
2012-07-07 10:20
中国气象科学研究院年报 2012年0期

Ecological Environment and Agrometeorology



1 生态与农业气象理论及应用技术

1.1 基于集合卡尔曼滤波的PyWOFOST模型在东北玉米估产中的适用性研究

在基于集合卡尔曼滤波(EnKF)构建的遥感信息-作物模型耦合模型(PyWOFOST)的基础上,建立了以叶面积指数(LAI)为结合点、使用MODIS LAI数据作为外部同化数据的中国东北玉米同化模拟模型。LAI的模拟结果表明,同化后的模拟LAI明显比同化前的模拟LAI更接近实测值,特别是同化前模拟较差的部分。产量模拟结果表明,尽管同化外部观测信息后,存在一个与实测产量相对接近的同化模拟产量,但由于WOFOST模型本身无法准确地模拟严重灾害条件下的作物生长发育情况,因此即使同化后的模拟产量较同化前有所改进,但仍与实测产量存在一定误差。(赵艳霞)

1.2 华北地区冬小麦潜在产量和雨养产量模拟研究


1.3 青藏高原探空大气水汽总量误差及其订正方法


1.4 华北夏玉米生长模型(GCGA Maize)的初步构建

积温法(TSUM)、热量单位法(TCHU)和热量累积法(THU)等几种常用发育模式的比较结果显示,THU的方差和变异系数均最小,稳定性最高。进一步构建了发育阶段温度强度和土壤水分对发育进程的订正模式,使发育模式的模拟能力得到改善。基于Farquhar等的光合生化理论构建了夏玉米叶片光合生化模式,并与简单的负指数模式进行了模拟比较,结果表明前者的总体拟合效果更好。根据土壤水分运动方程及其简化求解方法建立了农田土壤水分运移模式,并与土壤水分平衡模式进行比较发现,水分平衡模式的反应更灵敏,而水分运移模式的模拟值变化较小,但更稳定。探讨了基于观测数据同化的作物生长模型参数估计方法。联立以上发育模式、光合生化模式、水分运移模式以及参数估计方法,初步建成了华北夏玉米生长模型(GCGA Maize)。(马玉平)

1.5 基于遥感数据与作物生长模型同化的华北夏玉米长势评价


1.6 西北春小麦生育期与气温变化的关系研究

以典型春小麦灌溉耕作区武威农试站1990—2011年和雨养耕作区定西农试站1986—2011年观测数据为依据,统计分析了春小麦发育期变化与积温变化的关系。武威春小麦1990—2011年发育期缩短了20天,发育期有显著缩短趋势(P<0.01,r =0.827),定西春小麦1986—2011年发育期缩短了13天,发育期也有显著缩短趋势(P<0.05,r = 0.463)。研究表明,自苗期开始的积温持续增加是导致西北地区春小麦发育期提前和生育期缩短的主要原因(图1)。(俄有浩)

1.7 基于TOPMODEL模型和新安江水文模型构建的新水文模型


1.8 水热影响的植物展叶期模型


1.9 草原光能利用率参数化


2 农业气象防灾减灾技术研究

2.1 不同等级干热风灾损评估模型的初步建立


2.2 农业干旱灾害静态和动态风险评估概念模型和指标体系


2.3 全国农业洪涝灾害风险分析与评估


2.4 主要农作物病虫害对气候变化的响应

针对全国农作物病虫害、病害、虫害以及小麦病虫害、小麦白粉病,研究并揭示了气候变化导致的全年及作物全生育期的光、温、水等气象因子变化对不同病虫害的影响关系。如冬小麦全生育期平均温度为10.2 °C,且以0.46 °C/10a的速率升高;平均温度每升高1 °C,可使冬小麦白粉病发生面积增加255.3万hm2。平均降水强度为5.6 mm/d,且以0.18 mm/(d 10a)的速率增加;平均降水强度每增加1 mm/d,将使冬小麦白粉病发生面积增加270.8万hm2。平均日照时数为1139.3 h,且以9.90 h/10a的速率减少;平均日照时数每减少100 h,将使冬小麦白粉病发生面积增加269.0万hm2。在气候变化导致的小麦全生育期温度、降水、日照因子变化中,温度增加对冬小麦白粉病发生面积增加的影响最为显著,其次为日照时数减少,再次为平均降水强度增大。(霍治国)

2.5 基于作物生长模型的淮河流域玉米旱涝损失评估


2.6 全国农业台风和暴雨灾害综合风险评估

针对全国农业台风、暴雨灾害综合风险评估,以降水、大风、农业产值、农作物播种面积、耕地面积、高程、高程标准差、河网密度、距离水体的远近和植被覆盖度为指标,建立了全国农业台风灾害风险指数模型。以年暴雨日数、年暴雨累积量、年暴雨过程次数、年暴雨最大过程累积降水量、年极端降水日数、年极端降水累积量、年极端降水过程次数和年极端降水平均集中度为指标,建立了全国农业暴雨综合气候风险指数模型。根据风险叠加原理,建立了全国农业台风和暴雨综合灾害风险指数模型。利用自然断点分级法将风险指数划分为高风险、次高风险、中等风险、次低风险和低风险5个等级,基于GIS绘制了空间分辨率为5 km × 5 km风险区划图(图2)。(毛飞)

2.7 东北草原蝗虫气象监测预报与灾损评估技术

为研究东北草原亚洲飞蝗孵化进程与热量条件的关系,利用人工气候箱进行了平均气温、最低气温、积温对亚洲飞蝗越冬卵孵化影响的试验。结果表明,出蝻数、出蝻率、累积出蝻数、累积出蝻率均随日平均气温升高而增大。日最低气温连续3天稳定通过25 °C时,蝗虫开始孵化出蝻;在26 °C左右时孵化最快,低于25 °C时,蝗虫出蝻速率缓慢。25 °C以上有效积温达到11.6 °C d,活动积温达到211.6 °C d时,蝗卵开始孵化出土。当有效积温增加到20 °C d,活动积温达320 °Cd后,孵化速度回落,在达到另一个小高峰后孵化过程结束。(白月明)

3 农业应对气候变化研究

3.1 气候变化对东北地区热量资源及玉米温度适宜度的影响

利用RegCM3 模式输出的东北3省1951—2100年逐日温度资料,分析了东北3省热量资源和玉米不同生育期气温适宜度的时空分布。结果表明, 1951—2100 年东北地区热量资源显著增加,稳定通过10 °C初日不断提前,初日在4月25日之前的区域北界向东向北扩展;≥10 °C活动积温大于3000 °Cd的区域面积不断增加,适宜种植晚熟玉米的区域面积也不断增加; 1951—2100年玉米播种-出苗期以及出苗-抽雄期的气温适宜度随时间逐渐升高,1951—2040年辽宁省玉米抽雄-成熟期以及全生育期的气温适宜度较高,而黑龙江省较低;2041—2100年辽宁省玉米抽雄-成熟期以及全生育期的气温适宜度逐渐降低,吉林省东部和黑龙江省呈逐渐增加的趋势。(郭建平)

3.2 基于实际生育期的东北地区玉米气候生产潜力研究


3.3 中国北方春小麦种植区气候适宜性分布

以Maxent模型为基础,利用春小麦种植空间分布数据和1961—2008年全国560个台站日值气象观测数据的≥0 °C积温、≥0 °C持续日数、年降水量、1月平均气温、≥3 °C积温、≥3 °C持续日数、≥3 °C蒸散发量、≥3 °C总辐射等8个春小麦空间分布环境数据,模拟了中国北方春小麦气候适宜性分布区域,气候适宜性分布区域概率达到50% ~80%。与当前北方春小麦种植区域对比发现,具有较高的一致性(图3)。(俄有浩)

3.4 气候变化背景下黄淮海地区冬小麦干热风演变趋势


3.5 锦州玉米和盘锦水稻农田生态系统碳水平衡研究

对辽宁省锦州玉米和盘锦水稻农田生态系统中碳水平衡的研究表明,玉米和水稻田年CO2净交换量(NEE)分别为280 gC/m2和195 gC/m2,二者均是大气CO2的汇;生态系统碳固定的同时,玉米和水稻田生态系统的年蒸散量(ET)分别为407 mm和660 mm。以生态系统总初级生产力(GPP)与ET的比值(生态系统通过光合作用吸收固定单位CO2所消耗水量)来衡量生态系统水分利用效率(WUE),玉米、水稻田生态系统WUE分别为11.3 g/kg和4.4 g/kg。玉米、水稻田生态系统总初级生产力的季节变化与温度密切相关,且玉米田生态系统总初级生产力高于水稻田;由于两类农田GPP和ET季节变化趋势的差异,玉米田生态系统WUE在玉米出苗后呈上升趋势,直至玉米成熟期达到峰值后下降,水稻田生态系统WUE的峰值则出现在营养和生殖生长并进阶段,比玉米田生态系统WUE峰值出现早(图4)。(周莉)

4 农业气象科技成果推广应用

4.1 西北气候脆弱地区农业干旱及农田灌溉预报技术推广应用


4.2 东北地区玉米低温冷害动态监测预警技术推广应用


图1 武威和定西农试站春小麦发育期变化及趋势Fig1 The variability and change trend of spring-wheat growth period

图2 全国农业台风和暴雨灾害综合风险区划Fig2 Agricultural typhoon and rainstorm disaster comprehensive risk regionalization

图4 东北农田生态系统碳水通量平衡关系Fig4 Carbon and water budget of agro-ecosystem in Northeast China

Progress in Ecology and Agrometeorology Research

In 2012, the Institute of Eco-environment and Agrometeorology of CAMS obtained signifcant research progress on agrometeorological theories and application techniques, agrometeorological disaster prevention and mitigation, and response of agriculture to climate change. Some results have been applied in real-time operations.

1 Agrometeorological theories and application techniques

1.1 Application of ensemble Kalman flter to Northeast China maize yield estimation from the PyWOFOST crop model

By coupling with an ensemble Kalman flter (EnKF), the coupled remote sensing information-crop model (PyWOFOST) with leaf area index (LAI) as the coupling point was used to estimate maize yield in Northeast China. The LAI simulation results show that the LAI values from the coupled model with EnKF assimilation are more consistent with the observations than that without assimilation. However, the maize yield simulation results show that there is still a large error in the crop yield compared with the observations when there occurs a severe disaster, although certain improvements have been brought up by the EnKF assimilation. The reasons for the error are being investigated. (Zhao Yanxia)

1.2 Simulation of the potential and rainfed yield of winter wheat in the North China Plain

A regional simulation system was developed. The system is suitable for simulation of winter wheat growth and potential and rainfed yield in the North China Plain (NCP). Data from 40 meteorological stations in the NCP were collected and used as input to the system to simulate the potential and rainfed yield of winter wheat in the period 2003—2007. The results show that potential yield of winter wheat is decreased from the central NCP to the north and south, with higher values in the north than the south, while rainfed yield has the reverse trends. This is because rainfall is the key factor that controls winter wheat rainfed yield in the NCP. Middle plain has the lowest rainfall, thus has the lowest rainfed yield. Rainfed yield is higher in the north than in the middle because north has both higher rainfall and higher potential yield, with the latter being the base of the rainfed yield. Rainfed yield is higher in the south than in the middle because south plain has the highest rainfall. The simulation results are consistent with the observation, showing that the simulation system is capable to simulate winter wheat growth in the NCP, and can be used in the next study. (Wu Dingrong)

1.3 Random errors of the radiosonde precipitable water over the Tibetan Plateau and associated calibration methods

The characteristics of the systematic and random errors of the radiosonde (RS) precipitable water (PW) data at Lhasa during 1999—2010 and at Naqu in 2003, were compared with ground-based GPS measurements. The results show that RS_PW was signifcantly smaller than GPS_PW at Lhasa. Different types of radiosonde humidity sensors showed different magnitudes of the dry bias of PW. Due to the introduction of the high performance humidity sensors (GST-1), the PW bias was apparently being reduced gradually over the past 10 years. The temporal variation characteristics of the RS_PW dry bias were also investigated. The results show that the RS_PW dry bias exhibited pronounced diurnal and annual variations. The dry bias of RS_PW was much larger at 12∶00 UCT than at 00∶00 UTC, and larger in summer than in winter. Additionally, the causes of diurnal and annual variations of the RS_PW dry bias were investigated. The solar radiative heating to the humidity sensors may have played an important role. It can be seen that the diurnal variation of RS_PW drybias was signifcant partly because air temperature was higher at 12∶00 UTC than at 00∶00 UTC. The annual variation of RS_PW dry bias was pronounced also partly because air temperature was higher in summer than in winter. The calibration methods for the RS_PW dry bias were developed and applied to the GZZ-2 and GTS-1 sounding PW datasets at Lhasa and Naqu. The corrections greatly improved the accuracy of the RS_PW data.(Liang Hong)

1.4 Construction of the Grid Crop Growth and Assess model (GCGA Maize)

Comparisons of the accumulated temperature, heat unit, and heat cumulation (THU) methods showed that both the variance and coeffcient of variation of THU were the smallest and its stability was the highest. A correction model that considers the impacts of temperature strength and soil moisture on the crop development process was firstly constructed. A photosynthesis model for summer maize was then constructed based on Farquhar’s photosynthesis biochemistry theory. The ftting effect of this photosynthesis model was better than the simple negative index model. The soil water movement model was established according to the equation of soil water movement and its numerical calculation methods. Compared with the soil water balance model, the soil water movement model was more stable. Moreover, the methods for estimating crop model parameters were discussed based on assimilation of observation data. The Grid Crop Growth and Assess model (GCGA Maize) was fnally set up on the basis of the above models and methods. (Ma Yuping)

1.5 Evaluation of summer maize growth in North China based on the crop growth model with assimilation of remote sensing data

Validation of the assimilation of observation data into the crop growth model was firstly carried out. The optimal and suitable parameters were then obtained based on both the sensitivity analysis of different parameters and initial values and the constraint analysis of sensitive parameters. Assimilation of remote sensing data into crop growth model was fnally achieved by using a derived optimization algorithm. The crop growth index was determined by comparing the dynamic accumulation of biomass simulated by the assimilation model in different years with the biomass under the average climatic conditions. Annual evaluation of maize growth at maturity was carried out based on the total above ground production simulated by the assimilation model. Dynamic evaluation of summer maize growth was then realized by using the assimilation model driven by daily meteorological data in real time. (Ma Yuping)

1.6 Relationship between temperature and spring-wheat growth period in Northwest China

Based on the observation data from Wuwei and Dingxi stations, which represent the irrigation and rainfed crop areas, respectively, the relationship of accumulated temperature and spring-wheat growth period was analyzed. The results show that spring-wheat growth period was reduced by 20 days during 1990—2011 at Wuwei station, and 13 days during 1986—2011 at Dingxi station, implying a signifcant decrease trend (P < 0.01, r = 0.827 for Wuwei and P < 0.05, r = 0.463 for Dingxi). The conclusion is that continuous increase in accumulated temperature occurring from seedling was the main cause of the decrease in the growth period (Fig1). (E Youhao)

1.7 A new hydrological model based on TOPMODEL and Xin'anjiang hydrological model

Considering the shortcomings that TOPMODEL model simulated ground water dynamic changes deviate from the actual situation, i.e., the average ground water level is even above the ground, and Xin'anjiang model can not express the dynamic change of underground water level, we have developed a new model of rainfall-runoff XXT. XXT has an important feature that the soil water storage capacity curve is closely related to ground water level, forming the new concept of water storage capacity curve. Then, XXT was further refned by taking advantage of the TOPMODEL layered soil and underground runoff equations. After rigorous mathematical deduction, new runoff production and water balance equations were obtained. Finally, new rainfall-runoff model XXT was set up, with the frst X representing the Xin'anjiang, the second X the “hybrid”symbol in the agriculture, and T the TOPMODEL. XXT is mainly made up of four modules, namely, the data processing module, the visualization module of spatial distribution of soil moisture, the runoff module, and theconfux module. (Zhao Junfang)

1.8 A temperature-precipitation based leafng model

By analyzing the effects of precipitation in different periods on plant leafng, a precipitation-based submodel was firstly established. Then, a universal temperature-precipitation based leafing model (TP) was developed, combined with the accumulated temperature model. The TP has been proved to be more suitable for simulating leafng of all the plant species in Northeast China than the prior models, with the simulation error less than 4 days. Furthermore, the results indicate that the TP has quantitatively examined the responses of plant leafng to interactive hydrothermic factors and played critical roles in accurately evaluating ecosystem productivity and carbon budget. (Zhou Guangsheng)

1.9 Light use effciency over two temperate steppes

Combining eddy covariance fux data with the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by the plant canopy from MODIS, we report the seasonal and interannual variations of light use effciency (LUE) on a typical steppe and a desert steppe in Inner Mongolia, northern China. The results show that both annual average LUE and maximum LUE were higher on the desert steppe than on the typical steppe, despite the higher GPP of the latter. Water availability was the primary limiting factor of LUE at both sites; however, the sensitivity of LUE to water condition differed signifcantly between the two sites. LUE increased with the diffuse radiation ratio on the typical steppe; however, such a trend was not found for the desert steppe.(Zhou Guangsheng)

2 Agrometeorological disaster prevention and mitigation

2.1 Constructing dry hot wind damage evaluation model at different grades

Based on the meteorological data, the developmental period, yield, dry hot wind disasters data of wheat in the Huanghuaihai area, and the recognized indicators of winter wheat dry hot wind disasters, the different grades of dry hot wind hazard index were calculated. Then, the dry hot wind damage evaluation model was constructed at different levels. Preliminary conclusions are as follows. The average hazard index of dry hot wind during different developmental periods of winter wheat is different. Under the light dry hot wind hazard, the average hazard index of dry hot wind is the biggest from tasseling to fowering, smaller from fowering to milking, and least from milking to riping. Under the severe dry hot wind hazard, the average hazard index of dry hot wind is the biggest from milking to riping, smaller from tasseling to fowering, and least from fowering to milking. In addition, based on the built dry hot wind damage evaluation model, the reduction of wheat yield caused by dry hot wind hazard is calculated. The results show that average reduction of wheat yield caused by severe dry hot wind hazard is about 26.1%. (Zhao Yanxia)

2.2 Establishment of the conceptual model and index system for static and dynamic risk assessment

of agro-drought disasters

Agro-drought disaster risk can be attributed to the complexity of multi-factors, including climatic conditions, soil properties, geomorphic type, groundwater status, water requirement of specific crop, and anthropogenic infuences such as the management level of drought disaster, regional capacity of mitigation, prevention to drought disaster, etc. Thereby, a conceptual framework of agro-drought disaster risk was raised in view of agro-drought disaster embryology and the formation mechanism of agro-drought disaster risk. Based on the conceptual model, the indicator system for agro-drought disaster was established and maize grown over the northwestern Liaoning Province was taken as a case study. (Wang Chunyi)

2.3 Analysis and assessment of agricultural food risk in China

Considering the effect of the distribution of precipitation, terrain, rivers, and lakes on food hazard, aswell as the effect of the distribution of arable land percentage, population density, GDP density on flood vulnerability, assessment model of food hazard and vulnerability, level assessment index and risk assessment model were constructed. The index was divided into 8 levels to assess agricultural food risk, based on daily precipitation data, terrain data, basic geographic data, km-grid land use data, km-grid population data, kmgrid GDP data, etc. The results show that the levels of food risk are above 4 in east-central China and below 3 in western China. The food risk of level 8 is mainly located in southeastern Henan, west of Huaibei Plain, areas around Poyang Lake and Dongting Lake, Jianghan Plain, areas along the Yangtze River in Anhui and Jiangsu provinces, central Jiangsu Province, northeastern Zhejiang, west of Sichuan Basin, coastal areas of Guangdong, Pearl River Delta, coastal and central areas of Guangxi Province, northern and central areas of Hainan Province, and coastal areas of Hainan Province. (Huo Zhiguo)

2.4 Effect of climate change on pests and diseases of major crops

The effect of changes of the meteorological factors and crop growth period induced by climate change including sunshine, temperature, precipitation, and so on, on pests and diseases was revealed, in the studies of national crop pests and diseases, pests, diseases, wheat pests and diseases, and powdery mildew. It is found that average temperature is 10.2 °C in the growth period of winter wheat, increasing at the rate of 0.46 °C/10 yr. Powdery mildew occurrence area will increase by 255.3×104hm2when average temperature increases by 1 °C. Average precipitation intensity is 5.6 mm/day, increasing at the rate of 0.18 mm/day per decade. Powdery mildew occurrence area will increase by 270.8×104hm2when average precipitation intensity increases by mm/day. Average sunshine hours are 1139.3 h, decreasing at the rate of 9.9 h per decade. Powdery mildew occurrence area will increase by 269.0×104hm2when average sunshine hour decreases by 100 h. Among the changes of temperature, precipitation and sunshine, the increase of average temperature has the greatest impact on the occurrence of crop diseases, followed by the decrease of sunshine hours and the increase of average precipitation intensity. (Huo Zhiguo)

2.5 Seamless assessment methods of loss from droughts and foods for maize in the Huaihe River Basin based on the crop growth model

The production of drought and food stress index (WSOI), which was the main basis of evaluation, the biomass drought and food stress index (TAGPI), and the water impact index (RFWSI) were defned based on maize growth model. WSOI, TAGPI, and RFWSI were frstly simulated by the maize growth model for 48 years at different stations in the Huaihe River Basin. The thresholds of droughts and foods stress index at different development stages and during the whole growing period were then determined according to probability distribution of the simulation results. Quantitative assessment of losses caused by droughts and floods can be achieved through the combination of simulated final biomass and droughts and floods stress index if the weather conditions are normal. The dynamic assessment of losses can be carried out by means of using the maize growth model driven by daily meteorological data in real time. (Ma Yuping)

2.6 Agricultural typhoon and rainstorm disaster comprehensive risk assessment in China

For the national agricultural typhoon and rainstorm disaster comprehensive risk assessment, the agricultural typhoon disaster risk index models in China were established with the indexes of precipitation, wind, agricultural output value, sown area of crops, cultivated area, elevation, standard deviation of elevation, river density, distance to water and vegetation coverage. The agricultural rainstorm comprehensive climate risk index models in China were also established with the indexes of annual rainstorm days, annual rainstorm accumulation, annual rainstorm process times, accumulated precipitation of the largest annual rainstorm process, annual extreme precipitation days, annual extreme precipitation accumulation, annual extreme precipitation process times and average concentration of annual extreme precipitation. According to the risk superposition principle, the risk index model of agricultural typhoon and rainstorm integrated disaster in China was established. Using natural breaks classifcation, the risk index was divided into 5 classifcations, i.e., highrisk, second high risk, medium risk, second low risk, and low risk. The comprehensive risk zoning map in China was drawn with a spatial resolution of 5 km × 5 km based on GIS (Fig2). (Mao Fei)

2.7 Monitoring, forecasting and loss assessment of Asiatic Migratory Locust in northeast grassland

In order to clarify the relationship of Asiatic Migratory Locust hatching process and heat conditions in northeast grassland, this experiment was conducted in an artificial climate box to study the influence of temperature and effective accumulated temperature on the Asiatic Migratory Locust hatching of the overwintering. The results show that, the hoppers, the rate of hoppers, the accumulation hoppers, and the rate of accumulation hoppers increased with increasing temperature. The locust nymphae began to sprout with the daily minimum temperature stabilizing at 25 °C for 3 days. As the day of temperature increasing, the speed of hatching increased continuously; at about 26 °C, the hatching occurred at the fastest speed. If daily minimum temperature was below 25 °C, the rate of locust hoppers became slow. When effective accumulated temperature reached 11.6 °C·day, the active accumulated temperature reached 211.6 °C·day, locust egg began to hatch. When effective accumulated temperature increased to 20 °C·day and the active accumulated temperature exceeded 320 °C·day, the incubation speed slowed down, then reached the second small peak, and then the incubation process was over. (Bai Yueming)

3 Response of agriculture to climate change

3.1 Impact of climate change on the heat resources and corn suitability in Northeast China

Based on the daily temperature data from RegCM3 model output (1951—2100), the spatial and temporal distributions of heat resources and corn suitability during the different growth stages in Northeast China were analyzed. The results show that∶ from 1951 to 2100, the heat resources in Northeast China signifcantly increase. The initial days passing stably the daily average temperature of 10 °C are also signifcantly prolonged, extending eastward and northward before 25 April. The areas with10 °C active accumulated temperature greater than 3000 °C·day continue to increase. The suitable areas for planting late-maturing corn are also expanding. The temperature suitability of corn during sowing-emergence and emergence-tasseling gradually increases. From 1951 to 2040, the temperature suitability of corn during tasseling-mature and whole growth period is high in Liaoning Province but low in Heilongjiang Province. From 2041 to 2100, the temperature suitability of corn during tasseling-mature and whole growth period is low in Liaoning Province but high in eastern Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces. (Guo Jianping)

3.2 Evaluation of climate potential productivity of corn based on actual growth period in Northeast China

Based on the corn growing data from 30 agro-meteorological observation stations during 1981—2006 and the meteorological data from 70 meteorological stations during 1961—2006 in Northeast China, the characteristics of climate potential productivity of corn were assessed. The photosynthetic production potential and the light and temperature production potential of corn were gradually reducing from west to east and from north to south. However, the climate production potential presented a progressively decreasing trend from southwest to northeast. In the past 46 years, the photosynthetic production potential and the climate production potential in Northeast China showed decreasing trends. In particular, the production potentials of light and temperature in Liaoning and Jilin provinces presented a decreasing trend, while they were increasing in Heilongjiang Province. From decadal perspective, the climate production potential was the highest in the 1960s, signifcantly reduced in the 1990s, and the minimum occurred after 2001. (Guo Jianping)

3.3 Simulated suitability distribution of spring wheat in Northwest China

Based on the Maxent model, the distribution of spring wheat and the weather data, including0 °C accumulated temperature,0 °C interval days, annual rainfall, annual average temperature,3 °C accumulated temperature,3 °Cinterval days,3 °C evapotranspiration,3 °C radiation, were used to simulate the suitability distribution of the spring wheat in Northwest China. The simulation results show that the probability of suitability distribution area is 50%-80%, indicating a better match with current plant area in Northwest China (Fig3). (E Youhao)

3.4 Changes of dry hot wind of winter wheat in Huanghuaihai area under climate change

Based on daily maximum temperature, air relative humidity and wind speed at 14∶00 local time from 52 meteorological stations from 1961 to 2010 in the Huanghuaihai area, combined with climate trends and similarity analysis method, the trend of dry hot wind of winter wheat during the late growth stage was systematically analyzed. From 1961 to 2010, the average daily maximum temperature in most of the Huanghuaihai area showed a downward trend, contrary to the climate warming. The air relative humidity at 14∶00 tended to increase, which was opposite to general atmospheric drying. The wind speed at 14∶00 showed a decreasing trend, which was related to afforestation in the northern part of the area. It is diffcult for a single factor to meet the dry hot wind standard. Thereby, the decreasing trends of dry hot wind of winter wheat in the Huanghuaihai area at different levels were obvious. (Guo Jianping)

3.5 Carbon and water budget of agro-ecosystem in Northeast China

During the study period, both maize and paddy rice in Northeast China behaved as potential CO2sink, and the annual net uptake of CO2were 280 gC/m2and 195 gC/m2respectively. Seasonal variations in gross primary production (GPP) for these two ecosystems were associated with temperature, and the maize ecosystem had a higher value of GPP than the paddy rice. Annual evapotranspiration was 407 mm for maize, and 660 mm for paddy rice. Ecosystem water use effciency (WUE = GPP/ET) of maize (11.3 g CO2/kg H2O) was higher than that of paddy rice (4.4 g CO2/kg H2O). WUE seasonal pattern of maize differed from that of paddy rice, as the maximum WUE appeared earlier in paddy rice than in maize (Fig4). (Zhou Li)

4 Research application

4.1 Application of the prediction technology for agro-drought and irrigation in the climatic vulnerable regions of Northwest China

A prediction system for agro-drought and irrigation in Northwest China (including Shanxi, Gansu and Ningxia provinces) was established to provide detailed information for farmers and the government. Service products such as agro-drought and optimum irrigation were made available by the system, supported by soil and meteorological data and a revised crop-drought model coupled with a distributed hydrological module. More than 100 periodical issues on agro-drought information were released shared, and the software training was conducted on the provincial scale in Northwest China. The objectives of the project have been fullfled, with over 66666.7 hm2crop areas being benefted from the prediction information at the accuracy level of 80% and above. (Liu Jiandong)

4.2 Application of the dynamic monitoring and warning technology of maize chilling in Northeast China

On the basis of the results from the Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program during the 11th Five-Year Plan Period, the regional distributions of corn in Northeast China were further subdivided. After supplementing the latest data, the parameters of cold damage warning model were recalculated, and the original warning model was improved. Then, the monitoring and early warning system of chilling damage at regional and provincial levels was completed. In 2012, a total of over 10 service booklet were issued in the three northeastern provinces, achieving good results. (Guo Jianping)

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