
2024-08-23 00:00:00田地张晶罗文宇
河南科技 2024年13期

摘 要:【目的】通过探讨智能无线环境和智能可重构物理层的应用需求和发展趋势,构建全维智能可重构无线通信模型和体系结构。【方法】首先,将物理层参数和无线传播环境等无线通信链路的各个维度纳入智能可重构范畴,解决了由于硬件条件与无线环境限制引起的传统通信技术难以实现更高维调控自由度的问题。然后,利用优化和定制物理层与无线环境所需的感知数据,提出一种允许根据不同无线环境和PHY参数在人工智能算法之间动态切换的全维可重构结构。【结果】仿真和分析结果表明,该系统在误码率和可达速率等指标上均优于传统方法。【结论】将智能可重构的思想延伸到无线传播环境和整个通信链路的各个维度,构建了高效的全维智能可重构无线通信系统,可以为6G移动通信系统提供工程应用指导。


中图分类号:TN929" " 文献标志码:A" " "文章编号:1003-5168(2024)13-0014-04


The Design and Implementation of Full-dimensional Intelligent

Reconfigurable Wireless Communication Systems

TIAN Di1 ZHANG Jing1 LUO Wenyu2

(1.College of Software Technology, Henan Finance University, Zhengzhou 450046,China;

2.School of Physics and Electronics, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power,

Zhengzhou 450046,China)

Abstract: [Purposes] This article aims to explore the application requirements and development trends of intelligent wireless environments and intelligent reconfigurable physical layers, and construct a comprehensive intelligent reconfigurable wireless communication model and architecture. [Methods] Firstly, incorporating various dimensions of wireless communication links such as physical layer parameters and wireless propagation environment into the scope of intelligent reconfigurability solves the problem of traditional communication technologies being unable to achieve higher dimensional control degrees due to hardware conditions and wireless environment limitations. Then, utilizing the perception data required for optimizing and customizing the physical layer and wireless environment, a fully reconfigurable structure is proposed that allows for dynamic switching between artificial intelligence algorithms based on different wireless environments and PHY parameters. [Findings] The simulation and analysis results show that the system is superior to the traditional method in terms of bit error rate and achievable rate. [Conclusions] By extending the idea of intelligent reconfigurability to various dimensions of wireless propagation environment and the entire communication link, an efficient full dimensional intelligent reconfigurable wireless communication system has been constructed, which can provide a theoretical basis and guidance for 6G mobile communication systems.

Keywords: intelligent reconfigurable; smart radio environments; reconfigurable physical layer; mobile communication

0 引言

近年来,智能无线环境利用可重构智能表面(Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface,RIS)将无线环境转变为智能可重构实体,为6G通信性能的全面提升提供了新的可能性[1]。6G作为支持不同需求异构服务的单一网络[2],采用软硬件协同设计以实现智能可重构物理层(Physical Layer, PHY)[3],能够灵活适应环境变化,实现高吞吐量、高可靠性和超低时延等目标。因此,6G旨在通过智能可重构技术设计出与之前无线网络本质不同的可控、智能、可重构和可编程的通信系统[4],以实现“数创世界新,智通万物灵”的美好愿景[5]。


1 智能无线环境



Wong等[9]利用具有更低路径损耗的非辐射陷波表面波传输信号,为实现智能无线环境提供了一种新的视角。Liaskos 等[10]针对智能无线环境提出一种基于机器学习的用户自适应配置方法。Fiore 等[11]从原型、白皮书、资助项目和标准化等方面对智能无线环境进行了总结和分析。

因此,未来的无线系统将更多依赖于对无线环境的编程控制。目前,针对智能无线环境的研究主要集中在硬件演示平台和点对点实验测试 [10-11],以及RIS辅助通信系统的设计、信道估计和系统优化等方面,侧重于无线资源管理和分配等领域。现有关于智能无线环境的研究更多只是考虑无线信道部分,如Tang等[12]。然而,仅在无线信道这一单一维度上的智能可重构不足以满足6G的多种挑战性需求。

2 智能可重构物理层

近年来,可重构PHY在算法和体系结构上获得了长足发展,其依赖上层改变子载波间隔、带宽以及调制、同步和信道编码等参数来完成各种决策任务,以实现可靠的无线通信。由于具备灵活度高、可塑性强等优点,可编程逻辑器件在可重构PHY中起着关键作用。Hoydis 等[13]提出了基于人工智能的无线通信优化方案,适用于任何硬件、无线环境和应用程序。为提高吞吐量和可靠性,Aoudia 等[14]通过智能优化发射端和接收端,在不需要正交导频的情况下实现可靠信号检测,降低了控制信令的开销。Pranoti 等[15]提出了一种垂直切换算法,通过控制FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)实现在几种PHY状态之间灵活切换,以实现最优性能。


3 全维智能可重构无线通信系统





②包含可重构PHY的全维度智能可重构通信系统比智能无线环境系统具有更低的误码率(Bit Error Rate, BER)。

4 结语



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科技视界(2016年22期)2016-10-18 14:11:34