Ordinarily specialized English for civil engineering is in the place of the professional elective courses in the independent colleges. It is offered in the fifth to the eighth semester, and usually for 32 or 24 periods. This kind of non-major course hasnt gotten enough attention. On one hand our teachers and students have very much and high expectation, on the other hand there hasnt been favorable environment and regime to promote our specialized English learning.
How to train the excellent graduates with skilled English in civil engineering? It is an urgent problem in universities now. All the independent colleges should cultivate practical students, so that they can apply both professional knowledges and English of civil engineering well. Such kind of dual talent is our training aim. But our peculiar teaching dilemmas are the following. First, there is a great gap between the students' scores on their test papers. Second, only a few students have their own English dictionaries and professional dictionaries. Third, the period of this course is not assigned reasonably, for the top students, their learning enthusiasm and abilities need more room to be promoted.
Well, the solutions must be varied and combined with environment of the independent colleges and the students' characteristics. We can make further teaching management to hold an easy exam with a strict class. Also we can optimize the organization forms. We could set a good example to the students during the teaching process. Then we may select the appropriate professional English textbooks. All above are the effective solutions. In the future specialized English for civil engineering is still a very important and necessary course, no one can ignore it
Key words: independent colleges , civil engineering , specialized English , teaching
中图分类号:G633.41 文献标识码: A 文章编号:
一 引言
在独立学院中,土木工程专业英语一般处于专业选修课的地位,在大学第五至第八学期开设,且通常为32或24学时,即2或1.5学分。与某些一本院校土木工程的该课程相比,还不及他们学时学分的一半。专业英语是大学英语学习的后半部分。前半部分的学习属于普通英语(General English),学时长,学分多。普通英语教学大纲中规定:“理工科大学英语教学的目的是,培养学生具有较强的阅读能力,初步的写和说的能力,使学生能以英语为工具”。