- Omega-6支撑身体,Omega-3支撑大脑:均衡摄入对儿童大脑发育的影响
- Omega-6 for Body, Omega-3 for Brain: Balance for Brain Development in Children (英文原文)
- 世界食物供应中亚油酸含量高对人体健康的影响
- High Linoleic Acid in the Food Supply Worldwide-What are the Consequences? (英文原文)
- 研发生产富含Omega-3脂肪酸食品是改善民众营养健康状况的重要饮食策略
- Development and Production of Omega-3 Fatty Acids-Enriched Foods is an Important Dietary Strategy to Improve People's Nutritional and Health Status (英文原文)
- 关于COVID-19、膜脂质与公众健康
- On COVID-19 and Membrane Lipids and Public Health (英文原文)
- 膳食脂肪与健康
- 膳食脂肪与健康
——专栏主持:王以群 资深研究员/英国帝国理工学院 - 新时期国民膳食脂质摄入推荐的几点建议