Large Scale Ships Versus Low Carbon

2010-05-26 05:17
中国船检 2010年3期

Large Scale Ships Versus Low Carbon

Large scale ships have signif i cant economic effects, which mean a significant reduction in ship building cost, energy consumption by unit capacity, and emission of CO2 and other harmful gases. Large quantity of data indicates that the building cost per ton of 300,000-ton tankers is only 41 percent of the 50,000-ton tankers. The rental fee of 30,000-ton tanker is only 35% of the 5-ton oil tanker. It is clear that large-scale ships improve the economic performance of ship operation.

Calculated from the perspective of environmental protection, the EEDI of 75,000 ton tanker is around 4.56, while the EEDI of 300,000 ton tanker drops to around 2.54.

Large scale trend of container ships is especially evident.Containerships have been enlarged from 5000 TEU to 7000TEU in 1996, to 9500TEU in 2006, and further to 13,000 TEU in 2007. At present, orders of 18,000TEU containerships have been signed by shipowners.

The size of luxury cruises is also getting larger and larger. The largest luxury cruise in 2008 was 339×38.6m,with 158,000 tons of water discharge, 15 levels of passenger decks and a capacity of 4960 passengers;at present, the biggest luxury cruise is 361×66m×72m,with 225,000 tons of water discharge, 16 levels of passenger decks and a capacity of 8460 passengers. In the future, cruises of larger size with a length of 378m and a water discharge of 250,000 tons will come into being.

With the support of the original State Commission of Science and Technology for National Defense Industry, CSNAME,CANSI, CSIC, COSCO and CCS jointly undertook the VLOC Ship Type Development Project, and developed such ship types as ore carriers of 230,000 ton, 320,000 ton, 360,000 ton and 500,000 ton.

The 380,000 DWT ore carrier build by Jiangsu Rongsheng Heavy industry Co., Ltd. absorbed the advantages of existing ore carriers and complied with all IMO’ standards, regulations and rules concerning oil bunker protection, ballast tank coating performance,anti-fouling, emission of NOx and SOx, ballast water management, EEDI and green passport. Its technical economic performance, quality, adaptability and cost performance are all of the advanced level of the same category of ships in the world, with its relevant oil consumption t·knot and CO2 emission far lower than the same type of the ship. The ship exceeds the full mark to get 102 points based on shipping industry standard rating and complies with the idea of low carbon economy.

By Xu Xueguang