1. 大局
“大局”是一个常用词,《现代汉语词典》(第7版)的释义是:整个的局面;整个的形势。对这个词,常见的翻译是big picture、overall situation, 表面上似乎与中文比较对应,但是如果机械地在所有情况下都套用,恐怕不能准确地表达原文的意思。在具体语境下,“大局”表示的意思有时与词典释义相符,有时也有更为具体的含义。看看下面的例句。
无论谁在这个岗位上,都必须有大局意识、全局思维。Whoever takes this position must be someone who can see the big picture and think strategically.
这句话里的“大局”是泛指,意思是能够从整体和长远的角度看问题,用the big picture来表述是比较合适的,表示一种看问题的能力和方法。再看看下面两个例句。
在大局面前,个人恩怨显得微不足道。Compared with our larger goals, personal concerns are insignificant.
他做事情总是比较莽撞,不识大局。He is always rushing into things, without knowing what is important.
在这两句里面,对“大局”的理解已经不局限于静态的“整个形势”,而是理解为整体的目标、事业或利益。当然,这两个单句的语境实际上也不是很全面,our larger goals和what is important可能适合一定的语境,换个语境,译法可能又有所不同,但原则是一样的。
他做方案花了不少时间,可是公司另一位同事的方案做得更扎实,为了顾全大局,他最后放弃了自己的方案。He spent a lot of time crafting his plan, but decided to set it aside in favor of a stronger plan proposed by a colleague.
在集体运动项目中,每个球员都必须顾全大局,充分考虑团队的利益,才能取得好成绩。To win in collective sports, players must work seamlessly as a team and think what’s best for the whole group.
服务经济发展大局,高效助力营商环境。Effective efforts must be made to enhance the ease of doing business in order to contribute to the country’s economic growth.
从公司长远发展大局出发,我们决定实施这个项目,即使它短期内可能不会带来盈利。We’ve decided to move forward with this project as part of the company’s strategy for long-term growth, even though it may not make money right away.
在国际形势风云变幻的背景下,保持国内经济稳定大局至关重要。In an ever-changing international situation, maintaining the stability of the domestic economy has become even more important.
目前半岛形势高度敏感,希望有关国家从维护地区和平稳定大局出发,慎重妥善处理有关问题。Given the highly delicate situation on the peninsula right now, we hope that countries concerned will approach the issues with the utmost caution and deliberation, for the purpose of maintaining peace and stability in the region.
2. 格局
目前,公司已形成了以食品加工业为主体, 兼顾相关行业的发展格局。Currently the company operates with a structure focused on food processing while also expanding into other businesses.
这条运河的开通,将重塑该地区的地缘政治格局。The opening of the canal will reshape the region’s geopolitical dynamics.
格局决定结局,这句话在任何行业都是真理。Your perspectives determine the extent of your success, and this holds true in virtually any profession.
他展现出的非凡格局使他在选举中获得巨大优势。He has demonstrated exceptional vision and perspectives, giving him a significant advantage in the election.
企业家不仅要有格局,而且要有魄力,敢于在关键时刻做出决策。Entrepreneurs need both vision and the guts to make tough calls when necessary.
他这个人比较有格局,在单位里跟同事们的关系都不错。He is an honest and broadminded person who gets along well with his colleagues.
着眼大局,打开格局。Open up your perspectives and focus on the big picture.
不要被眼前的困难限制了格局。Don’t let the difficulties define you.
3. 眼光
她选的几只股票都涨了,证明她的眼光不错。The stocks she selected have all gone up, which proves she has a good eye for investment.
他有独到的眼光,丑陋的树根到他手里变成一件件精美的艺术品。He was able to turn gnarled tree roots into beautiful works of art with his unique ability to see potential where others don’t.
我们不得不赞叹城市规划者当时的眼光,市政基础设施的设计从一开始就考虑到了今后几十年的人口增长需求。We can’t help but admire the city planners who had the foresight to design an infrastructure that could support population growth for decades.
他当年创建公司的时候就有长远的眼光,要把公司办成百年老店。When he started, he set himself the goal to build a company that would last for a hundred years.
对这些初创企业要用发展的眼光看。When it comes to startups, it is important to see their potential for future growth.
我们应该用历史的眼光来看待这个事件,理解其深远的影响。We should examine this event in a historical context to appreciate its significant implications.
建立金融中心要有21世纪的眼光。We must understand that we are building the financial center for the 21st century.1
4. 气场/气魄/魄力
他一走进会议室,全场的目光都集中在他身上,气场实在太强大了。He has such a powerful aura that all eyes were on him as he stepped into the room.
虽然她年纪不大,但身上散发着一种不容忽视的气场。Though young, she carries herself with an air of confidence that demands notice.
她天生带着一种气场,生来就是当明星的料。She exudes a natural charisma that destined her for stardom.
主持这样的活动,他的气场好像还差点。He doesn’t quite have the presence to be a host for such an event.
我们这个团队的气场非常团结,充满了凝聚力。We have a very cohesive team that exudes a strong sense of unity.
领导者需要有气魄,才能带领团队渡过难关。To lead the team through times of adversity, we need a strong and decisive leader.
当时去了五六个人,每个人看起来都很有气魄。There were five or six people present, and everyone looked very imposing.
说话的人好像是曹操,可是站在他身旁的那位卫士看起来更是气魄不凡。Cao Cao seemed to be the one who did the talking, but the guard standing next to him appeared to have a more commanding presence.
这场交响乐听下来,畅快淋漓,很有气魄。I was totally exhilarated and overwhelmed by the grandeur of the symphony.
真正置身于故宫,才能感受到那种皇城的威严, 以及只有它才能够拥有的气魄。One must visit the Forbidden City in person to fully appreciate the majestic aura of an imperial palace and the imposing grandeur one doesn’t often see in other places.
他虽然有能力,但就是有时候缺少一点魄力。He is quite a capable person, but just a little indecisive from time to time.
他在危急时刻展现出过人的魄力。He displayed tremendous fortitude in the face of danger.
这个项目需要一个有魄力、懂技术、会管理的项目经理带队。To lead such a project, we need a strong and decisive manager with technical and managerial experience.
新校长看来很有魄力,一上任就推行了教师聘用制度的改革。The new principal appears to be a bold leader. He initiated reforms of the faculty hiring protocols as soon as he took office.
* 美国明德大学蒙特雷国际研究学院高级翻译学院荣休教授,本刊顾问。