丰富多彩的研究生生活The Colourful Gradute Study Life

2012-07-07 10:20
中国气象科学研究院年报 2012年0期

以“3.23世界气象日”为契机,2012年3月23日气科院研究生志愿者在北京动物园门前组织了一次“气象方便你我,气候影响未来”的主题活动,向游人们宣传气象和环保知识,得到了社会的好评。Taking the opportunity of “World Meteorological Day” on 23 March 2012, the CAMS graduate volunteers organized an activity in front of the Beijing Zoo with the theme of“Meteorology Brings Us Convenience and Climate Affects Future”, to publicize knowledge in meteorology and environmental protection to visitors, which received positive feedbacks from the public.

2012年气科院研究生不负众望,连续第4年在全国研究生数学建模比赛中获奖,充分体现和锻炼了研究生解决实际问题的能力,为我院争得了荣誉。In 2012, CAMS graduate students won awards for the fourth consecutive year in the National Graduate-Student Mathematic Modelling Competition, which well exhibited and cultivated the capability of graduate students to fnd solutions to practical problems and also gained fame for CAMS.

2012年11月17日,在科研院所与研究生教育工作网主办的主题为“绽放青春风采、喜庆党的十八大”2012年度研究生文艺汇演中,我院研究生排演的舞蹈“天竺少女”在27个节目中获得第2名的好成绩。On 17 November 2012, the dance named “Young Girl of India”, which was rehearsed by CAMS graduate students, ranked the second among all 27 programs in the Annual Graduate-Student Art Performance of 2012 sponsored by research institute and graduate-student education website, with the theme of “Sparkling the Charm of Youth and Celebrating the 18th CPC Congress”.

2012年2月21日,美国《大气研究》杂志主编Jose Luis Sanchez教授应邀访问气科院,并为科研人员做了“发表你的研究:《大气研究》杂志”学术报告, 副院长张小曳主持报告会。At the invitation of CAMS, the Editor-in-Chief of US Journal of Atmospheric Research, Prof. Jose Luis Sanchez visited CAMS on 21 February 2012 and gave an academic speech titled “To Publish Your Science∶ Journal of Atmospheric Research”. The seminar was hosted by CAMS Vice President, Prof. Zhang Xiaoye.

2012年7月10日,世界天气研究计划联合科学委员会(JSC/WWRP)主席Gilbert Brunet博士到气科院访问。院长张人禾介绍了气科院组织实施的WWRP国际研究发展项目(RDP)“南华季风降水野外科学试验”的初步设计,项目成员与Gilbert Brunet博士就项目进展和下一步发展计划进行了深入探讨。On 10 July 2012, Chair of JSC/WWRP, Dr. Gilbert Brunet visited CAMS. CAMS President, Prof. Zhang Renhe, introduced the preliminary design of the international RDP for the Southern China Monsoon Rainfall Experiment. The project members fully discussed with Dr. Gilbert Brunet about the progress and future plans of the project.

2012年7月18日,WMO副秘书长J.Lengoasa在中国气象局副局长沈晓农陪同下访问了气科院。院长张人禾介绍了气科院近年取得的科研成果。J.Lengoasa先生对气科院所承担的WMO研究发展项目和先导性项目,以及在气候、灾害天气等6个领域的出色研究工作予以了高度评价。On 18 July 2012, Deputy Secretary-General of WMO, Mr. J. Lengoasa visited CAMS, in the accompany of CMA Deputy Administrator, Mr. Shen Xiaonong. CAMS President, Prof. Zhang Renhe introduced scientifc research outcomes achieved by CAMS in recent years. Mr. J. Lengoasa spoke highly of the WMO-related research & development as well as steering projects undertaken by CAMS, and also the outstanding research efforts in six areas including climate, disastrous weather, etc.

2012年9月10日,在中国气象局副局长沈晓农陪同下,由WMO主席、加拿大环境部助理副部长David Grimes率领的加拿大环境部代表团到气科院访问。院长张人禾等接待了来宾。On 10 September 2012, the delegation of Environment Canada (EC), led by WMO President and Assistant Deputy Minister of EC, Mr. David Grimes, visited CAMS, in the accompany of CMA Deputy Administrator, Mr. Shen Xiaonong. CAMS President, Prof. Zhang Renhe received the delegation.

2012年9月24日,沙特阿拉伯国家气象和环境中心副主任、WMO沙特阿拉伯常任代表Saad Mohalfi博士一行访问了气科院,副院长张小曳等接待了来宾。On 24 September 2012, the delegation from the Presidency of Meteorology and Environment of Saudi Arabia, led by its Deputy Director of Meteorological affairs, and the Permanent Representative of Saudi Arabia with WMO, Dr. Saad Mohalf visited CAMS. CAMS Vice President, Prof. Zhang Xiaoye received the delegation.

2012年11月5日,由中国工程院、中国气象局、WMO联合主办,气科院等多家单位共同承办的“热带气旋突变现象机理及预报技术研究”国际工程科技发展战略高端论坛在海南省海口市开幕,来自国内外的110多位专家参加了论坛。On 5 November 2012, the International Top Level Forum on Rapid Change Phenomena in Tropical Cyclones, which was cosponsored by Chinese Academy of Engineering, China Meteorological Administration, World Meteorological Organization and Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, was opened in Haikou, Hainan Province. More than 110 experts both home and abroad attended the forum.

As Light as a Feather
Looking Forward