World journal of emergency medicine
- Availability and quality of procedural sedation and analgesia in emergency departments without emergency physicians: A national survey in the Netherlands
- Presenting patterns of dermatology conditions to an Australian emergency department
- Effect of neutrophil CD64 for diagnosing sepsis in emergency department
- Post-dilatation improves stent apposition in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction receiving primary percutaneous intervention: A multicenter, randomized controlled trial using optical coherence tomography
- Predictive role of interleukin-6 and CAT score in mechanical ventilation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease at the acute exacerbation stage in the emergency department
- Changes in peak inspiratory f ow rate and peak airway pressure with endotracheal tube size during chest compression
- Comparison of invasive dynamic blood pressure between superior mesenteric artery and common carotid artery in rats
- Effect of low high-density lipoprotein levels on mortality of septic patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies
- An unexpected electrocardiogram sign of subacute left ventricular free wall rupture: Its early awareness may be lifesaving
- Outcome predictors for severely brain-injured patients directly admitted or transferred from emergency departments to a trauma center
- A young lady presenting to the emergency department with blue lips: A case study with review of literature
- Acute obstructive f brinous laryngotracheobronchitis induced by severe glyphosate surfactant intoxication:A case report
- Food poisoning associated methemoglobinemia: Time to wake up
- Information for Readers