
2022-06-01 10:15:52
粮油食品科技 2022年3期


Michael A CRAWFORD 教授/所长/会长/院士/会士



Professor Michael A CRAWFORD, Director/President/Fellow

Imperial College London, UK

Institute of Brain Chemistry & Human Nutrition, UK

Michael A CRAWFORD:男,教授,英国帝国理工学院客座教授、英国脑化学与人类营养研究所所长、英国母婴基金会和幼儿基金会创始人和受托人、麦卡里森学会会长、英国皇家病理学家学院院士和皇家生物学会会士。


1965年,任英国纳菲尔德比较医学研究所生物化学研究室主任、瑞典乌普萨拉大学的英国惠康基金会访问研究员、诺丁汉大学生物化学特别主持。1990年在伦敦创立了大脑化学和人类营养研究所(IBCHN)。与伦敦几所医院合作,建立了关于低出生体重的哈克尼项目(1990-2010)。1978 年、1994年和2010年曾任WHO/FAO关于膳食脂肪和人类营养的三个联合专家磋商会顾问。2010年加入英国帝国理工学院,担任客座教授和FOSS1研究的首席研究员。

Michael A CRAWFORD 教授发表论文350多篇、著作3本。获得许多国际奖项,包括1995年国际现代营养奖;2008年阿曼政府颁发的金奖;2010年路易斯安那大学神经科学与医学奖;2013年被英国大脑基金会评选为“年度大脑”,并获得世界和平与繁荣基金会颁发的世界和平奖。基于他对脂质研究的贡献,2015年获日本皇家旭日勋章和法国 Chevreul脂质研究奖章;2016年国际脂肪酸和脂质研究学会的 Alexander Leaf杰出科学家终身成就奖和2018年欧米茄-3研究全球奖。2015年他获授伦敦市荣誉市民的称号。


Professor Michael A CRAWFORD, is the Director of the Institute of Brain Chemistry & Human Nutrition, Visiting Professor at the Imperial College London, Founder Trustee of The Mother and Child Foundation and The Little Foundation, the President of the McCarrison Society, Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists and the Royal Society of Biology, UK.

He received his BSc degree at Edinburgh University 1952 and PhD at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School, University of London 1960. He identified the genetic cause of Hartnup Disease 1961. Then he moved to Makerere Medical School, Uganda to establish chemical pathology and teach biochemistry. In 1963 he participated in the establishment of the Muhumbili Medical School in Dar-es-Salaam.

In 1965 he returned to the UK as head of Biochemistry at the Nuffield Institute of Comparative Medicine. He was a Welcome Trust Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Uppsala, Sweden and held a Special Chair in Biochemistry at the University of Nottingham.In 1990 he founded the Institute of Brain Chemistry and Human Nutrition (IBCHN) in London. In collaboration with the Homerton Hospital Special Care Baby Unit and, the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Children. There, he established the Hackney project on low birth weight(1990-2010). He also served as a consultant to WHO, FAO and for the three joint FAO/WHO expert consultations on dietary lipids and human nutrition in 1978, 1994 and 2010. He joined the Imperial College in 2010 as a Visiting Professor and Chief Investigator for FOSS1 study.

He has published over 350 science papers and 3 books. Received many international awards including the International Prize for Modern Nutrition 1995; a gold medal from the Government of Oman 2008;an award from the University of Louisiana - for Neuroscience and Medicine 2010; was elected Brain of the Year in 2013 by the Brain Trust, and the World Peace award from the World Peace and Prosperity Foundation. More recently he was awarded the Chevreul Medal for lipid research, the Order of the Rising Sun, from the Emperor of Japan,2015, the Alexander Leaf Distinguished Scientist Award for Lifetime Achievement, ISSFAL, 2016 and the Global Award for Research on Omega 3, by the Much Love Foundation in China, 2018. He is a Freeman of the City of London (2015).

He is the Corresponding Author of the paper “On COVID-19 and Membrane Lipids and Public Health” in this special column.

Andrew J. SINCLAIR 教授


Professor Andrew J. SINCLAIR

Monash University, Australia&Deakin University, Australia

Andrew J. SINCLAIR:男,教授,50多年来在澳大利亚和全球的营养科学领域发挥了重要作用。其成就包括营养学研究,尤其是多不饱和脂肪酸,指导营养科学学者、研究生和早期职业研究人员,在澳大利亚营养协会中发挥着重要作用,并在国际舞台上提升了澳大利亚营养学科影响力。在墨尔本和海外讲授营养科学课程,并在澳大利亚及海外担任学术和荣誉职务。

SINCLAIR教授的研究成果获得的国家和国际奖项如下:亚太临床营养学会奖(2019年);美国油脂化学家协会-大洋洲研究奖(2015年);国际脂肪酸和脂质研究学会和Alexander Leaf终身研究奖(2014年);澳大利亚营养学会会员(2003年);Supelco/Nicholas Pellick美国油脂化学家协会研究奖(1999年)。他在同行评审的文献中发表了300多篇论文,引用次数超过2.26万次,H指数为78。


SINCLAIR教授在45年的时间里为澳大利亚营养学会做出了杰出贡献,推动该学会成为一个充满活力的科学组织,并在国际营养学方面发挥了重要作用。曾任多个荣誉职务,包括《英国营养学》杂志副主编,《亚太临床营养学》杂志编委,《脂质》杂志高级副主编,《前列腺英国营养学素》《白三烯》和《必需脂肪酸》杂志编委,澳大利亚营养信托基金受托人,ILSI AustralasiaInc董事会成员,澳大利亚科学院国家营养委员会成员,粮农组织/世卫组织审查小组成员等。


Professor Andrew J. SINCLAIR, has played an important role in nutrition science in Australia and globally for more than 50 years.His achievements include research in nutrition science, especially on polyunsaturated fatty acids; mentoring of nutrition science academics,postgraduate students and early career researchers; playing a significant role in the Nutrition Society of Australia; promoting Australian nutrition research on the international stage; teaching nutrition science subjects in Melbourne and overseas; and leadership in academic and honorary positions in Australia and overseas.

Professor SINCLAIR’s research achievements have been recognised by the following national and international awards: Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society Award, 2019; American Oil Chemists Society-Australasia Research Award, 2015; International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids and Alexander Leaf Lifetime Research Award, 2014; Elected Fellow of the Nutrition Society of Australia,2003; Supelco/Nicholas Pellick American Oil Chemists Society Research Award, 1999. He has more than 300 publications in peer reviewed literature, in excess of 22,600 citations and an h-index of 78.

He has played a significant role in teaching and training of graduate students. He has taught undergraduate nutrition-related subjects at RMIT University (Melbourne), Deakin University(Melbourne) and Zhejiang University (China). He has been employed at Victorian Department of Agriculture, RMIT University, Deakin University and currently at Monash University (part-time).

Professor SINCLAIR has made a sustained contribution to the Nutrition Society of Australia over a 45-year period, helping to shape the Society into a vibrant scientific organisation. He has played a significant role in international nutrition. He has been involved in numerous honorary activities including Deputy Editor for the British Journal of Nutrition; Editorial Board for Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition; Senior Associate Editor for Lipids (Springer Journal); Editorial Board for Prostaglandins, LeUKotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids; Trustee of Australian Nutrition Trust Fund;Member of Board of Trustees of ILSI Australasia Inc; Member National Committee for Nutrition, Australian Academy of Science; Member of FAO/WHO Review Panels.

He is the First Author of the paper “High Linoleic Acid in the Food Supply Worldwide - What are the Consequences?” in this special column.

J. Thomas BRENNA 教授


Professor J. Thomas BRENNA

Cornell University, USA&University of Texas at Austin, USA

J. Thomas BRENNA:男,博士,美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校戴尔医学院和自然科学学院的儿科、化学和人类营养学教授;在纽约伊萨卡的美国康奈尔大学担任教职28年,退休后被该校聘为人类营养学、食品科学和化学荣誉教授。


J. Thomas BRENNA博士为许多政策性工作做出了贡献,包括担任2015年美国膳食指南咨询委员会成员,以及最近(2011年)联合国粮农组织/世卫组织脂肪和脂肪酸专家小组成员。曾任国际脂肪酸和脂类研究协会(ISSFAL)主席,并在其执行委员会任职至2021年,目前是美国油脂化学家协会(AOCS)的理事会成员。曾荣获AOCS 2021 Ralph Holman奖和2020 Herbert Dutton奖,是第四位同时获得美国营养学会(ASN)的奥斯本奖和孟德尔奖的科学家(2017年),该项荣誉以表彰其对营养学基础研究的杰出贡献。因在临床营养学方面所做的突出贡献,荣获了美国营养学会(ASN)的罗伯特赫尔曼奖(2013年)。

2020年之前,J. Thomas BRENNA博士经常访问中国,曾在中国18个省市的30多个城市进行主题演讲。


Professor J. Thomas BRENNA, PhD, is Professor of Pediatrics, of Chemistry, and of Human Nutrition at the Dell Medical School and College of Natural Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin, and Professor Emeritus of Human Nutrition,of Food Science, and of Chemistry after 28 years as an active faculty Member at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. His group’s basic research into the chemical, biochemical, metabolic, genetic and ecological aspects of fatty acids have had a decisive influence on modern knowledge of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids(LCPUFA). Recent research has clarified the molecular biology of human synthesis of branched chain fatty acids as well as food sources of these compounds. This work has been in concert with many ongoing contributions to the analytical mass spectrometry of fatty acids and related lipids. In the 1990s, his group’s basic research studies on Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids contributed to the US FDA’s approval of DHA and arachidonic acid in US infant formulas.

He has contributed to numerous policy efforts, including being a Member of the 2015 US Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, and the most recent (2011) FAO/WHO Expert Panel on Fats and Fatty Acids. He was President of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL), serving on its executive committee until 2021, and is currently a Member of the Board of Governors of the American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS).He was honored with the AOCS 2021 Ralph Holman and the 2020 Herbert Dutton Awards. He is the fourth scientist to be honored with both American Society for Nutrition’s Osborne and Mendel Award for outstanding contributions to basic research in nutrition(2017) and the ASN’s Robert Herman Award for advancement of clinical nutrition (2013).

Prior to 2020, Dr. BRENNA was a frequent visitor to China,lecturing in more than 30 cities in 18 provinces and regions.

He is the First Author of the paper “Omega-6 for Body,Omega-3 for Brain: Balance for Brain Development in Children” in this special column.

康景轩 教授/主任


Professor Jing X. KANG, Director

Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, USA

Jing X. KANG(康景轩):男,博士,教授。毕业于广东医科大学医学系,在阿尔伯塔大学取得医学生物化学(营养和新陈代谢)博士学位,并在哈佛大学医学院与 Alexander LEAF博士一起进行博士后研究。现任哈佛大学医学院麻省总医院脂质医学与技术实验室主任,中国教育部授予的“长江学者”讲席教授。担任国际Omega-3研究学会(ISOR)主席,《人类营养与代谢杂志》(HNM)、《营养遗传学和营养基因组学杂志》(JNN)主编,国际营养遗传学和营养基因组学学会(ISNN)的创始董事会成员和秘书,以及世界营养、遗传和健康理事会成员。

Professor Jing X. KANG, obtained his medical training from the Guangdong Medical University, received his Ph.D. in medical biochemistry (nutrition and metabolism) from the University of Alberta and undertook his postdoctoral training with Dr. Alexander LEAF in Harvard Medical School. He is currently the Director of the Laboratory for Lipid Medicine and Technology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. He is also a “Changjiang Scholar” Chair Professor, appointed by the Ministry of Education of China. He is the President of the International Society for Omega-3 Research (ISOR)and the Editor-in-chief of Human Nutrition and Metabolism (HNM). He also was the former Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics (JNN), a founding board Member and former Secretary of the International Society of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics (ISNN),and a member of the World Council on Nutrition, Genetics, and Health.


康教授已在Nature、Science和PNAS等高影响力科学期刊上发表研究论文220余篇。出版物被引用超过2.1万次,H指数为78(谷歌学术)。他的研究两次被《发现》杂志列入“百大科学故事”;被Esquire杂志评为“2007年最佳和最睿智的人”之一;获得了2016年Omega-3研究全球奖;被 Expertscape评为Omega-3研究领域的世界顶级专家。


He is one of the leading scientists in the fields of Omega-3 research and nutrigenomics. His current research interests include nutrigenomics, lipidomics, metabolomics, gut microbiota and inflammation in relation to Omega-3 fatty acids and Omega-6/Omega-3 ratio, with a focus on translational research in humans to develop effective and safe interventions for the management of chronic diseases.

His lab has made several pioneering discoveries, including the demonstration of preventive and therapeutic effects of Omega-3 fatty acids on cardiac sudden death, identification of a novel receptor for retinoic acid, and the creation of a transgenic technology for converting Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids in animals.

To date, he has published more than 220 scientific papers in high impact scientific journals including Nature, Science, and PNAS. His publications have been cited for more than 21,000 times with a H-index of 78 (Google Scholar). His studies were listed twice among “Top 100 Science Stories” by Discover magazine. He was named one of “The Best and Brightest 2007” by Esquire magazine. He was the recipient of the 2016 Global Award for Omega-3 Research. He has been recognized by Expertscape as a top World Expert in the field of Omega-3 research.

He is the First Author of the paper “Development and Production of Omega-3 Fatty Acids-Enriched Foods is an Important Dietary Strategy to Improve People's Nutritional and Health Status” in this special column.

张坚 研究员/主任


Professor Jian ZHANG, Director

Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China





Professor Jian ZHANG, Doctoral Supervisor, Director of Elderly Nutrition Department, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Executive Member of Chinese Nutrition Society, Director of Elderly Nutrition Committee, Chinese Nutrition Society.

He has presided over and completed several large domestic and international cooperative research projects, including: Study on Important Standard Substances and Application in the Field of Public Health(2014YF211000), Study on the Effect of n-3 Long-chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids combined with Aspirin on Delaying Mild Cognitive Impairment in the Elderly (81372991), Study on the Protective Effect of Edible Aquatic Foods on Cardiovascular Disease, Study on Anemia in Rural Elderly Women in China.

One of the Principal investigators of China Nutrition and health survey/monitoring project in 2002, 2010-2012 and 2015-2017. He has been awarded the first prize of Science and Technology Progress of Chinese Nutrition Society in 2006 (6th prizewinner), the first prize of Science and Technology Progress of Chinese Preventive Medical Association in 2009 (6th prizewinner), the second prize of Science and Technology Progress of Chinese Preventive Medical Association in 2011(5th prizewinner), and the third prize of Science and Technology Progress of Chinese Preventive Medical Association in 2021 (1st prizewinner). As the first author or corresponding author, he has published more than 50 papers in SCI journals and Chinese core journals.

He is the First Author of the paper “Suggestions for Chinese Dietary Lipids Reference Intakes in the New Period” in this special column.


国家粮食和物资储备局科学研究院 粮油加工研究所“健康油脂加工和新型保质技术研究与应用”团队



毕业于清华大学化学工程与技术专业。主要从事油脂化学与加工技术研究。兼任中国粮油学会油脂分会理事和粮油质检分会理事。主持国家项目、行业标准多项,发表论文50余篇,其中SCI 20余篇;专利4项;获中国石化联合会技术发明奖一等奖1项。



美国明尼苏达大学公派留学生,博士毕业于中国农业大学农产品加工及贮藏工程专业。参与国家(际)项目多项;发表SCI论文6篇;任Food Research International、LWTFood Science and Technology等期刊审稿人。













11位专栏文章作者来自英国、美国、澳大利亚、中国4个国家,他们是:美国康奈尔大学和德克萨斯大学J.Thomas BRENNA教授、澳大利亚莫纳什大学和迪肯大学Andrew J. SINCLAIR教授、美国哈佛大学医学院Jing X. KANG教授、英国帝国理工学院Yi-qun WANG教授、Mark JOHNSON教授和Michael A CRAWFORD教授、英国剑桥大学Hong-wei REN资深研究员、美国农业部农业研究署Walter F. SCHMIDT资深研究员、中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所张坚研究员、贾珊珊博士和我院庞邵杰博士等,中外专家们重点对膳食脂肪与人类健康进行研析或评述,探讨观点,架起中国粮油工作者与各国专家们之间的近距离桥梁。





与此同时王以群研究员还组织了3篇英文文章,他们是:(1)英国帝国理工学院的Michael A CRAWFORD教 授、Yi-qun WANG研 究 员、Mark JOHNSON教授已合作完成的《孕前母体营养对大脑全面发展的重要性》一文,因未赶上出版时间而遗憾。(2)以色列耶路撒冷希伯来大学农业食品与环境学院的Neta GOLDSTEIN和Ram REIFEN教授撰写了一万余字的《豆类衍生蛋白在食品工业中的发展潜力》,因与专栏主题有出入而未入选。(3)英国伦敦都市大学营养免疫专家Laurence HARBIGE教授,患病期间无法正常生活工作,却在坚持为我刊写稿支持,我们深受感动,劝其中断写作,待康复后再合作。感谢上述专家的鼎力支持,《粮油食品科技》的学术交流平台始终向全球开放,我们择时再度牵手。



《粮油食品科技》副主编 谭洪卓



文章终审:孙 辉




英文文章翻译:朱莹丹、柴成梁、魏 征 、康景轩




专栏供图:王以群(Imperial College London官网)等


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