中国工程院院士王永炎教授任名誉总编辑,中国工程院院士、中华中医药学会副会长张伯礼教授任总编辑。陈可冀、肖培根等7位两院院士,100多位国内外著名中医药专家分别担任杂志顾问、编委或领导职务。《环球中医药》已被《中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库》、《中文科技期刊数据库》、《中国学术期刊网络出版总库》和美国《化学文摘》收录。本刊为双月刊, 大16开, 80页。国内统一连续出版物号:CN 11-5652/R;国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 1674-1749。
1.1 文稿:内容要科研设计严谨、数据可靠、重点突出,文字要准确、通顺、精炼。论著、综述、讲座等以4000~5000字为宜,临床经验、硕博园地等以2000字左右为宜。重大科研创新与理论突破稿件不受字数限制。
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1.3 摘要、关键词:论著类文章须有中英文摘要和中英文关键词。摘要应具备研究的目的(Objective)、方法(Methods)、结果(Results)与结论(Conclusions)四要素,中文摘要不超过400个汉字,英文摘要以250~600个实词为宜。英文摘要应与中文摘要内容相对应,可以略详于中文摘要。中医药关键词应从中国中医科学院中医药信息研究所编写的《中医药主题词表》选取。综述应附有指示式英文摘要和英文关键词。
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1.5.3 引用标准:[编号]主要责任人.标准名[S].出版地:出版单位,出版年:页码.
[3]国家中医药管理局. 中医病证诊断疗效标准[S].南京大学出版社,1994:109.
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The Global Traditional Chinese Medicine sincerely invites the scholars of traditional Chinese medicine and other traditional medicines at home and abroad to submit professional articles.
The Global Traditional Chinese Medicine, authorized by Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China and sponsored by China International Medical Foundation, is a traditional Chinese medicine academic journal publicly published at home and abroad. Under the purpose of being committed to the clinical research and readers' service based upon the cutting-edge science and technology, we have been tracking the basic principle of establishing a scientific, ideological and readable traditional Chinese medicine academic journal with the foreign and domestic traditional Chinese medicine professionals as our main readers. The journal shall embody the latest academic achievements of traditional Chinese medicine, advanced technology and industry trends, deepen the international exchange and cooperation, as well as promote the industrialization and globalization of traditional Chinese medicine.
Wang Yongyan, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, honorary president of China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, former president of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine is the honorary editor-in-chief. Zhang Boli, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, president of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, vice president of China Association of Chinese Medicine is the editor-in-chief. Such 7 academicians from two academies (Chinese Academy of Engineering and Chinese Academy of Science) as Chen Keji and Xiao Peigen and more than 100 prominent traditional Chinese medicine experts at home and abroad have been our advisors and editorials.
The Global Traditional Chinese Medicine has been covered by China's Core Journals (Selection) Database, Chinese Science and Technology Periodical Database, Chinese Academic Journal Web Publishing General Library. The journal is covered by the American Chemical Abstract (CA). The bimonthly journal, 210×297 (mm), is composed of 80 pages with CN 11-5652/R at home and ISSN 1674-1749 abroad.
The main columns of the journal are as follows: original articles, commentary, overseas doctors of traditional Chinese medicine, EBM and TCM, traditional Chinese medicine culture, TCM case review and summary.
1.The main part of the journal is composed of Chinese articles with English abstracts, and the journal accepts the English articles at the same time. The articles written in other languages are not accepted. You shall submit your articles in Chinese or English (please attach the English Abstract and Key words). And your original English articles shall be published with Chinese abstract. We will appreciate it very much that the author provides the Chinese abstract.
2.The academic research articles on traditional Chinese medicine or other traditional medicines in other countries, introducing the traditional medicine except for traditional Chinese medicine of the country where the author lives, such as traditional Japanese medicine, traditional Korean medicine, Ayurveda, traditional Vietnamese medicine, European herbal etc., and the current development conditions of traditional Chinese medicine in the foreign countries as well as the policies and regulations of different countries on traditional Chinese medicine and other medicines.
3.The article shall include title, abstract, key words (250~600 words), main body, bibliography, service institute and position, highest degree, research direction and email. The in-service students studying in China shall fill in visibly the study university, grade, major and telephone number used in China.
4.You can submit your articles to hqzhyy@163.com by E-mail, which would be reviewed by experts invited by the journal. We shall put the overseas articles passing the professional review in priority for publication.
5.The journal shall not charge editorial fees and pay royalties for articles written by non-Chinese first author.
6.The exclusive right, once published, of the articles including network communication right shall belong to the Global Traditional Chinese Medicine and China International Medical Foundation, the sponsor of the journal. The Global Traditional Chinese Medicine shall have the right to publish the articles in forms of electronic periodical, optical disc, web publishing and pay no remuneration. Any part of the article shall be transferred without the consent of the journal.
7.The article shall not be submitted twice with the original reserved by yourself. You will be notified on whether or not your article is covered within 6 weeks. If not, you shall be allowed to deal with it by yourself.
8.The responsibility and liability relating to the article shall be borne by yourself. The editorial department shall have the right to modify or delete part of the article. If not allowed, please state the reason visibly. The author shall consider the modification in terms of original meaning of the article.
9.Once published, the journal will present two current issues for you for free.