World journal of emergency medicine
- Mobile technology: Usage and perspective of patients and caregivers presenting to a tertiary care emergency department
- Retrospective analysis of eFAST ultrasounds performed on trauma activations at an academic level-1 trauma center
- A pulmonary source of infection in patients with sepsis-associated acute kidney injury leads to a worse outcome and poor recovery of kidney function
- Admission delay is associated with worse surgical outcomes for elderly hip fracture patients: A retrospective observational study
- The first two cases of transcatheter mitral valve repair with ARTO system in Asia
- Role of penehyclidine in acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning
- Epidemiological characteristics and disease spectrum of emergency patients in two cities in China: Hong Kong and Shenzhen
- Investigations for the assessment of adult patients presenting to the emergency department with supraventricular tachycardia
- Surgical closure of large splenorenal shunt may accelerate recovery from hepato-pulmonary syndrome in liver transplant patients
- Update on retroperitoneal hematoma in children
- Information for Readers