英语和汉语并列词组大都按照固定顺序排列,其组成词的前后位置一般是不能颠倒的。例如:big and small(大小)、long and short(长短)、left and right(左右)、man and woman(男女)等。
第一,有些英语和汉语并列词组遵从“主从模式”(master-slave mode),按照地位或重要程度的高低顺序排列。但是,汉语的“身心”是逆向排列的。译成英语需根据“心”支配“身”的顺序说mind and body。例如:
1. 脑研究表明,身心之间有复杂的相互作用。Brain research shows that there is a complex interplay between mind and body.
2. 户外运动使我们身心强健。Outdoor exercise makes us strong in mind and body.
3. 你需要充足的睡眠以使你疲惫的身心再度充电。You need sufficient sleep to recharge your tired mind and body.
第二,有些英语和汉语并列词组遵从“线性模式”(linear mode),按照产生或发生的先后顺序排列。但是,汉语的“钢铁”是逆向排列的。译成英语需根据先产出“铁”,后产出“钢”的顺序说iron and steel。例如:
4. 一座新的钢铁厂将在这个煤田附近修建。A new iron and steel works/ factory will be built near the coal fields.
5. 中国钢铁工业仍在不断取得新的发展。In China, new developments in the iron and steel industry are still coming forward.
汉语的“迟早”虽与“早晚”同义,却是逆向排列的。译成英语需根据先“早”后“迟”的顺序说sooner and later。例如:
6. 这位驾车者知道:如果他粗心驾车,迟早/早晚会发生事故。The driver knows that if he drives carelessly, an accident will happen sooner or later.
7. 古话说,坏人迟早/早晚要遭报应。As an old saying goes, the evildoers are bound to be punished sooner or later.
8. 这个盗车贼迟早/早晚会被警方逮捕去坐班房。Sooner or later, the car thief will be caught by the police and put in prison.
汉语的“死活”虽与“生死”同义,却是逆向排列的。由于“活”和“死”只能二选一,译成英语时需在中间加连词or,根据先“活”后“死”的顺序排列,即live or die、life or death或alive or dead。例如:
9. 这个邪恶的老板从来不顾他工人的死活。The vicious boss never cared whether his workers should live or die.
10. 这个贪官挪用修河坝的基金,全然不顾百姓的死活。The corrupt official embezzled the funds for building a dam across the river, totally disregarding the life or death of the common people.
11. 当这个煤矿发生瓦斯爆炸时,煤矿主一点儿也不在乎矿工们的死活。When there occurred a gas explosion in the coal mine, its owner didn’t care whether the coal miners were alive or dead.
第三,有些英语并列词组遵从“语音模式”(phonetic mode),按照单词音节从少到多,或单词从短到长的顺序排列,避免读起来让人有头重脚轻的感觉。汉语说“文学艺术”或“文艺”,英语却说art and literature。例如:
12. 文学和艺术相互交集、相互影响的历史十分悠久。Art and literature have a long history of intersecting and influencing one another.
13. 文艺作品所描述的生活可能比现实生活更具有代表性。Life as depicted in works of art and literature may be more representative than real life.
14. 这位评论家不赞成低估文艺的重要性。The critic doesn’t favour underestimating the importance of art and literature.
第四,有些英语和汉语并列词组遵从“正面-负面模式”(positive-negative mode),按照单词意义由正面到负面,或由褒义到贬义的顺序排列。但是,汉语的“异同”是逆向排列的。译成英语需按照从正面意义到负面意义的顺序说similarity and dissimilarity。例如:
15. 这位哲学教授给学生们详细地分析了中西美学的异同。The professor of philosophy gave his students a detailed analysis of the similarities and dissimilarities between Chinese aesthetics and Western aesthetics.
16. 国际直接投资与国际风险投资的异同是什么?What are the similarities and dissimilarities between international direct investment and international risk investment?
汉语的“输赢”虽与“胜负”同义,却是逆向排列的。由于“输”和“赢”只能二选一,译成英语时需按照由褒义到贬义的顺序排列,并在中间加连词or,即win or lose或winning or losing。例如:
17. 这位高尔夫球员对他的对手说:“输赢/胜负无关紧要。最重要的是我们的友谊。”The golf player said to his opponent, “To win or lose doesn’t matter. What is the most important is our friendship.”
18. 赌博是一种以偶然的决定来定输赢的活动。Gambling is an activity of winning or losing by an occasional decision.
第五,英语和汉语表示方向的并列词组遵从各自的“定向模式”(directional mode)。汉语的“东西南北”或“东南西北”,英语译为north、south、east、west。例如:
19. 罗盘的基点是东、西、南、北。The cardinal points of the compass are north, south, east and west.
汉语的“南北”有两个意思,其一是“南和北”,译成英语要说north and south。例如:
20. 这个城市位居南北之间的交通枢纽,为各种重要物资的集散地。This city, situated at the transportation hub between north and south, is a distribution centre for all kinds of important goods and materials.
汉语“南北”的第二个意思是“从南到北”,译成英语要说from north to south。例如:
21. 从最远点算起,我国领土南北为5500公里,东西为5000公里。At the furthest points, our territory measures 5,500 kilometers from north to south and 5,000 kilometers from east to west.
22. 横断山脉为南北走向。The Hengduan Mountains run from north to south.
23. 这个公园东西3公里,南北5公里。This park is three kilometers across from east to west, and five kilometers from north to south.