Just below me on the hillside is a forty-acre field that slopes gently down to the valley. Last year it was ploughed by a motor-tractor: this year I rejoice to say it is being ploughed in the old way, as it has been ploughed for a thousand years. I suppose we ought to be grateful for the motor-tractor and the steam-digger that in cheapening production cheapen our food, but I am glad that the farmer below me has returned to the ancient way. When the machine comes in, the poetry goes out, and though poetry has no place in the farmer’s ledger2 it is pleasant to find that he has sound reasons for reverting to the primitive plough. All the operations of the fields are beautiful to see. They are beautiful in themselves and beautiful in their suggestions of the permanence of things in the midst of which we come and go like the guests of a day. Who can see the gleaners in the field, or the haymakers piling the hay on the hay-wain, or the mower bending over the scythe without the stirring of the feelings which the mere beauty of the scene or of the motion does not explain?3 Indeed the sense of beauty itself is probably only the emanation of the thoughts subtly awakened by the action. It is so with pictures4. I do not know any painting that lives in my mind with a more abiding beauty than one of Millet’s. It is just a solitary upland field, with a flight of birds and an untended plough lying in the foreground. The barrenness and austerity of the scene5 are almost forbidding at the first glance, but as the mind dwells on it, it becomes instinct with6 meaning and emotion. Evening has come and darkness is falling over the land. The labourer has left the field and the rooks are going home. In the midst of the ancient solitude and silence that have taken possession of the earth, the old plough has the passion of personality. It embodies the epic of man’s labour with the intensity that direct statement could not convey but only the power of suggestion can give.
And so it is with the scene before me. As I watch the ploughman drawing that straight, undulating line in the yellow stubble of the field, he seems to be not so much a mortal as a part of the landscape, that comes and goes as the seasons come and go, or as the sun comes and goes7. His father, it may be, ploughed this field before him, and his father before him, and so on back through the centuries to the days when the monks still drank their sack8 and ate their venison in the monastery below, which is now only a mound of stones. And over the new-ploughed soil the rooks, who have as ancient an ancestry as himself, descend in clouds to forage as they have descended in these late October days for a thousand years. And after the rooks, the starlings. They have gathered in hosts after the pleasant domestic intimacies of summer for their winter campaigning, and stream across the sky in those miraculous mass man-oeuvres that affect one like winged and noiseless music. When they swoop down on the upturned soil the farmer blesses them. He forgets the devastations of the summer in the presence of the ruthless war which the mail-clad host is making on the leather-jackets and other pestilent broods that lurk in the soil.9 They, too, have their part in the eternal economy of the fields. They are notes in that rhythm of things which touches our transitoriness with the hint of immemorial ancestry.
The ploughman has reached the far end of his furrow and rests his horses while he takes his lunch by the hedgerow. That is aflame once more with the returning splendours of these October days. The green of summer has turned to a passion of gold and scarlet and yellow and purple10, and all over the landscape the foliage is drunk with colour. The elms that have stood so long garbed in sober green are showing wonderful tufts and curls of bright yellow at the top, like old gentlemen who are growing old gaily. It is as though they have suddenly become vocal and hilarious and are breaking into song. A few days hence they will be a glory of bright yellow. But that last note of triumph does not belong to October. It is in the first days of November that the elm is at its crowning hour. But the beech is at its best now, and the woodlands that spread up the hillside glow, underfoot and overhead, with the fires of fairyland.
In the bright warm sunshine there is a faint echo of the songs of spring. There are chirrups and chatterings from voices that have been silent for long. There is the “spink11, spink” of the chaffinch, and from the meadowland at the back there comes at intervals the song of a lark, not the full song of summer, but no mean imitation of it. It is the robin, however, who is now chorister-in-chief12. His voice was lost or unnoticed when the great soloists were abroad, but now he is left to sing the requiem of the year alone—unless we include the owl13 who comes punctually every evening as the dusk falls to my garden, and utters a few owlish incantations.
I can see the ploughman nearing the top end of the field, and can hear the jangle of the harness and his comments to the horses and almost the soft fall of the soil as the furrow is turned over. I think I will bid him adieu, for these October days provide tasks for me as well as for the ploughman. There are still some apples to pick, there is an amazing bed of carrots to be got up, there are laurels to be cut down, there are—oh, joy!—bonfires to be lighted, and there are young fir-trees to be transplanted. I think I will start with the bonfires.
1 本文选自英国作家阿尔弗雷德·乔治·加德纳的随笔集《道道畦沟》(Many Furrows)。作者寄情于金秋十月的田野风光,神游物外,思接千载,委婉而深沉地抒发今昔之比的感慨,是一篇蕴含诗情画意和深邃哲理的美文。美文需美译,翻译时应认真理解揣摩原意,精心炼词琢句,用自然贴切的对等语再现原文的神韵。 2 译文重新调整这一从句结构,将farmer作为行为主体;ledger(记账用的簿子)则取其喻义“日常算计”,译作“农民的日常算计中没有诗歌的份额”,读来顺畅自如。
3 将这一长句前三个并列的名词短语“gleaners … the mower bending over the scythe”译作“有人田间埋头拾穗,或弯腰挥镰割草,抑或往车上堆放干草”,节奏鲜明,朗朗上口,音美意美兼具;which译为设问“何以如此情难自禁”,照应前文the stirring of the feelings(心潮荡漾);the mere beauty of the scene or of the motion则扩展为“单以风光美丽或动作漂亮”。概括而言,译文将原句的多重意思按照汉语习惯顺势铺陈,化为络绎行文,无阻隔之感,无斧凿之痕。 4 此处pictures若只译为“画作”,便难以进行比类,因而加上“欣赏”一词,凸显动态。 5 barrenness and austerity在原文中做主语,译文未囿于原文语法结构,采用小句意合。 6 be instinct with 充满着。
7 the seasons come and go译为“四季更迭”,the sun comes and goes译为“昼夜交替”。只要留心汉语的惯常说法,总能找出不同于词典概念意义的自然而贴切的对等语。 8 sack萨克葡萄酒,古老的葡萄酒术语,指16—17世纪产于西班牙本土及加那利群岛的葡萄酒。
9 此句中的“in the presence of ...”暗含解释原因。根据中文表达习惯,译文调整了全句的语序,先“因”后“果”,前后连续而贯通;mail是“铠甲”,host是“军队”,此处运用了暗喻修辞。 10 用带有修饰成分的双音节词分别对应原文简单的颜色词green、gold、scarlet、yellow和purple,译文包蕴具有情感色彩的视觉联想,呈现秋色缤纷的美景。
11 spink 仓头燕雀叫声。 12 chorister-in-chief 唱诗班首席歌手。 13 结合语境增补词义,将其译为“把猫头鹰划归歌手之列”,与前面的great soloists(大牌独唱演员)形成有效的语义衔接。