Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Forecast of Observing Time Delay of Strongly Lensed Quasars with the Muztagh-Ata 1.93m Telescope
- Optical Spectroscopy of Classical Be Stars in Old Open Clusters
- A Better Reconciliation of Hubble Tension in the Dark Energy Scalar Field
- Three New Spiral Galaxies with Active Nuclei Producing Double Radio Lobes
- Numerical Studies of Magnetic Reconnection and Heating Mechanisms for the Ellerman Bomb
- Burst Phase Distribution of SGR J1935+2154 Based on Insight-HXMT
- Probing the Variation of Reverberation Lags along with X-Ray Flux in the AGN Mrk 704
- Astrometric Reduction of Saturnian Satellites with Cassini-ISS Images Degraded by Trailed Stars
- An Intermediate-field Fast Radio Burst Model and the Quasi-periodic Oscillation
- Galactic Dark Matter Halos Containing H I Regions: A Possible Overestimation of the Column Densities
- Limiting Magnitudes of the Wide Field Survey Telescope (WFST)
- Quality Control of YFOSC Data I.The On-site Quick Analysis System
- Discrepancy in Grain Size Estimation of H2O Ice in the Outer Solar System
- Six Newly Discovered Eclipsing Binary Systems in the TESS field
- Principal Component Analysis of Ground Level Enhancement of Cosmic Ray Events
- A Morphological Study of Two Young Multipolar Planetary Nebulae