
2008-04-29 07:23田苏春牛绪梅
中学生英语高效课堂探究 2008年4期

田苏春 牛绪梅



逻辑关系语指表示各种逻辑意义的连句手段,主要有:(1)词(包括连词、副词和少数介词),如and, but, or, because, though, however, yet, therefore, otherwise, despite等;(2)短语,如in other words, or rather, in addition, as a result, so that, on the contrary, instead of等;(3)分句和独立结构,如that is to say, what is more, all things considered等。逻辑关系语对准确理解语篇意义能够起到很强的提示作用。完形填空中很多题目都围绕它们而设。考生在解题时要充分利用这些逻辑关系语,找到与文中某些词、短语有密切关系的选项,如其同义词、近义词或反义词等,有时这些词、短语甚至复现在文中。

【例】 The girl became increasingly worried about this, both when__46__and in her dreams. (07全国卷I)

46. A. asleepB. away

C. aroundD. awake

【析】本句的逻辑关系语是both ... and ...,它表示并列关系。and后出现了in her dreams,故此空必定和其有关。选项中只有awake和in her dreams构成反义关系,因此D项正确。

【例】 Before leaving, I had turned the heater__48__in the roadhouse, so that when we went in, it was nice and__49__.(07湖北卷)

48. A. onB. off

C. inD. over

49. A. neatB. hot

C. warmD. attractive

【析】本句的逻辑关系语是so that和and。连词and表并列关系,但要注意,nice and后接形容词或副词,大多意为“很”,如:The room is nice and warm. (这个房间很暖和。) / The breeze is nice and cool. (这阵微笑很凉爽。) / The car is going nice and far. (这辆轿车跑得很快。)发热器只能使房间变暖或变热,因此49 选C;so that表因果关系,根据句意“为了我们进来时室内很温暖”,只有turn on the heater才合乎逻辑,因此48选A。


① ... those challenges are the very things that__37__us and make us who we are ... (07山东卷)

37. A. designB. promote

C. directD. shape

②Its a little funny seeing friends in clean shoes and trousers or colorful__36__, instead of the usual school uniform. (07北京卷)

36. A. shapesB. dresses

C. flowersD. pictures

③“You need__36__,” his father said. “But if you dont work hard, no fortune will come.” (07辽宁卷)

36. A. exerciseB. fortune

C. knowledgeD. wealth

答案:① D② B ③ B



【例】 A young man, wet from__42__to toe, explained that he had__43__out of petrol about 30 km up the road. (07湖北卷)

42. A. fingerB. shoulder

C. headD. hand

43. A. drivenB. used

C. comeD. run

【析】本句中两个考点都是固定搭配。第一个from head to toe / foot意为 “从头到脚,全身上下”;第二个run out of意为 “用完,耗尽”。答案分别为C和D。

【例】 Java began to enjoy one of the years greatest event: “the Night of the Full Moon”, a festival(节日)that is especially popular__44__young people.(07安徽卷)

44. A. forB. toC. withD. in

【析】 be popular with为固定词组,意为“受……欢迎”。其它选项均不能和popular构成固定搭配,故答案为C。


①He tried to__31__a telephone call, but was unable to__32__. (07浙江卷)

31. A. makeB. fix

C. useD. pick

32. A. get on B. get up

C. get throughD. get in

②He got good grades in the school, especially__43__biology and chemistry, which was a great comfort.(07重庆卷)

43. A. inB. about

C. ofD. for

答案:① A; C ② A



【例】 I felt the__48__of a lifetime had come.(07江西卷)

48. A. momentB. period

C. whileD. date

【析】 四个选项均有“日期、时期”之意,但仔细辨析可知,moment 意为“时刻、契机”,“转机”;period意为“时期、阶段”;while意为“一会儿”;date意为“日期”。根据of a lifetime had come(一生的……到了)设置的语境,可知moment为最佳选项。

【例】 ... the lady didnt take a bite. She sat there__34__her husband eat, and taking turns (轮流) sipping the drink.(07陕西卷)

34. A. seeingB. noticing

C. watchingD. finding

【析】四个选项都有“看”之意。see sb. do sth.意为“看见了某人做了某事”;notice sb. do sth. 意为“(无意中)注意到某人做了某事”;watch sb. do sth. 意为“注视 / 观看某人做某事”,find后不接动词原形作宾补。通过语境可知,女士自己不吃,只是看着丈夫吃,因此C项正确。


①The doors had been shut. They__30__be opened from the inside. He was trapped(被困) in a library. (07浙江卷)

30. A. wouldntB. shouldnt

C. couldntD. neednt

②I was so nervous that my hands shook, and I__47__a cup into pieces. (07湖南卷)

47. A. damagedB. destroyed

C. brokeD. ruined

答案:① C ② C



【例】 She had excellent grades,__24__she always thought that something was missing.(07天津卷)

24. A. orB. soC. forD. but 【析】 根据空前的excellent grades和空后的always和something was missing,可推知“她”成绩虽突出,可对生活仍不满足,故选择转折连词but,即答案为D。

【例】 ...“Would you mind telling me when you are thinking of leaving?__40__are you going to sit in your car all day?” (07全国卷II)

40. A. ForB. OrC. ButD. So

【析】根据空前的leaving和空后的sit in your car all day,说明对方在询问并让“我”做出选择,从而推知答案为表示选择关系的连词or。


①My body had long since used up all its energy__50__it went on running just the same.(07江西卷)

50. A. soB. butC. orD. as

②I told her I would mess it up__37__I had never worked at the bar before.(07湖南卷)

37. A. because B. though

C. until D. while

答案:① B ② A



【例】 I was too busy__55__the restaurant I would open one day.(07湖南卷)

A. imaginingB. preparing

C. examiningD. describing


【例】 That day, he(Lang Lang) told his father__45__he had been waiting to hear—that he wanted to study with a new teacher.(07辽宁卷)

45. A. thatB. what

C. whichD. when

【析】 07辽宁卷讲述了青年钢琴家郎朗年幼时学钢琴的故事。解答此题的关键在于确定第二个he的指代对象。如果他指Lang Lang,则句子不但在语法上错误,而且在语义上也讲不通。可见45空要选一个既能引导宾语从句,又能在从句中当hear的宾语的词,在四个待选词中只有what才能胜任,所以应选B。破折号之后的that从句是what的同位语从句。


① ... he would say, “If you want them, make the money and buy them__39__.”(07福建卷)

39. A. themselvesB. ourselves

C. yourselfD. myself

②In dealing with many challenges that friendship will bring to you, try to see them for50they are: small hurdles you need to jump ... . (07山东卷)

50. A. whatB. who

C. whereD. which

答案:① C ② A



【例】 ... the girl was able to lead her birds to run across the grass, but she could not teach them to__45__.(07全国卷I)

45. A. flyB. race

C. swimD. sing

【析】 根据常识,人类可以race、swim或sing,但是不会直接像鸟一样振翅飞翔,因此小女孩不能教给鸟儿“飞翔”,故答案为A。

【例】 Everywhere, there were the paper remains of usedfireworks lying on the ground. Little boys__39__more and covered their ears as they waited__40__for the explosions.(07安徽卷)

39. A. litB. bought

C. piled D. removed

40. A. patientlyB. calmly

C. worriedly D. excitedly

【析】语境中的Everywhere, there were the paper remains of (used) fireworks lying on the ground.和covered their ears使我们联想起节日放鞭炮或观看别人放鞭炮的情景,即点上鞭炮后兴奋地跑开,捂着耳朵等着其爆炸。因此39题答案为A,40题为D。


①Well, less than a week after my arrival in Manila, I was already carpeted with a__43__of mosquito bites. I took many measures to keep myself from being__44__, but they all proved useless. (07四川卷)

43. A. shadeB. pile

C. cloudD. blanket

44. A. touchedB. bitten

C. defeated D. discovered

②By midnight, the fireworks had stopped shooting up from the__55__city in the valley below them. But during the night, the sound continued to be heard from the distance.(07安徽卷)

55. A. cleanB. gray

C. peacefulD. empty

答案:① D; B ② B



【例】 In the clinic, I asked if Michael could be retested, so the specialist tested him again. To my__36__, it was the same score.

Later that evening, I__37__told Frank what I had learned that day. After talking it over, we agreed that we knew our__38__much better than an IQ(智商) test.

... After the ceremony, we told Michael about the__47__IQ score he got when he was six. Since that day, Michael sometimes would look at us and say jokingly,“My dear mom and dad never told me that I couldnt be a doctor, not until after I graduated from medical school!”

... We went to the same clinic where he had receive the test eighteen years before. This time Michael scored 126, an increase of 36 points.(07重庆卷)

36. A. joyB. surprise

C. dislikeD. disappointment

37. A. tearfullyB. fearfully

C. cheerfullyD. hopefully

38. A. studentB. son

C. friendD. doctor

47. A. highB. same

C. lowD. different

【析】 07重庆卷的完形填空以第一人称讲述了如何对待孩子的成长问题。开头就提到Michael的智商测试,随之设置的几个题目都和此有关,可是在本段没有线索。但读到文章最后,“This time Michael scored 126, an increase of 36 points.”,我们茅塞顿开,原来Michael是“我们”的儿子(38. B),六岁时接受了一次智商测试,分数很低(47. C),“我”很失望(36. D),所以“我” 眼含泪水告诉丈夫Frank测试结果(37. A)。


①(首段) Carolyn Stradley is the founder of C & S Paving In C. (铺路公司) in Atlanta, USA. In the following account, she recalls the job that challenged her__36__and skill but left her flying high.

(尾段) ...“The key to our success was having the courage to take on any job and then being creative in our approach to getting it done.” (07江苏卷)

36. A. kindnessB. patience

C. imaginationD. experience

②(首段)... All you need is a webcam and your pretty face to access your PC.

(尾段) ... If the system__29__to recognize your__30__, you can recall the Windows user name and password by using a hot-key combination.(07广东卷)

29. A. beginsB. tries

C. failsD. stops

30. A. accountB. name

C. passwordD. face

答案:① C ② C; D



【例】 We arrived in Spain for the first time a few weeks ago. I decided to buy a car because we had sold the one we had in England. ... But when I turned into the main road I suddenly saw a lot of cars racing__31__me.(07全国卷II)

31. A. afterB. with

C. aroundD. towards



①Now she was Portia, a strong-willed__17__in Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice. ...(07天津卷)

17. A. memberB. actress

C. playerD. character

② ... On the day of the audition(选拔试演), she__34__two of Portias famous speeches for the auditors. When she had finished, the head of the Drama Club announced the__35__was hers. (07天津卷)

34. A. practicedB. planned

C. performedD. delivered

35. A. partB. play

C. speechD. position

答案:①D ②C; A
