在不到1 000 万年的时间里,非洲坦噶尼喀湖中已进化出约250 种慈鲷科鱼类。研究人员现已将这些鱼类的探索行为与生态位适应联系起来,并确定了对该物种的探索行为有强烈影响的一种遗传变异。封面图片描绘了一条雄性帝王慈鲷鱼在繁殖状态下进行领地展示的情景。
Abou t 2 5 0 c i c h l i d f i shspecies have evolved in AfricasLake Tanganyika in less than 10million years. Researchers havenow linked exploratory behaviorto niche adaptation in thesefish and identified a geneticvariant with a strong effecton the exploratory behavioro f t h e s p e c i e s . T h e i m a g edepicts a male emperor cichlid(Boulengerochromis microlepis )in breeding mood performing aterritorial display.
封面图展示了一个社会传播的过程,也就是通过精心挑选的种子个体,将创新和有益的想法与实践从面对面的社交网络中向外传播。研究人员对洪都拉斯176 个偏远村庄的24 702 名村民进行了一项随机实验,记录了如何优化这一过程,以及如何利用社会传播提高人类福祉。
T h i s i l l u s t r a t i o n s h o w sa process of social contagion,whereby innovative and beneficiali d e a s a n d p r a c t i c e s s p r e a doutward from carefully chosenseed individuals within face-tofacesocial networks. Using arandomized experiment involving2 4 7 0 2 p e o p l e i n 1 7 6 i s o l a t e dHonduran villages, researchersdocumented how this processcan be optimized and how socialcontagion can be exploited toenhance human welfare.
封面图展示的是木星卫星木卫一的光学图像,由“朱诺号”航天器于2024年2 月飞掠木卫一时拍摄。木卫一表面覆盖着许多火山,在图片右下角可以看到“西河”火山喷发的羽状物。对木卫一稀薄大气的同位素测量表明,木卫一上的火山活动已经持续了数十亿年,可能自这个卫星形成以来就一直存在。
T h i s o p t i c a l i m a g e o fJupiters moon Io was taken bythe Juno spacecraft during a flybyin February 2024. The surface iscovered by volcanic features, anda plume from the erupting volcanoXihe is visible in the lower right.Isotopic measurements of Iostenuous atmosphere show thatvolcanism on Io has been ongoingfor billions of years, potentiallysince the moon formed.
S e a o t t e r s u s e r o c k s a stools to break open hard-shelledinvertebrate prey. Researchersf o u n d t h a t , w h e n p r e f e r r e dp r e y a r e d e p l e t e d , t o o l u s eallows individuals to maintainenergetic requirements throughthe processing of alternative hardprey that are typically inaccessiblewith biting alone. This suggeststhat this behavior is a necessityfor the survival of some ottersin environments with limitedresources.
(陶 陶 编译)