绿色生物量估算科学通报 2012,57(14) SCI周广胜等(第2)降水与CO2浓度协同作用对短花针茅光合特性的影响 植物生态学报 2012,36(7)周广胜等(第2)利用最大熵法(MaxEnt)模拟中国冬小麦分布区的年代际动态变化中国农业气象 2012,33(4)周广胜等(第2)耦合叶面积指数与晴空指数的直角双曲线模型在玉米农田生态系统中的应用 生态学报 2012,33(7)周广胜等(第2)我国春玉米潜在种植分布区的气候适宜性 生态学报 2012,32(12)周广胜等(第2)我国单季稻种植区的气候适宜性 应用生态学报 2012,23(2)周广胜等(第2)稀疏植被地表反照率日变化对通量模拟效果的影响分析——以内蒙古荒漠草原感热与潜热通量为例 高原气象 2012,31(4)周广胜等(第2)植物叶片最大羧化速率对多因子响应的模拟 科学通报 2012,57(13)周广胜等(第2)中国单季稻种植北界的初步研究 气象学报 2012,70(5)周广胜等(第2)中国双季稻种植区的气候适宜性研究 中国农业科学 2012,45(2)周凌晞等(第2)北京上甸子站气相色谱法大气CH4和CO在线观测方法研究 环境科学 2012,33(1)周毓荃等(第2)95GHz云雷达对一次冷锋云系结构的观测分析 高原气象 2012,31(4)周毓荃等(第2)基于Cloudsat的降水云和非降水云垂直特征 应用气象学报 2012,23(1)周毓荃等(第2)山东秋季积层混合云云物理结构个例分析 安徽农业科学 2012,40(1)周毓荃等(第2)一次超级单体强雹暴发展演变过程的观测分析 气象与环境科学 2012,35(2)

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year,Volume (Issue)备注Notes祝从文等(第2)2010年秋、冬季节华北持续性干旱的气候成因分析 大气科学 2012,36(6)安兴琴等(第3)中国区域闪电特征分析及闪电产生NOx量的估算 大气科学学报 2012,35(3)车慧正等(第3)塔克拉玛干沙漠地区气溶胶光学厚度卫星遥感产品验证 气候与环境研究 2012,17(2)陈斌等(第3) 2009年一次华北强桑拿天气过程的动力识别 物理学报 2012,61(13) SCI程艳丽等(第3)气候变化背景下上海市温度热效应死亡风险预估 中华预防医学杂志 2012,46(11)郭建平等(第3)农作物低温冷害监测评估及预报方法评述 中国农业气象 2012,33(2)郭学良等(第3)超级单体风暴中大冰雹增长机制的模拟研究 气候与环境研究 2012,17(6)姜华等(第3) 太平洋副热带海洋环流强度异常对长江中下游夏季降水的影响海洋学报 2012,34(1)李建等(第3) 1967—2006年中国东南沿海盛夏降水强度变化特征分析 气候变化研究进展 2012,8(3)刘煜等(第3) 利用不同资料研究我国大陆上空柱水汽含量 应用气象学报 2012,23(1)吕伟涛等(第3)基于雷声到达时间差的单站闪电通道三维定位系统 高原气象 2012,31(1)罗亚丽等(第3)云凝结核浓度对WRF模式模拟飑线降水的影响:不同云微物理参数化方案的对比研究 大气科学 2012,36(1)马玉平等(第3)基于Downhill-Simplex算法的观测数据与作物生长模型同化研究中国农业气象 2012,33(4)毛飞等(第3) 磁静日期间中国大陆地区外源弱磁场研究 空间科学学报 2012,32(3)王东海等(第3)有限区域分解分析方法在2006年一次东北冷涡暴雨分析中的应用地球物理学报 2012,55(6) SCI王东海等(第3)2010年梅雨期两类东移中尺度涡旋的对比研究 中国科学:地球科学 2012,42(8)王东海等(第3)中尺度多模式超级集合预报对2010年6 月19—20日中国南方大暴雨过程的分析 热带气象学报 2012,28(5)姚展予等(第3)卫星遥感资料在蒸发波导数值预报中的应用 电波科学学报 2012,27(4)张人禾等(第3)青藏高原对流层顶高度与臭氧总量及上升运动的耦合关系 大气科学学报 2012,35(4)赵艳霞等(第3)基于作物模型的低温冷害对我国东北三省玉米产量影响评估生态学报 2012,32(13)周海光等(第3)双雷达反演台风外围强带状回波风场结构特征研究 大气科学 2012,36(2)周毓荃等(第3)受“碧利斯”影响的一次中尺度对流系统模拟研究 大气科学学报 2012,25(6)祝从文等(第3)影响长江中下游夏季降水的前期潜在预报因子评估 大气科学 2012,36(2)

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year,Volume (Issue)备注Notes An Xingqin, et al. Analysis on source features of halogenated gases at Shangdianzi regional atmospheric background station Atmospheric Environment 2012, 57(04) SCI An Xingqin, et al. Estimating Chinese emissions of HCFC-22 and CFC-11 by atmospheric observations and inverse modeling Science China (Chemistry) 2012, 55(10) SCI Bian Lingen, et al. Interdecadal change in Antarctic circumpolar wave during 1951—2010 Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2012, 29(3) SCI Bian Lingen, et al. Notes and correspondence seasonal variation in turbulent fuxes over Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding areas∶ Research note Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2012, DOI∶10.2151/ jmsj SCI Bian Lingen, et al. Trend of Antarctic ozone hole and its infuencing factors Advances in Climate Change Research 2012, 3(2) Bian Lingen, et al. Varlidation of total ozone data between satellite and groundbased measurements at Zhongshan and Syowa Stations in Antarctica Advances in Polar Science 2012, 23(4) Chen Bin, et al. On the temporal and spatial structure of troposphere-tostratosphere transport in the lowermost stratosphere over the Asian monsoon region during boreal summer Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2012, 29(6) SCI Chen Bin, et al. Climatological perspectives of air transport from atmospheric boundary layer to tropopause layer over Asian monsoon regions during boreal summer inferred from Lagrangian approach Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2012, 12(13) SCI Chen Bin, et al. Main moisture sources affecting lower Yangtze River Basin in boreal summers during 2004—2009 International Journal of Climatology 2012, 10.1002/ joc.3495 SCI Chen Bin, et al. On the origin and destination of atmospheric moisture and air mass over the Tibetan Plateau Theoretical and Applied Climatology 2012, 110(3) SCI Chen Haoming, et al. A possible cause for different diurnal variations of warm season rainfall as shown in station observations and TRMM 3B42 data over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2012, 29(1) SCI Chen Haoming, et al. FY-2C-derived diurnal features of clouds in the southern contiguous China Journal of Geophysical Research 2012, 117 SCI Chen Haoming, et al. The coherent interdecadal changes of East Asian climate in midsummer simulated by BCC_AGCM 2.0.1 Climate Dynamics 2012, 39 SCI Chen Lianshou Research progress on the structure and intensity change for the landfalling tropical cyclones Journal of Tropical Meteorology 2012, 18(2) SCIE Duan Jing, et al. Characteristics of aerosol activation effciency and aerosol and CCN vertical distributions in North China Acta Meteorologica Sinica 2012, 26(5) SCIE Fang Shibo Assessment of farmland afforestation in the upstream Yangtze River, China Outlook on Agriculture 2012, 41(2) SCIE Fang Shibo, et al. Field experiments in North China show no decrease in winter wheat yields with night temperature increased by 2.0-2.5 °C Science China (Earth Sciences) 2012, 55(6) SCI Jiang Zhina The behaviors of optimal precursors during the wintertime Eurasian blocking onset Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2012, 29(6) SCI Li Yi, et al. Characteristics of precipitation chemistry at Lushan Mountain, East China∶ 1992—2009 Environmental Science and Pollution 2012, 19(6) SCI Li Yi, et al. Interactive enhancements of ascorbic acid and iron in hydroxyl Environmental Science&Technology 2012, 46(18) SCI Li Ying, et al. Impact of upper-level cold vortex on the rapid intensity and motion changes of Typhoon Meranti (2010) Journal of Tropical Meteorology 2012, 18(2) SCIE Liang Hong, et al. Estimation of hourly solar radiation at the surface under cloudless conditions on the Tibetan Plateau using a simple radiation model Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2012, 29(4) SCI Lin Yonghui Characteristics of gravity waves over the Tibetan Plateau during the PRC-Japan cooperative JICA project in 2008 Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2012, 90(C) SCI

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year,Volume (Issue)备注Notes Liu Ge, et al. An east-west SST anomaly pattern in the mid-latitude North Atlantic Ocean associated with winter precipitation variability over eastern China Journal of Geophysical Research 2012, 117(D15104) SCI Liu Ge, et al. Low and mid latitude components of the East Asian winter monsoon and their refecting variations in winter climate over eastern China Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 2012, 5(3) Liu Ge, et al. Potential flaws of interdecadal changes over eastern China around the early 1990s in the National Centers for Environmental Prediction-National Center for Atmospheric Research reanalyses Journal of Geophysical Research 2012, 117(2111) SCI Liu Ge, et al. Relationship of summer soil moisture with early winter monsoon and air temperature over eastern China International Journal of Climatology 2012, 32(32) SCI Liu Liping, et al. Comparison of precipitation observation between principle prototype space-based cloud radar and ground-based radars Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2012, 29(6) SCI Liu Yu, et al. Background stratospheric aerosol variations deduced from satellite observations Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 2012, 51(3) SCI Lou Xiaofeng, et al. Cloud-resolving model for weather modifcation in China Chinese Science Bulletin 2012, 57(9) SCI Lü Weitao, et al. Characteristics of unconnected upward leaders initiated from tall structures observed in Guangzhou Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 2012, 117(D19211) SCI Ma Jianzhong, et al. A review of atmospheric chemistry research in China∶Photochemical smog, haze pollution, and gas-aerosol interactions Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2012, 29(5) SCI Ma Jianzhong, et al. The IPAC-NC feld campaign∶ a pollution and oxidization pool in the lower atmosphere over Huabei, China Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2012, 12(9) SCI Peng Xindong Fourth order transport model on yin-yang grid by multi-moment constrained fnite volume scheme Procedia Computer Sciences 2012, 9 Qian Tingting Topographic effects on the tropical land and sea breeze Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 2012, 69(1) SCI Wang Gaili Improvement of radar quantitative precipitation estimation based on real-time adjustments to Z-R relationships and inverse distance weighting correction schemes Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2012, 29(3) SCI Wang Hong, et al. Sensitivity studies of aerosol data assimilation and direct radiative feedbacks in modeling dust aerosols Atmospheric Environment 2012, 64(64) SCI Wang Yaqian wContour∶ A .NET class library of contour-related algorithms Computers & Geosciences 2012, 48(1) SCI Wei Fengying Reconstruction of summer sea level pressure over East Asia since 1470 Journal of Climate 2012, 25(25) SCI Wen Min, et al. Impacts of model resolutions and initial conditions on predictions of the Asian summer monsoon by the NCEP climate forecast system Weather and Forecasting 2012, 27(3) SCI Wu Bingyi Anomalous Arctic surface wind patterns and their impacts on September sea ice minima and trend Tellus 2012, 64(64) SCI Xia Rudi, et al. An observational analysis of a derecho in South China Acta Meteorologica Sinica 2012, 26(6) SCIE Xia Rudi, et al. On the vorticity and energy budgets of the cold vortex in Northeast China∶ A case study Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 2012, 118(1-2) SCI Xiao Dong, et al. Numerical simulation study of temperature change over East China in the past millennium Science China (Earth Sciences) 2012, 55(8) SCI Xin Yufei, et al. Response of the East Asian climate system to water and heat changes of global frozen soil using NCAR CAM model Chinese Science Bulletin 2012, 57(34) SCI Xu Xiangde, et al. “Downstream Effect” of winter snow cover over the eastern Tibetan Plateau on climate anomalies in East Asia Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2012, 90(C) SCI

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year,Volume (Issue)备注Notes Yang Jun, et al. An automated cirrus cloud detection method for a ground-based cloud image Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 2012, 29(4) SCI Yao Bo, et al. A study of four-year HCFC-22 and HCFC-142b in-situ measurements at the Shangdianzi regional background station in China. Atmospheric Environment 2012, 63(63) SCI Yao Bo, et al. In-situ measurements of atmospheric hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs) at the Shangdianzi regional background station, China Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2012, 12(12) SCI Zhang Renhe, et al. A China-Japan cooperative JICA atmospheric observing network over the Tibetan Plateau (JICA/Tibet Project)∶ An overview Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2012, 90(C) SCI Zhang Shengjun, et al. A 3DVAR-based dynamical initialization scheme for tropical cyclone predictions Weather and Forecasting 2012, 27(1) SCI Zhang Shengjun, et al. Statistical analysis and numerical simulation of Poyang Lake's infuence on tropical cyclones Journal of Tropical Meteorology 2012, 18(2) SCIE Zhang Wenjuan, et al. Lightning distribution and eyewall outbreaks in tropical cyclones during landfall Monthly Weather Review 2012, 140(11) SCI Zhang Xiaoye, et al. Atmospheric aerosol compositions in China∶ Spatial/temporal variability, chemical signature, regional haze distribution and comparisons with global aerosols Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2012, 12(1) SCI Zhang Yang, et al. An analysis of the initial breakdown pulses for positive cloudto-ground fashes IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 2012, 132(6) Zhao Junfang, et al. Evaluating spatial-temporal dynamics of net primary productivity of different forest types in northeastern China based on improved FORCCHN PLoS ONE 2012, 11(7) SCI Zhao Junfang, et al. Simulating net carbon budget of forest ecosystems and its response to climate change in Northeastern China using improved FORCCHN Chinese Geographical Science 2012, 22(1) SCIE Zhao Nan Coupling modes among action centers of wave-mean flow interaction and their association with the AO/NAM Journal of Climate 2012, 25(2) SCI Zhao Ping Asian origin of interannual variations of summer climate over the extratropical North Atlantic Ocean Journal of Climate 2012, 25(10) SCI Zheng Dong, et al. Optical and electrical observations of an abnormal triggered lightning event with two upward propagations Acta Meteorologica Sinica 2012, 26(4) SCIE Zhou Chunhong, et al. Toward the improvements of simulating the chemical and optical properties of Chinese aerosols using an online coupled model-CUACE/Aero Tellus B 2012, 64(18965) SCI Zhou Xiuji Analysis of reconstructed annual precipitation from tree-rings for the past 500 years in the middle Qilian Mountain Science China 2012, 55(5) SCI Zhu Congwen, et al. Recent weakening of northern East Asian summer monsoon∶ A possible response to global warming Geophysical Research Letters 2012, DOI∶10.1029/ 2012GL051155 ( 39, L09701) SCI Zhuang Wei, et al. A refectivity climatology-based hybrid scans algorithm and its application in radar coverage over the Tibetan Plateau Acta Meteorologica Sinica 2012, 26(6) SCIE Zuo Zhiyan, et al. Inter-decadal variation of springtime rainfall over southern China mainland for 1979—2004 and its relationship with Eurasian snow Science China (Earth Sciences) 2012, 55(2) SCI Zuo Zhiyan, et al. Role of thermal condition over Asia in the weakening Asian summer monsoon under global warming background Journal of Climate 2012, 25(25) SCI An Xingqin,et al. (2nd) Association between dust weather and number of admissions for patients with respiratory diseases in spring in Lanzhou Science of the Total Environment 2012, 423(3) SCI Chen Lianshou, et al.(2nd) Impact of sea spray on tropical cyclone strucure intensity change Journal of Tropical Meteorology 2012, 18(2) SCIE

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year,Volume (Issue)备注Notes Chen Lianshou, et al.(2nd) Numerical simulation on re-intensifcation of tropical remnant re-entering the sea∶ A case study Journal of Tropical Meteorology 2012, 18(2) SCIE Dong Wansheng, et al.(2nd) Discharge height of lightning narrow bipolar events Journal of Geophysical Research 2012, D117 (D05119) SCI Dong Wansheng, et al.(2nd) Observation of compact intracloud discharges using VHF broadband interferometers Journal of Geophysical Research 2012, 117 (D01203) SCI Gong Shanling, et al.(2nd) A parameterized method for air-quality diagnosis and its applications Advances in Meteorology 2012, DOI∶10.1155/2012/ 238589 Guo Jianping, et al.(2nd) Synergy of satellite and ground based observations in estimation of particulate matter in eastern China Science of the Total Environment 2012, 433 SCI Guo Jianping, et al.(2nd) Variety distribution pattern and climatic potential productivity of spring maize in Northeast China under climate change Chinese Science Bulletin 2012, 57(26) SCI Guo Xueliang, et al.(2nd) Impacts of secondary aerosols on a persistent fog event in northern China Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 2012, 5(5) Guo Xueliang, et al.(2nd) Role of downward momentum transport in the formation of severe surface winds Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 2012, 5(5) Guo Xueliang, et al.(2nd) A cloud-resolving simulation study on the merging processes and effects of topography and environmental winds Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 2012, 69(4) SCI Guo Xueliang, et al.(2nd) Distribution and origin of aerosol and its transform relationship with CCN derived from the spring multi-aircraft measurements of Beijing Cloud Experiment (BCE). Chinese Science Bulletin 2012, 57(19) SCI Li Jian,et al.(2nd) Hourly rainfall changes in response to surface air temperature over eastern Contiguous China Journal of Climate 2012, 25(19) SCI Li Jian,et al.(2nd) Intercomparison of summer rainfall diurnal features between station rain gauge data and TRMM 3B42 product over central eastern China International Journal of Climatology 2012, 32 SCI Lin Xiang,et al. (2nd) Global and China temperature changes associated with the interdecadal variations of East Asian summer monsoon advances Chinese Science Bulletin 2012, 57(30) SCI Liu Liping,et al. (2nd) A quality assurance procedure and evaluation of rainfall estimates for C-band polarimetric radar Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2012, 29(1) SCI Liu Liping,et al. (2nd) Retrieving microphysical properties and air motion of cirrus clouds based on the Doppler moments method using cloud radar Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2012, 29(3) SCI Lü Weitao,et al. (2nd) Thin cloud detection of all-sky images using Markov random felds IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 2012, 9(3) SCI Wang Ping,et al. (2nd) A decomposition study of moisture transport divergence for inter-decadal change in East Asian summer rainfall during 1958—2001 Chinese Physics B 2012, 21(11) SCI Wang Donghai, et al.(2nd) Applicability of AIRS monthly maen atmospheric water vapor profles over the Tibetan Plateau region Journal of Atmorpheric and Oceanic Technology 2012, 29(11) SCI Wang Donghai, et al.(2nd) A new approach to implement Sigma coordinate in a numerical model Communications in Computational Physics 2012, 12(4) SCIE Wang Donghai, et al.(2nd) An evaluation of ice nuclei characteristics from the long-term measurement data over North China Asia-Pacifc Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 2012, 48(2) SCIE Wang Zhili, et al.(2nd) Simulation of direct radiative forcing of aerosols and their effects on East Asian climate using an interactive AGCM-aerosol coupled system Climate Dynamics 2012, 38(7-8) SCI Xu Xiaobin, et al.(2nd) Characteristics and recent trends of surface SO2at urban, rural, and background sites in North China∶ Effectiveness of control measures Journal of Environmental Sciences 2012, 24(1) SCI Xu Xiaobin, et al.(2nd) Impact of the regional transport of urban Beijing pollutants on downwind areas in summer∶ Ozone production efficiency analysis Tellus B 2012, 64(17348) SCI

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year,Volume (Issue)备注Notes Zhai Panmao, et al.(2nd) Validation of daily precipitation from two high-resolution satellite precipitation datasets over the Tibetan Plateau and the regions to its east Acta Meteorolgica Sinica 2012, 26(4) SCIE Zhang Renhe, et al.(2nd) An assessment of multidimensional flood vulnerability at the provincial scale in China based on the DEA method Natural Hazards 2012, 64(2) SCI Zhang Renhe, et al.(2nd) Areal differences in diurnal variations in summer precipitation over Beijing metropolitan region Theoretical and Applied Climatology 2012, 110(3) SCI Zhang Renhe, et al.(2nd) Seasonal variation of climatological by passing flows around the Tibetan Plateau Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2012, 29(5) SCI Zhang Yijun, et al.(2nd) Performance evaluation for a lightning location system based on observations of artificially triggered lightning and natural lightning fashes Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 2012, 29(12) SCI Zhao Ping,et al. (2nd) Observational and modeling studies of impacts of the South China Sea monsoon on the monsoon rainfall in the middlelower reaches of the Yangtze River during summer Acta Meteorologica Sinica 2012, 26(2) SCIE Zhao Yanxia, et al.(2nd) Acta Meteorologica Sinica 2012, 26(4) SCIE Zhou Guangsheng, et al.(2nd) Effects of drought on winter wheat yield in North China during 2012—2100 PLoS ONE 2012, 7(8) Zhou Guangsheng, et al.(2nd) Light use efficiency over two temperate steppes in Inner Mongolia, China. A temperature-precipitation based leafing model and its application in Northeast China PLoS ONE 2012, 7(4) SCI Zhou Guangsheng, et al.(2nd) Climatic suitability of the distribution of the winter wheat cultivation zone in China European Journal of Agronomy 2012, 43(43) SCI Zhou Guangsheng, et al.(2nd) Estimating senesced biomass of desert steppe in Inner Mongolia using feld spectrometric data Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2012, 161(6) SCI Zhou Guangsheng, et al.(2nd) Evapotran spiration and crop coeffcient for a temperate desert steppe ecosystem using eddy covariance in Inner Mongolia, China Hydrological Processes 2012, 26(3) SCI Zhou Guangsheng, et al.(2nd) The climatic suitability for maize cultivation in China Chinese Science Bulletin 2012, 57(4) SCI Zhou Xiuji,et al. (2nd) Attenuation of ultraviolet radiation reaching the surface due to atmospheric aerosols in Guangzhou Chinese Science Bulletin 2012, 57(21) SCI Zhu Congwen, et al.(2nd) Linkage between the dominant modes in Pacific subsurface ocean temperature and the two type ENSO events Chinese Science Bulletin 2012, DOI∶10.1007/ s11434-012-5173-4 SCI Bian Lingen, et al.(3rd) Evalution of atmospheric boundary layer-surface process relationships in a regional climate model along an East Antarctic traverse Journal of Geopysical Research 2012, 117 (d09121) SCI Chen Yue,et al. (3rd) The IPAC-NC feld campaign∶ A pollution and oxidization pool in the lower atmosphere over Huabei, China Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2012, 12(5) SCI Fang Shibo,et al. (3rd) Factors infuencing small-scale distribution of 10 macrolichens in King George Island, West Antarctica Advances in Polar Science 2012, 23(3) Li Yi,et al.(3rd) Hydroxyl radical generation mechanism during the redox cycling process of 1,4-Naphthoquinone Environmental Science&Technology 2012, 46(5) SCI Li Ying,et al.(3rd) The statistical characteristics of impact of the westward-going tropical cyclones on rainfall in Yunnan Plateau Journal of Tropical Meteorology 2012, 18(1) SCIE Ma Jianzhong, et al.(3rd) A high-resolution emission inventory of primary pollutants for the Huabei region, China Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2012, 12(1) SCI Xu Xiaobin,et al. (3rd) Signifcant downward trend of SO2observed at a background station in the Yangtze Delta region, China Science China (Chemistry) 2012, 55(7) SCI Zhang Xiaoye, et al.(3rd) Carbonaceous aerosol in China∶Top-down constraints on primary sources and estimation of secondary contribution Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2012, 12 SCI

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