- 《敦煌文書與中古社會經濟》
- Brandon Dotson and Agnieszka Codicology, Paleography, and Orthography of Early Tibetan Documents:Methods and a Case Study, Wien, 2016, 217 pp., EUR 29.00.
- Agnieszka The Archaeology of Tibetan Books, Leiden:Brill, 2014, pp.xviii+311,USD 131.84.
- D.Durkin-Meisterernst,The Hymns to the Living Soul. Middle Persian and Parthian Texts in the Turfan Collection (= Berliner Turfantexte, 24), Turnhout:Brepols, 2006, XLIV+235 pp.
- 《吐魯番晉唐墓地
——交河溝西、木納爾、巴達木發掘報告》 - 致歉聲明
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