
2012-07-07 10:20
中国气象科学研究院年报 2012年0期

Severe Weather



1 灾害天气雷达监测理论和方法研究

1.1 新一代天气雷达资料质量控制、降水估测和临近预报技术


1.2 青藏高原东缘水物质和边界层综合观测


1.3 边界层风廓线雷达反演大气比湿廓线的试验研究

基于湍流散射理论,应用L波段风廓线雷达(WPR)2011年8—9月期间在云南大理获得的观测数据进行大气比湿廓线反演。与探空获取的大气湿度廓线相比,应用WPR/RASS/GPS联合反演大气比湿廓线的精度如下:(1)WPR联合探空的温度廓线和起始边界比湿反演大气比湿廓线,与探空大气比湿廓线相比具有相同的变化趋势,相对差和标准差分别为0.75 g/kg和0.84 g/kg,误差随高度增加呈递增趋势;(2)WPR联合GPS/PWV、RASS数据反演大气比湿廓线,与探空大气比湿廓线的相对差和标准差分别为0.64 g/kg和0.85 g/kg(图1)。(阮征)

1.4 毫米波雷达功率谱密度数据在弱降水滴谱反演中的应用

建立了功率谱密度函数数据处理及其直接反演雨滴谱、液态水含量和空气上升速度的方法。利用2012年7月在云南腾冲观测的一次弱降水数据,进行了弱降水微物理参数的反演,对比分析了毫米波雷达观测的780 m高度上功率谱密度函数、回波强度、径向速度和速度谱宽与地面雨滴谱计算得到的结果,对比分析了反演的雨滴谱和观测的雨滴谱结果。讨论了该高度以下降水对毫米波雷达衰减的影响。结果表明:空气湍流对弱降水微物理参数反演影响不大,而空气上升速度和米散射效应均对反演结果有一定影响;考虑到衰减后,毫米波雷达观测到的径向速度、速度谱宽和功率谱密度函数与地面雨滴谱观测的数据比较一致,毫米波雷达数据比较可靠;反演的雨滴谱与地面观测的谱型和粒子大小也比较一致;但回波强度和雨强差异较大。这些结果初步验证了毫米波雷达观测的功率谱密度函数及其反演方法的可靠性(图2)。(刘黎平)

2 灾害天气结构与形成机理

2.1 2007年梅雨期江淮流域高分辨率逐小时雨量观测的格点化分析及与CMORPH对比

2007年梅雨期暴雨频发导致江淮流域自1954年以来最严重洪涝灾害,为了解暴雨过程,尤其是β中尺度及更小尺度过程,迫切需要获得并处理高质量公里量级的逐小时降水资料。本研究收集了江淮流域555个国家级自动气象站(AWS)和6572个区域AWS记录的逐小时降水资料,站间平均距离大约8 km,进行严格的质量控制,包括时空一致性检验、极值检验、与地基雷达观测的反射率对比,进而采用订正Cressman插值方法构建了分辨率为8 km的格点化逐小时降水资料。分析表明,这套资料能够揭示国家级AWS不能显示的对流降水的细致特征,一系列的定量检验进一步验证了该资料质量可靠。

利用该资料检验美国气候预测中心的具有相同水平分辨率的CMORPH卫星降水估计,发现CMORPH倾向于低估强降水(雨强>5 mm/h,尤其是>10 mm/h),同时高估弱降水和晴空(无降水),低估现象没有明显日变化(图3b,c),高估则具有显著日变化(图3d,e),即下午和傍晚时高估比上午更加严重。由此导致CMORPH严重低估梅雨期区域降水日变化的上午峰值,同时略微高估其下午峰值。(罗亚丽,钤伟妙)

2.2 中国东部极端降水中尺度对流系统的对流初生机制与组织结构


2007年梅雨期的强降水造成淮河流域自1954年以来最严重的洪涝,7月9日王家坝水库超过警戒水位1.8 m,10日上午水库被迫分洪,造成巨大的经济损失,使数千万人失去了家园。7月8日00∶00—14∶00 淮河流域发生特大暴雨,准东西向分布的雨带横跨淮河之上,14 h累积降水达298 mm。利用高分辨率地面气象观测和雷达反射率资料以及网格距为1.1 km的显式对流模拟,研究了此次特大暴雨过程的对流初生机制和MCS结构特征。观测和模拟都说明,对流从00∶00开始连续出现,向东移动发展,组织形成生命史4~10 h的呈东西走向的β中尺度雨带,雨带向东南方向传播,构成一个准线状的MCS,产生特大暴雨。

夜间对流最初的产生主要受到两个因素的制约:一个是尺度较大的低空西南季风气流,它给对流的连续触发和发展提供不稳定能量(即高e空气);另一个是梅雨锋前大约100 km处的近地面中尺度冷空气堆,它对西南季风气流带来的高e空气的抬升导致对流触发。冷空气堆是前一天下午和傍晚的对流活动产生降水而形成的,而夜间触发的对流发展成为准线状MCS,其产生的区域平均降水在08∶00达到峰值。因此,中尺度冷空气堆与夜间对流触发的密切关系反映出梅雨降水日变化两个峰值之间的一种关联。


2.3 暴雨、飑线和暴雪的三维结构及其演变研究


2.4 对流层高层冷涡、台湾地形和海峡效应对近海台风强度和结构变化的影响


2.5 高原天气及其影响研究

(1)受美国科学出版社邀请,徐祥德院士主编撰写的高原研究专著“Theory and Application for Warning and Prediction of Disastrous Weather Downstream from the Tibetan Plateau”(《青藏高原对下游灾害天气的预警与预测理论应用研究》)在美国出版发行,并被美国国会图书馆收藏(图6)。专著综合了高原研究组专家有关高原对中国灾害性天气、气候影响的新认识及其研究成果。高原影响研究理论成果受美国科学出版社邀请撰稿出版,表明实验室青藏高原研究组高原研究成果已经得到国际关注。日方东京大学Koike教授为主编、中方徐祥德院士作为副主编,联合中日双方高原研究专家,在著名日本刊物JAMS上出版了中日合作JICA项目研究成果专刊。(张胜军,姚文清,陈斌)




(5)利用探空资料评估了美国高光谱红外大气探测仪器(AIRS)水汽月资料集,提出了AIRS卫星水汽资料相对探空资料的订正方法,形成订正过后的AIRS卫星水汽资料和NVAP水汽数据集,并结合欧洲METOP卫星装载的超高光谱红外大气探测仪(IASI)水汽资料,建立了高原地区站点观测和卫星观测的1988—2012年水汽综合数据集。高原地区的水汽含量水平方向由东南沿海向西北内陆递减,垂直方向呈现三维倾斜状结构,高原地区上空存在一个深厚的相对周边水汽含量较高的偏湿层,且偏湿程度最高在500 hPa左右,对流层的分层水汽通量和散度场的结果表明,这一水汽偏湿层对高原周边及下游地区有影响。(王东海)

2.6 初夏东亚环流对厄尔尼诺的两种响应过程及其对中国降水的影响


3 数值天气预报的基础科学问题和关键技术

3.1 云和降水微物理结构特征及其模式参数化方法研究



3.2 基于WRF的集合卡尔曼滤波同化技术(EnKF-WRF)预报模式系统建设


3.3 阴阳网格守恒算法及GRAPES模式动力框架构建


3.4 持续性灾害天气数值预报方法研究


3.5 青藏高原降水预报对水平分辨率的敏感性研究


4 科研成果转化和应用

4.1 高原研究成果业务应用及转化


4.2 雷达监测研究成果推广应用

基本完成了杭州市气象局强天气网格化临近预报业务系统建设项目“杭州市气象局临近预报系统”的研制,已进入业务试运行阶段,为预报员提供了三维雷达回波图、风场、降水估测和1 h降水预报等产品。为海军研制的“三维拼图软件系统”已通过验收,进入业务运行阶段,实现了海军某部3部雷达的拼图,为海军训练提供了灾害天气预警产品。研发的晴空回波识别算法、海浪回波识别算法、C波段新一代天气雷达径向速度处理算法、改进的地物回波识别算法等新一代天气雷达资料质量控制算法,其中一部分已经连接到新一代天气雷达软件系统(ROSE)中,进入业务评估阶段。(刘黎平)

图1 WPR/RASS/GPS反演与探空比湿廓线对比Fig1 The retrieved specifc humidity profles and sounding data

图2 2012年7月20日07∶18—07∶24(a)和7月23日09∶10—09∶15(b)雷达反演的780 m高度上的雨滴谱和雨滴谱仪观测到的地面雨滴谱的对比Fig2 The raindrop size distributions at 780 m derived by cloud radar and observed at ground by disdrometer during 07∶18-07∶24 20 July , 2012(a) and 09∶10-09∶15 23 July, 2012(b)

图3 实测及CMORPH卫星估测的2007年梅雨期江淮流域区域平均降水日变化:(a)总降水,(b~e)不同强度降水Fig3 Diurnal cycle of precipitation rates averaged over the Yangtze-Huai River Basin during the 2007 Meiyu season derived from the rain gauge-based analysis (solid) and CMORPH (dashed) for (a) total rainfall rates, and (b-e) different rainfall intensity categories based on the gauge-based analysis

图4 2008年1月16日14∶05暴雪过程的3 km高度水平速度场(a)和2007年7月8日17∶23飑线垂直剖面u-w速度合成(b)Fig4 The snowstorm horizontal wind at 3-km level at 14∶05 LST 16 Jan 2008 (a), and the squall line u-w wind feld in the vertical cross-section at 17∶23 LST 8 July 2007 (b)

图5 台风Meranti(A)与高空冷涡(B)的相互作用:(a)300 hPa水平风场和涡度场(阴影);(b)沿台风和高空冷涡中心连线的水平风场和涡度垂直剖面(箭头:水平风场,阴影:垂直涡度)Fig5 Interaction between Typhoon Meranti (A) and upper-level cold vortex (B). (a) Horizontal wind vectors (arrows) and vertical vorticity (shaded) at 300 hPa; (b) Vertical section of wind vectors and vorticity along the centers of the typhoon and the vortex

图6 高原研究专著“Theory and Application for Warning and Prediction of Disastrous Weather Downstream from the Tibetan Plateau”(《青藏高原对下游灾害天气的预警与预测理论应用研究》)在美国出版发行Fig6 The special issue “Theory and Application for Warning and Prediction of Disastrous Weather Downstream from the Tibetan Plateau”Published in the United States

图7 可降水云(a)和非降水云(b)雷达反射率垂直分布(纵坐标每层间隔240 m,横坐标间隔为1 dBz;填色区为云在不同高度对应雷达反射率占总体百分比,红线为不同高度层频率最大值连线)Fig7 Radar refectivity distributions of (a) precipitative and (b) nonprecipitative clouds (The vertical axis represents height with intervals of 240 m, and the horizontal axis denotes radar refectivity with intervals of 1 dBz. Shaded areas indicate the percentage of the corresponding radar reflectivity at different heights to the overall radar reflectivity, and the red line is the curve that connects the points of maximum frequency for each height)

图8 不同微物理方案6 km和18 km降水TS评分Fig8 Threat score for different microphysics schemes in WRF model version 3.4 with horizontal resolutions of 6 km and 18 km

图9 在没有守恒强迫(a)和3种守恒强迫方案(b~d)中球面刚体平流计算误差增长Fig9 The error norms in a 12-day solid-body advection with non-conservation (a) and three conservative constraints (b-d)

图10 在阴阳网格上采用龙科库塔3阶时间积分和空间5阶精度差分方案的平流结果Fig10 Numerical results of a 12-day balanced-fow advection with the 3rd-order Runge-Kutta scheme and 5th-order Eulerian differencing scheme

图11 水平分辨率对青藏高原降水预报的影响Fig11 The impact of the horizontal resolution on precipitation prediction over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau

Advances in the Research of Severe Weather

Remarkable improvements have been made in 2012 in the felds of severe weather watching, structure and mechanisms of severe weather, and basic science and key technology of numerical modeling. At the same time, the research on operation transformation has been strengthened.

1 Severe weather watching with radars

1.1 Radar data quality control, precipitation estimation and nowcasting

The algorithms of multi-scale tracking and extrapolation of radar echo (MTREC), the blending technology based on MTREC, and a WRF-based rapid updating cycling forecast system were developed. Taking into account the special geographical environment and the ground clutter of the Tibetan Plateau, hybrid scan elevation calculation based on refectivity climatology, refectivity bright band identifcation and correction, and precipitation estimation with radar and raingauge data were developed. The biases in the refectivity data from the S-band Doppler radars over the Yangtze River Basin were examined. The coverage ability of the Doppler radar network was evaluated by using GPS data. The algorithm for dual polarization radar data quality control was developed and used in radar data processing in Yunnan Province. (Liu Liping)

1.2 Integrated observation of hydrometeor concentration and boundary layer structure along the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau

The frst phase compaign of the Third Tibetan Plateau Atmospheric Science Experiment has been carried out from May to August 2012 in Dali and Tengchong, Yunnan Province. Observational instruments, including a C-band polarimetric radar, a millimeter band radar, a wind profle radar, microwave radiometer, disdrometer, large aperture scintillometer, GPS sounding, etc. have been employed for observations of water vapor, cloud, precipitation, and properties of the atmospheric boundary layer. Initial data processing has been completed. (Liu Liping)

1.3 Retrieval of humidity profles with boundary layer wind profle radar

Based on the turbulent backscattering theory, humidity profiles were retrieved using the L-band Wind Profile Radar (WPR) observations from August 15 to September 10, 2011 at Dali of Yunnan Province. Compared with the humidity profles derived from radiosonde data, the WPRRASSGPS humidity profles have the following features∶ (1) Combined the WPR and the data of temperature and initial humidity of radiosonde, the WPR retrieved humidity profles exhibit the same trend with that of the radiosonde humidity profles, with mean and standard deviation being 0.75 and 0.84 g/kg respectively, both showing an increasing trend with height; (2) With the assistance of GPS/PWV and RASS data, the mean deviation and standard deviation of retrieved humidity from WPR is 0.64 and 0.85 g/kg, respectively, compared with the radiosonde observation (Fig1). (Ruan Zheng)

1.4 Application of Doppler spectral density data from micrometer radar in drop size distribution retrieval in weak precipitation

The processing algorithm for Doppler spectral density data and retrieval algorithm for DSD, liquid water content (LWC), rain rate and air vertical speed with Doppler spectral density data are presented. Two weak precipitation cases observed by vertical pointed Ka band cloud radar, Ku band micro-rain radar and disdrometer in July, 2012 at Tengchong, Yunnan Province, are examind. The vertical profles of refectivity, and velocity by cloud radar and micro-rain radar are compared. The Doppler spectral density data at the altitude of 780 mby the cloud radar, the mirco-rain radar, and that calculated from the disdrometer are compared. The DSD and rain rate are retrieved with Doppler spectral density data and compared with disdrometer data. The effect of water over the cloud radar antenna on refectivity measurement is discussed. The results indicate that the effect of air turbulence on precipitation microphysical parameters was negligible; however, the effects of air vertical speed and Mie scattering were obvious. The velocity, Doppler spectral density data, and variational pattern of reflectivity with altitude by cloud radar and mirco-rain radar were consistent; however, the reflectivity measured by cloud radar was weaker than that by the mirco-rain radar and the disdrometer. The water over the cloud radar antenna reduced the refectivity seriously. The Doppler spectral density data and DSD by the cloud radar were similar to that observed by disdrometer. This work verifed Doppler spectral density data by the cloud radar and related retrieval parameters (Fig2). (Liu Liping)

2 Structure and mechanism of disastrous weathers

2.1 Gridded hourly precipitation analysis from high-density raingauge network over the Yangtze-Huai River Basin during the 2007 Meiyu season and comparison with CMORPH

Heavy rainfall hit the Yangtze-Huai River Basin (YHRB) of East China several times during the prolonged 2007 Meiyu season, causing the worst food of this region since 1954. There has been an urgent need for obtaining high-quality, kilometer-scale, hourly rainfall data in order to understand the Meiyu precipitation processes, especially at the meso-β and smaller scales. In this paper, the authors describe the construction of the 0.078-resolution gridded hourly rainfall analysis over the YHRB region during the 2007 Meiyu season, based on surface reports at 555 national and 6572 regional automated weather stations with an average resolution of about 8 km. The gridded hourly analysis is obtained using a modifed Cressman-type objective analysis after applying strict quality control, including not only the commonly used internal temporal and spatial consistency and extreme value checks, but also verifcations against mosaic radar refectivity data. This analysis reveals many convectively generated fnescale precipitation structures that could not be seen from the national station reports. A comprehensive quantitative assessment ensures the quality of the gridded hourly precipitation data. A comparison of this dataset with the U.S. Climate Prediction Center Morphing Technique (CMORPH) dataset on the same resolution suggests the dependence of the latter’s performance on different rainfall intensity categories. Namely, the CMORPH tends to underestimate hourly rain rates over individual grid boxes on 8-km resolution when the raingauge observations indicate occurrences of intense rainfall (>5 mm/h in general and>10 mm/h in particular) but overestimate it for the raingauge observed light rainfall and clear sky categories. While the underestimation presents insignificant diurnal variations, the overestimation is more pronounced during the late afternoon and early evening hours (when rainstorms have smaller scales) than the early morning hours (when rainstorms have larger scale and longer duration). As a result, the major rainband and the early morning peak of the Meiyu precipitation are significantly underestimated, while the late afternoon peak is slightly overestimated by the CMORPH compared to the raingauge observations (Fig3). (Luo Yali, Qian Weimiao)

2.2 Convective initiation and two organizational modes in an extreme-rain-producing mesoscale convective system along a Meiyu front in eastern China

The convective initiation and organization of a quasi-linear extreme-rain-producing mesoscale convective system (MCS) along a Meiyu front in eastern China during the midnight and morning of 8 July 2007 are studied using high-resolution surface observations and radar reflectivity, and a 24-h convection-permitting simulation with the nested grid spacing of 1.11 km. Both the observations and simulation suggest that the convective initiated at 00∶00, and organized into west-east-oriented meso-β scale rainbands with life spans of 4-10 h. the rainbands propagated southeastward subsequent, formed a quasi-linear MCS, and resulted a sereve rainstorm.

The results show that the early convective initiation at the western end of the MCS results from moist southwesterly monsoonal flows ascending cold domes left behind by convective activities that developed during the afternoon-to-evening hours of the previous day, suggesting a possible linkage between the early morning and late afternoon peaks of the Meiyu rainfall diurnal variation. Two scales of convective organization are found during the MCS’ development∶ One is the eastward to northeastward “echo training” of convective cells along individual rainbands, and the other is the southeastward “band training” of the rainbands along the quasi-linear MCS. The two organizational modes are similar in the context of “training” of convective elements, but they differ in their spatial scales and movement directions. It is concluded that the repeated convective backbuilding and the subsequent echo training along the same path account for the extreme rainfall production in the present case, whereas the band training is responsible for the longevity of the rainbands and the formation of the quasi-linear MCS. (Luo Yali, Gong Yu)

2.3 Study on the 3D structure of a heavy rainfall, a squall line, and a snowstorm

The single Doppler radar data and the dual-Doppler radar 3D retrieval wind fields show that vertical wind shear is very important for snowstorm development. The low and middle levels of the snowstorm are convergence region, and correspond to the maximum convergence. The shear line at the low level is also important for the snowstorm development. The single Doppler retrieval wind and the observation data are used to study the convective bow echo in South China in 2011. The evolution feature and the dynamic mechanism of the linear convective system were probed and summarized. We also investigated the factors that impact the northeast cold vortex development and maintenance, and the convection triggering mechanism (Fig4). (Zhou Haiguang)

2.4 Impacts of upper-level cold vortex, Taiwan topography and strait channel effect on typhoon structre and intensity changes over offshore waters

Previous studies found that an upper-level cold vertex may exert influences on intensity change of typhoon over offshore waters. Typhoon Meranti (1010) was intensifed when it approached mainland China and reached its maximum intensity just before its landfall. During its evolution, a northwest-moving cold vortex in the upper troposphere appeared to the south of the Subtropical high over the western North Pacifc, revolving around the typhoon anticlockwise from its east to its north. This resulted in the change of airfow direction above the typhoon, leading to a weak vertical wind shear, which in return facilitated the development of Typhoon Meranti. Meanwhile, to the east of Typhoon Meranti, the overlapped southwesterly jets in the upper and lower troposphere accelerated the typhoon tangential wind and contributed to its cyclonic development. Besides, the cold vortex transported weak cold advection to the typhoon outer rainbands, causing increased vertical instability in the atmosphere, which was favorable for convection development within the typhoon circulation. It is found that the topography and channel effect of the Taiwan Strait also affect typhoon structure and intensity changes. Typhoon Nari (2001) made landfall on the northern coast of Taiwan and maintained its center over the Island for about 36 h, with a semicircle cloud structure. It is shown that the ascending air fow in Nari’s western circulation was strengthened by the windward slope of the mountainous terrain along the Taiwan Strait; however, the leeward slope sinking effect on eastern region to the island inhibited convection development in the typhoon’s eastern circulation, which was responsible for the formation of the semicircular asymmetric structure of Nari. Besides, the channel effect of the Taiwan Strait benefted the strengthening and stretching of the lower layer jet stream in the periphery of Nari, which was favorable not only for water vapor convergence in the strait, but also for the increase of the angular momentum, thus sustaining Nari over the island for a longer time (Fig5). (Li Ying)

2.5 Research on the weather over the Tibetan Plateau and the impact of the Tibetan Plateau

(1) Invited by the Science Press of the United States, Prof. Xu Xiangde and the co-authors published a special issue entitled “Theory and Application for Warning and Prediction of Disastrous Weather Downstreamfrom the Tibetan Plateau”, which was collected by the US Congress Library (Fig6). In this special issue, comprehensive research results and new recognitions about the effect of Tibetan Plateau (TP) on severe weather and climate in China were summarized. Publication of this special issue on the TP effect in theory and obserations by the US Science Press indicates that the research of the TP group of State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather has gained attention from the international science community. Furthermore, based on the research results from the China-Japan Cooperation Project (JICA), Prof. Koike (chief editor) and Prof. Xu (associate editor), together with other specialist on TP research from China and Japan, published a special issue about the advance of TP researches in the Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. (Zhang Shengjun, Yao Wenqing, and Chen Bin)

(2) Based on a Lagrangian dispersion model FLEXPART driven by the NCEP/NCAR global forecast system reanalysis data, a comprehensive tracking analysis has been conducted to track the source-sink structure of atmospheric moisture over the Yangtze River Basin (YRB) and the Tibetan Plateau, and also to reveal the differences of moisture source distribution between the wet and dry years. The in-depth evaluation shows that the interannual variability of precipitation over YRB is strongly related to the moisture sources in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. Particularly, from a climatological perspective, analysis of the air transport from the atmospheric boundary layer to tropopause layer over Asian monsoon regions during boreal summer has been conducted to reveal the transport pathways and timescale of troposphere to stratosphere transport, as well as the surface sources, defned in terms of the locations where each trajectory last left the atmospheric planetary boundary layer. The results show that the transport over these regions could have signifcant impacts on the budget of global atmospheric constituents and climate change. Using the coupled FLEXPART-WRF model system, the characteristics of water vapor transport from the atmosphere boundary layer to the stratosphere over the Tibetan Plateau in summer have also been investigated. The results indicate that the water vapor transport from the surface layer to the stratosphere over the Tibetan Plateau in summer is potentially controlled by large-scale circulations associated with the southern Asian monsoon, while small-scale circulations caused by convections play a secondary role. (Zhang Shengjun, Yao Wenqing, and Chen Bin)

(3) Based on the features of winter/spring snow cover (SC) depth distribution and its variance at 753 stations in China from 1955 to 2004, the downstream effect of the Tibetan Plateau snow cover (TPSC) as a cold source on the East Asian climate, and the “cold source” forcing effect of winter TPSC on its subsequent downstream summer atmospheric circulation over East Asia as well as on water vapor transport and precipitation in East China were revealed. Furthermore, the precursory strong signal characteristics of the Tibetan Plateau key area SC for the spring drought/food in Southwest China were discussed. The results will help to provide theoretical and technical support for short-term climate prediction over East Asia. (Zhang Shengjun, Yao Wenqing, and Chen Bin)

(4) From the aspect of energy balance, using the boundary layer integrated system observations at Dali, Linzhi, and Wenjiang flux stations, the structural characteristics of the surface energy balance (SEB) components over the Tibetan Plateau and the Sichuan Basin were examined in order to further investigate the impacts of cloud on the SEB. It is found that on the southeast edge (Dali, Linzhi, and Wenjiang) of the Tibetan Plateau, the sensible and latent heat were signifcantly correlated with the available energy, which is a basic feature of the SEB closure. But the SEB still shows a scatter and non-closure phenomenon especially in the surface layer where SEB non-closure became more obvious with the increasing of surface fux and available energy. In spring and summer, the low cloud cover in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau (Dali and Linzhi) was signifcantly negatively correlated with surface sensible heat fux, but its correlation with latent heat fux was weak and uncertain. There exists a heating feedback effect of the radiation forcing of low clouds on the land surface, i.e. the low cloud status in the Tibetan Plateau could be indirectly expressed with the downward longwave radiation fluxes observed at flux towers. The high value areas of the downward long-wave radiation associated with low clouds might be one of the important infuential factors for the occurrence of the near-solar constant phenomenon in radiation observation over the plateau. (Zhang Shengjun, Yao Wenqing, and Chen Bin)

(5) We explored the applicability of the gridded (level 3) monthly tropospheric water vapor (version 5) retrievals from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) instrument and the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) on-board the NASA Aqua satellite over the Tibetan Plateau through comparison with carefullyprocessed radiosonde data, and two ftting functions were further derived by using radiosondes for warm and cold seasons, respectively. A water vapor dataset from 1988 to 2012 over the Tibetan Plateau was established by combining radiosonde data, revised AIRS water vapor retrievals, data from the NVAP (NASA Water Vapor Project) and products of IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer) on-board the European METOP satellite. It is shown that intense horizontal gradients appear along the edges of the plateau in tropospheric water vapor, particularly over the regions along the southeastern boundary. Note that there is always a deep layer of high water vapor content over the plateau with a peak around 500 hPa. This layer of high water vapor content has constant infuences on precipitating processes in the downstream regions such as the valleys of Yellow and Yangtze River. Estimated vertically-integrated water vapor fux and moisture divergence in the two layers (500-700 hPa and 300-500 hPa) further confrm the effect of the Tibetan Plateau on the downstream regions. (Wang Donghai)

2.6 Two response processes of the East-Asian atmospheric circulation in early summer to the preceding El Niño event and their infuences on rainfall over China

Using observational data and a GCM, we examined the impact of the preceding El Niño event on East Asian circulation. The climate simulations show that there are two kinds of major impacts of El Niño in mature phase on the atmospheric circulation over East Asia in next early summer. The two ways of the impacts are associated respectively with the development of the low-level anticyclonic circulation around the Philippines and the active mid-level Okhotsk-Japan wave-train-like pattern (OKJ pattern) that accompanies the development of the Okhotsk high. The latter is more easily simulated by the climate model. Both patterns of anomalous circulations can be observed in data. The positive rainfall in South China with the two anomalous circulation patterns in next June was also simulated after a positive SST anomaly in Nino-3 region was added in autumn, which indicates a delayed impact of El Niño on East Asian summer monsoon. The anomalous circulations result in stronger southerlies in the area to the south of the Yangtze River. On the other hand, the northward progress of summer monsoon, which is characterized by the movement of the subtropical high, was strongly suppressed by the wide scope of scattering wave activity fux over the oceanic area from Japan to the dateline of North Pacifc in middle latitudes. This suggests that the delayed impact of ENSO is one of the factors that cause the climate pattern of the fooding in South China and drought in North China. In addition, statistic analysis indicates that increased rainfall occurring in South China is strongly influenced by the development of the Okhotsk high and the anticyclone around the Philippines in early summer. Either of them can result in fooding in South China and vice versa. The Okhotsk high plays a more and more important role in causing the southern fooding recently. The Okhotsk high, the rainfall in North/ South China, ENSO events, and the anticyclone around the Philippines have similar but their own decadal variability, which suggests their different responses to the global climate warming. (Wang Yafei)

3 Basic science and key technology of numerical modeling

3.1 The cloud-precipitation properties and the model parameterization

A survey of the existing literature on the in-situ measurements of cloud-precipitation microphysical properties has been undertaken. Then, a database is established, which includes microphysical properties of aerosol, ice nuclei (IN), cloud droplet, fog, ice crystal, snowcrystal, raindrop, hail, and the relationship between radar refectivity (Z) and rainfall rate (R), based on the in-situ data reported in the existing literature. The data coverage is divided into East Asia and the other regions (Americas, Europe, Australia, and Africa). The time span of the in-situ probe measurements ranges from 1958 to 2010 for East Asia and from 1940 to 2010 forthe other regions. Based on the database, a statistical analysis has been performed. The cloud-precipitation properties over East Asia have been compared with those over the other regions. The results show that there are differences, sometimes even large differences, between East Asia and the other regions in terms of these cloud-precipitation microphysical characteristics. The CloudSat satellite data during the period from June 2006 to April 2011 are used to investigate cloud vertical profles over the region of East Asia (20°-50° N, 80°-120° E), with particular emphasis on comparing the profle of precipitative clouds with that of non-precipitative clouds, as well as the seasonal variations of these profles (Fig7).

A new double-moment bulk microphysics scheme predicting the number concentrations and mixing ratios of six hydrometeor species (cloud droplets, rain, cloud ice, snow, graupel, and hail) has been developed based on the observations over East Asia, and coupled with the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF v 3.4). The local heavy rain event occurring on 24—25 June 2010 in southern China was simulated using the new scheme and the fve sophisticated microphysics schemes in the WRF model. The results show that the simulated 24-h accumulated precipitation is in general consistent with the observations (Fig8). (Wang Donghai)

3.2 Construction of an Ensemble Karlman Filter Assimilation System based on WRF

An Ensemble Karlman Filter Assimilation System based on WRF (EnKF-WRF) is established in our laboratory, and the evaluation and its application combined with the GRAPES model are also carried out, using the Beijing 7.21 storm case. The results show that the new system is superior to the 3DVar-WRF not only in predicting the rain amount, but also in predicting rain location and rain period. In addition, the new system also simulates better vortex evolution than 3DVar-WRF. The analysis felds assimilated from the EnKFWRF are also incorporated into GRAPES-meso through an interpolation method, and the results show that the assimilated data can help GRAPES-meso with the rain location and its trends; however, the improvement in rainfall amount is still not obvious. (Kang Hongwen)

3.3 Conservative constraint for the Yin-Yang grid and construction of the GRAPES new dynamical frame

Under the assumption of bi-linear distribution of sub-grid scale structure, a global and local high-order conservative constraint scheme is developed to ensure boundary mass fux balance. The high-order algorithm is evaluated with idealized tests (Fig9), which displays high-quality effects in conservation without obviously increased cost of computation. A 3rd-order Runge-Kutta scheme, in addition to the high-order Eulerian differencing scheme, is used to validate the application for improvement of numerical accuracy (Fig10). The GRAPES dynamical frame is reconstructed on the Yin-Yang grid with a full description of the threedimensional Coriolis force and correction to coeffcients of the Helmholtz equation for GCR method.(Peng Xindong)

3.4 Model error correction in the numerical prediction of successive disastrous weather

Making use of the anomaly integration and historical data, we studied the model error correcting technique for numerical weather prediction of successive disastrous weather for 15 days. As verifed by the ECMWF and NCEP reanalysis data, the quality of such predictions is obviously improved with the proposed error correcting method. Therefore, this method is desirable to improve the short- and medium-range prediction of model precipitation. (Peng Xindong)

3.5 Sensitivity of the precipitation prediction over the Tibetan Plateau to horizontal resolution

The GRAPES (Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System) regional model was used to test the sensitivity of the precipitation prediction over the Tibetan Plateau to horizontal resolution. The horizontal grid was changed from 0.3°×0.3° to 0.05°×0.05°. With the increased resolution, the bad impact of topography on precipitation prediction started to emerge. Although a topography processing was effectively performed and the prediction equations was revised, there was still a distortion in the precipitation prediction due to the nonlinear superposition of small-scale waves caused by topography when horizontal resolution was set to be 0.15°×0.15°.Our test results show that horizontal resolution should not be higher than 0.15°×0.15° in order to achieve realistic precipitation prediction for the Tibetan Plateau region (Fig11). (Wang Guanghui)

4 Research on operation transformation and application of scientifc achievements

4.1 Transformation and application of the Tibetan Plateau research

The quasi-operational experiments with the assimilation of GPS and AWS data from stations in southeastern slope of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) into the numerical model were carried out by researchers of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences and specialists from the National Meteorological Center in order to develop a long-term operational forecasting system to monitor, analyze, and forecast the weather systems in key areas over the TP. The integrated meteorological observation and application platform over the TP and its eastern neighboring areas were constructed, and the approach of change from scientifc research to operational application was expanded. Based on the development of reanalysis technique about extraction, integration, and variation on the multi-source observations over the TP key area, an integrated database of boundary layer flux and water vapor structure over the TP and its eastern surrounding area was constructed. Furthermore, the application technique of L-band sounding observation over the TP was developed for the frst time. The application of multi-source observational information over the TP and its adjacent areas into the LAPS system and the TOVS-sounding retrieval system plays an important role in food control and disaster prevention and reduction in Xizang, Sichuan, Yunnan, Hubei and other provinces. (Zhang Shengjun, Yao Wenqing, and Chen Bin)

4.2 Operational application of severe weather watching with weather radar

The project of developing an operational severe weather nowcasting system for Hangzhou Meteorological Bureau was basically completed. The system has been put into test runs, providing 3D mosaic refectivity, wind feld, QPE, QPF, etc. for forecasters.

The Radar 3D Mosaic System developed for the Navy of China has been offcially established. It mosaics refectivity from three radars, providing products for disaster weather warning.

The algorithms of distinguishing clear air echo, recognizing sea clutter, and processing of radial velocity for CINRAD C-band radars were investigated. The algorithms for identifying ground clutter for CINRAD were improved, and some of these algorithms have been embedded into ROSE and put into operational assessment. (Liu Liping)

Cloud seeding