
2010-05-26 05:16
中国船检 2010年3期

本刊记者 徐 华


本刊记者 徐 华




记 者:在加快发展畅通高效平安绿色内河航运的背景下,内河船用柴油机的排放问题也受到越来越多关注。其尾气排放中主要有哪些污染物?



记 者:我国内河船舶尾气排放污染状况是否严重?



记 者:内河船舶尾气排放对沿江沿河城市空气质量造成的危害有多大?


记 者:我国内河船舶柴油机减排面临怎样的挑战?


记 者:对于内河船舶柴油机的管理,您有哪些建议?


记 者:对于内河船舶柴油机排放控制标准,国外有哪些成形的标准可以借鉴?

金东寒: 美国和欧盟自上世纪九十年代陆续推出了内河船舶柴油机排放限制标准。以欧盟为例,目前有《商用内河船舶发动机排放控制标准》(2004/26/EC),适用于欧盟境内所有内河;有《莱茵河条例》(CCNR)、《博登湖条例》(BR)和《勃兰登堡航运条例》(BSO),分别适用于特定河流的排放限制法规。这些标准普遍比国际海事组织(IMO)制定的远洋船舶排放控制标准更严格,而且,限制排放的有害物种类更多,例如:除了NOx以外,还包括CO、HC和PM等。主要原因是这些有害物质主要对人体产生伤害,而沿江港口城市又都是人口密集区,因此,从逻辑上讲内河航运的排放标准高于远洋的是合理的。

At the NPC &CPPCC this year, Jin Donghan, the committee member keenly paid attention to the emission control standards of the inland ship diesel engines.

Reporter: Is Chinese inland ship exhaust pollution serious or not?

Jin Donghan:We have inland river ships in service around 200,000, more than 20 million dwt, including more than 20 million small ships, medium-sized or above ships are nearly 20,000, the emission of NOx, SOx and granule reach about 1 million tons every year, which is over half of the total emission at the highway national wide. According to Shanghai environmental monitoring center, the emission data of Shanghai port in 2005 is:NOx 44,000 tons, SOx 39,000 tons, and granule 6000 tons.

Reporter: what is the challenges of China inland marine diesel engine emission reduction?

Jin Donghan: All the diesel engines used in Chinese inland ships are homebred low-end products, most of them are developed in the 1980s, and some are developed at the beginning of the 21Century. Because there is no exhaust restrict laws in our country, in the developing and manufacturing process, in order to reduce the cost, special techniques of emission reduction are not adopted universally. Therefore, our harmful emissions of inland river ships are much more than that of western in terms of the similar diesel engine. Take the NOx emissions as an example, the 210 series diesel engine are widely used in ships along the Yangtze river, its discharge value is 11.97 g/kwh, 37% over corresponding European discharge value of 8.7 g/ kwh.

Reporter: what is your suggestions for the management of inland diesel?

Jin Donghan:At present, many domestic marine diesel engine factories has produced a series of marine diesel engine with lower emissions through introducing foreign technology, and the products are widely applied in coastal vessels and exported abroad. Therefore, the conditions are ready for establishing inland ship diesel emission control standard. It is not only good for protecting the coastal atmospheric environment, but also help to promote the application of new technology and upgrade the diesel engine production, and promote the technology level of our marine diesel engine continuously.

Reporter: For inland ship diesel emission control standards, is there any foreign standards we can used for reference?

Jin Donghan:The United States and the European Union has published inland ship diesel emission limits successively since the 1990s. Take EU as an example,They have “Engine Emission Control Standard of Commercial Inland Ships” (2004 /26/EC), which is applied to all inland rivers within the EU; “the Rhine Regulations”(CCNR), “the Bodensee Regulations” (BR), and “the Brandenburg Shipping Regulations” (BSO), which are applied to some specific rivers. These standards generally more stringent than those for the oceangoing ships emission established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). In addition, they confine more species of harmful emissions, such as: CO, HC, PM, and etc, besides NOx.

Speed up the Establishment of Inland Marine Diesel Engine Emission Control Standards

Reporter Xu Hua
