一般而言,影视剧专业性越强,台词中的缩略词出现的频率就越高。在医疗题材的影视剧里,我们不时听到ICU(intensive care unit重症监护室)、OR(operating room手术室)、ER(emergency room急诊室)、EKG (electrocardiogram心电图)等缩略词。在刑侦题材的影视剧里,常用的缩略词有OD(overdose服食药物过量)、COD(cause of death死亡原因)、DOA(dead on arrival送到医院时已死亡)、NYPD(New York Police Department纽约警察局)、pen(penitentiary监狱)等。
《指定幸存者》(Designated Survivor)是一部有关美国政治运作和反恐话题的电视剧,主人公是一位排位靠后、不受总统待见的住房和城市发展部部长。在国会山遭到恐怖分子毁灭性的袭击后,作为总统指定继承人的他稀里糊涂地登上了总统宝座。特别值得一提的是,这部电视剧的对白中有很多缩略词。比如,爆炸发生后,美女特工Hannah Wells和FBI副局长Jason之间有下面的对话:
Jason: All right, listen up. No one comes in or out without tin. I want a secure perimeter, at least five blocks out. I want TSA (Transportation Security Administration) screening equipment installed now. Got it?(好了,都听着:所有人一律凭警徽出入。要设立封锁线,范围至少5个街区。另外马上安装运输安全管理局的安检设备。清楚了吗?)
Crowd: Yes, sir.(明白,长官。)
Jason: All right, back to work.(好,大家行动起来。)
Hannah: You’ll also want to send up thermal UAVs (unmanned air vehicles) and air sniffers to look for anything biological or radiological in the area.(还应该派出热成像无人机和空气嗅探器,检查这个地方有没有生化品和放射性物质。)
Jason: Hannah, you were supposed to report to HQ (headquarters).(汉娜,你应该报告总部才对。)
Hannah: I was 10 blocks away. Any survivors?(我正好在附近,只隔10个街区。有生还者吗?)
Jason: No. Not yet. EMS (emergency medical service) is digging through the rubble. (没有。到目前为止,还没发现生还者。紧急救援人员正在废墟中搜寻。)
Hannah: Make sure that Haz-Mat (hazardous materials) unit knows…(一定要通知危险爆炸物处理部门的人……)
Jason: Agent Wells, you’re SIOC (Strategic Information and Operations Center), okay? You’re not a field agent. I need you heading up a crisis team at the operations center.(韦尔斯探员,你在战略信息与作战中心,不是吗?你不是外勤人员。我需要你在作战中心,领导危机处理小组。)
Hannah: You don’t need me behind a computer. You need me here. I worked both bomb sites…(我不能守在电脑前。我该在现场,我经历过两次炸弹袭击现场……)
Jason: Hannah…(汉娜……)
Hannah: On the ground in Brussels and Paris. I know what to look for. Jason, please. I need to be here. (一次在布鲁塞尔,另一次在巴黎,我都在现场。我知道该怎么做。贾森,拜托了,你就让我留在这里吧。)
(1) Some impressive fitness reps (reports) here.(从报告上看,你的身体非常好。)——《伴我雄心》(G. I. Jane)
(2) Check the antenna for comms (communication) capability.(检查一下天线,看通讯是否畅通。)——《伴我雄心》(G. I. Jane)
(3) Some bastard stole my chute (parachute).(哪个兔崽子偷了我的降落伞。)——《第二十二条军规》(Catch-22)
(4) Give me the shock defib (defibrillator).(把除颤器给我。)——《生于七月四日》(Born on the Fourth of July)
(5) Get a doc.(叫医生来。)——《生于七月四日》(Born on the Fourth of July)
(6) Empty a mag (magazine).(清空弹夹。)——《生于七月四日》(Born on the Fourth of July)
由几个词的首字母构成,每个字母单独读出,如BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)要读成B—B—C。
(1) The CO (commanding officer) says I can. (指挥官说我可以。)——《伴我雄心》(G. I. Jane)
(2) Don’t BS (bullshit) me. I do not look great.(少跟我废话,我一点儿也不帅气。)——《欢乐一家亲》(Frasier)
(3) Patty, see if this guy’s got a CB (civic band). Call an ambulance.(帕蒂,看这家伙有没有民用波段频率,快叫辆救护车。)——《激情交叉点》(Intersection)
(4) There is no such a thing as ESP (extra sensory perception). (不存在所谓的超感知觉。)——《所谓人生》(Life or Something Like It)
(5) Your, uh, your mother, worked on campus at UCSC (University of California at Santa Cruze), right?(你的……你妈妈在加利福尼亚大学圣克鲁兹分校工作,对吗?)——《心灵猎人》(Mindhunter)
构成法同上面的首写字母缩略词,但读音按正常单词读,如NATO应读成 [ˈneɪtəʊ]。
(1) He’s wearing a SWAT (special weapon and technique) uniform.(他穿的是特警制服。)——《头号通缉犯》(Most Wanted)
(2) You need to walk out from this ASAP (as soon as possible).(这件事你最好不要惹上。或:这种事,你少管为好。)——《单身男子俱乐部》(Old School)
(3) RICOA (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act).(反敲诈和贿赂组织法。)——《傲骨之战》(The Good Fight)
(1) She is in pre-op (preparation of operation). (她只是参加预演而已。)——《楚门的世界》(The Truman Show)
(2) Excuse me, there’s call from the SecNav’s (SecNav = Secretary of Navy) office. (对不起,海军司令部来电话。)——《伴我雄心》(G. I. Jane)
(3) I’ll brief the congressional leadership tomorrow evening at 5:00. At 7:00 o’clock, all United States’ Armed Forces worldwide stand up to DEFCON3 (DEFCON = defense condition).(明天下午5点,我会向国会做情况说明。7点,全球范围的所有美国武装力量进入3级战备状态。)——《惊爆十三天》(Thirteen Days)
(4) Your hanging out with the G-man (government man) just got us a good gig.(多亏你和政府部门的人有交情,我们得到了一份肥差。)——《神魂颠倒》(Head over Heels)
(1) This is my number (telephone number). Maybe we can get out for coffee sometime.(这是我的电话号码,哪天有空,我们可以一起喝点咖啡什么的。)——《心灵捕手》(Good Will Hunting)
(2) You have to have blood (blood test) and urine (urine test)? What’s up? (你要做血液和尿样化验?你怎么了?)——《心灵捕手》(Good Will Hunting)
(3)Comfy (comfortable).(很舒服。)——《学警出更》(Police Academy)
(4) You know what that hanky (handkerchief) remind me of?(你知道那条手绢让我想到什么吗?)——《电子情书》(You’ve Got Mail)
(5) Here comes arty (artillery).(大炮来了。)——《越战创伤》(Casualties of War)
(6) What’s the matter? You look so sad, hon (honey).(亲爱的,出什么事了?你看上去气色很不好。)——《死囚之舞》(Monster’s Ball)
* 上海理工大学外语学院教师,上海理工大学公选课《影视英语面面观》课程负责人,译著有《黑暗之影》《金色男孩》《大哉沪江》等。本文选自其著作《魅力光影——英语影视剧台词聚焦》(上海交通大学出版社,2021),有改动。