Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Invited Reviews
Research Papers
- Simulation-driven Wind Load Analysis and Prediction for Large Steerable Radio Telescopes
- Gravitational Wave Radiation from Newborn Accreting Magnetars
- Power-law Distribution and Scale-invariant Structure from the First CHIME/FRB Fast Radio Burst Catalog
- Solar Active Region Magnetogram Generation by Attention Generative Adversarial Networks
- Construction and Validation of a Geometry-based Mathematical Model for the Hard X-Ray Imager
- The Decay Process of an α-configuration Sunspot
- A Catalog of Quasar Candidates Identified by Astrometric and Mid-infrared Methods in Gaia EDR3
- Possible Origin of a Newly Discovered GeV Gamma-Ray Source Fermi J1242.5+3236
- Spectroscopic Determination of C,N,and O Abundances of Solar-analog Stars Based on the Lines of Hydride Molecules
- Parametric Evolution of Power-law Energy Spectra of Energetic Electrons in the Coronal Loops
- Correction of the Temperature Effect of Muon Counts Observed at the Guangzhou Station
- Hubble WFC3 Spectroscopy of the Terrestrial Planets L98–59c and d: No Evidence for a Clear Hydrogen Dominated Primary Atmosphere
- AT2021acak: a Candidate Tidal Disruption Event Found in the Zwicky Transient Facility Survey
- A Note on the Anti-glitch of Magnetar SGR 1935+2154
- The Oblique Alfvén Ion Beam Instability in the Earthʼs Ion Foreshock
- Influence and Correction of Wavefront Primary Aberrations for Radio Telescopes using Aberration Theory
- Galaxy Interactions in Filaments and Sheets: Effects of the Large-scale Structures Versus the Local Density
- The First Photometric and Spectroscopic Study of Contact Binary V2840 Cygni
- A Two-limb Explanation for the Optical-to-infrared Transmission Spectrum of the Hot Jupiter HAT-P-32Ab
- Fractions of Compact Object Binaries in Star Clusters: Theoretical Predictions
- Determination of Distance,Extinction,Mass,and Age for Stars in LAMOST DR7
- Formation and Destiny of White Dwarf and Be Star Binaries