摘 要:现代物流企业在攫取“第三利润源泉”的同时,其面临的风险也与日俱增。本文基于物流业务外包运作过程分析了企业物流外包的风险,并根据其存在的风险提出了相应的风险规避策略,以助于企业更好地降低物流外包的风险,提高物流外包的收益。
文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-6432(2008)02-0010-02
The Risk Prevention of Third-Party Logistics
Gao Bingrui
(Bohai University)
Abstract: The modern logistics companies face more and more risks while making the third profit mine. This thesis analyses the risk of logistics outsourcing on the basis of logistics outsourcing process. This thesis also puts forward the relative risk avoidance methods to withdraw from a risk situation and make more logistics outsourcing profit.
Key words:third-party logistics risk preventionrisk avoidance