Nursing Care for a Cancer Patient before Chemotherapy
Background:MS.Shen had a breast cancer operation last month.She was going to receive further treatment via intravenous chemotherapy.She became very nervous w hen hearing that chemotherapy would cause vomiting and alopecia.She fears that she night not be able to w ithstand the treatment p rocedure.A t this time,M iss Xu,her p rimary nurse came to care fo r her.
In teractions
Patient:M iss Xu,I am really concerned.O riginally,I thought Iwould be healed once the tumo r was surgically removed.I never thought that I would need chemotherapy w hich hasmany adverse effects.Iam afraid Iw ill not be able to persist in this treatment.
Nurse:Surgery isone of themajo rmethodsof oncotherapy,w hile chemotherapy is also amain treatment technology at the p resent time.It is absolutely necessary to carry out chemotherapy after the surgery to p revent and control the sp read o r infiltration of the cancer cells.Chemo therapy is a treatment method of using Chemicals to control the cancer cells.Compared to surgery,the side effects of chemotherapy should be overcome mo re easily.It is like climbing a mountain.You w ill encounter a great deal of difficulties on the way,but if you can bravely confront these difficulties,and persist in climbing,you can surely reach the top and view the beautiful scenery.Chemotherapy wo rks the same way for cancer.Besides,we w ill help you during the w hole p rocess.
Common Abbreviation(English)
AST aspartate aminotransferase 谷草转氨酶
α1-A T α1-anti-trypsin α1-抗胰蛋白酶
A TT asp rin tolerace test 阿司匹林耐量试验
BAO basal acid output 基础酸排泌
BB buffer base 缓冲碱
BBT basal body temperature 基础体温
BCG bacille Calmette-Guerin 卡介苗
BE base excess 碱超
BIL bilirubin 胆红素
BiPAP bilevel positive airway p ressure 双水平气道内正压通气
BMR basalmetabolic rate 基础代谢率
BP blood p ressure 血压
bpm beats per minute(heart) 心搏次数
BS blood sugar 血糖
BSP brom sulphalein(test) 磺溴酞钠(试验)
BSR blood sedimentation rate 血沉降率
BT bleeding time 出血时间
BUN blood urea nitrogen 血尿素氮
BW blood Wassermann 华氏反应
C centigrade 摄氏温度
C comp lement 补体
CABG coronary artery bypass graft 冠状动脉旁路移植术
CAG cerebral angiography 脑血管造影
CBF cerebral blood flow 脑血流(量)
CCK cholecystokinin 胆囊收缩素
CCU co ronary care unit 冠心病监护病房
CDFI colo r Dopp ler flow imaging 彩色多普勒血流显象
CEA carcinoembryonic antigen 癌胚抗原