
2024-06-30 12:38:12滕尧王叶李嘉昱张小英陈彩霞张孙健龙秀琴
果树学报 2024年6期

滕尧 王叶 李嘉昱 张小英 陈彩霞 张孙健 龙秀琴

摘    要:【目的】探讨避雨和补光对西番莲产量和果实品质的影响,为西番莲设施栽培提供参考。【方法】供试材料为甜果型黄果西番莲(Passiflora edulis f. favicarpa),观测避雨(RS)、补光(L)、避雨+补光(RSL)和露地栽培(CK)等不同栽培模式下西番莲结果枝生长、果实发育及产量,可滴定酸、总糖、总游离氨基酸、维生素C、总酚、总黄酮、β-胡萝卜素含量等果实品质指标,叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量,净光合速率、蒸腾速率、胞间二氧化碳浓度、气孔导度等光合特性指标。【结果】与CK相比,L能使结果枝粗度显著增加,果实转色加快3 d,果实营养物质含量平均增加13%,叶绿素含量略有增加,净光合速率提高20%,对果实纵横径和产量无显著影响;RS和RSL会使结果枝更细长,RS会延缓果实转色8 d,产量提高20%,果实营养物质含量平均减少26%,净光合速率降低50%,RSL会延缓果实转色4 d,产量提高23%,果实营养物质含量平均减少20%,净光合速率降低37%,RS和RSL叶绿素含量均显著增加,对果实纵横径无显著影响。【结论】避雨能增加产量,补光能提高果实品质,可根据实际需求使用。


中图分类号:S667.9 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-9980(2024)06-1170-11

Effect of rain shelter and light supplement on yield, fruit quality and photosynthetic characteristics in passion fruit

TENG Yao1, 2, WANG Ye2, LI Jiayu2, ZHANG Xiaoying2, CHEN Caixia2, ZHANG Sunjian1, LONG Xiuqin2*

(1Institute of Mountain Resources of Guizhou Province, Guizhou Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550001, Guizhou, China; 2Guizhou Botanical Garden, Guizhou Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550004, Guizhou, China)

Abstract: 【Objective】 Passion fruit is native to South America, and because of its unique aroma and flavor, passion fruit is favored in the domestic fruit market in recent years. However, Guizhou and other provinces where the passion fruit is mainly cultivated generally use the open field cultivation, which is susceptible to environmental conditions, so the yield and quality performance of passion fruit is not stable, which affects the economic benefits of passion fruit seriously. As the auxiliary measures of cultivation, rain shelter and light supplement can effectively improve the yield or quality of many vegetables and fruit crops. In order to find the methods which can stabilize performance of passion fruit, in this study, we conducted the rain shelter cultivation and light supplement cultivation, to reveal the effect of the rain shelter and light supplement on the yield and fruit quality of passion fruit, and find the possible contributing causes, so as to provide reference for efficient cultivation of passion fruit. 【Methods】 The test material was sweet passion fruit, and four treatments were set, including Rain Shelter (RS), Light Supplement (L), Rain Shelter + Light Supplement (RSL) and open field cultivation as the control (CK). The surveyed indexes include: branch length, internode length and thickness, longitudinal fruit diameter and transverse fruit diameter, colour-changing period, average fruit number and weight of individual tree, yield, intrinsic quality of the fruit (titratable acid, total sugar, total free amino acids, vitamin C, total phenols, total flavonoids and β-carotene), content of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b, photosynthetic properties (net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductivity and intercellular CO2 concentration). 【Results】 In contrast to the control, Light Supplement (L) indicated: there was no significant effect on the branch length and internode length, while it could significantly increase the internode thickness by 4%; there was no significant effect on the longitudinal fruit diameter and transverse fruit diameter, but it could accelerate the fruit color change by 3 d (5%); there was no significant effect on the yield, but it could increase the titratable acid content by 3% and the total sugar content by 2%, and the total free amino acids content significantly increased by 12%, the vitamin C content significantly increased by 9%, the total phenols content significantly increased by 13%, the total flavonoids content significantly increased by 38%, the β-carotene content significantly increased by 19%, and the chlorophyll-a content significantly increased by 11%; there was no significant effect on the chlorophyll-b content, but the net photosynthetic rate significantly increased by 20%, the transpiration rate significantly increased by 8%, the stomatal conductance significantly increased by 19%, and there was no significant effect on the intercellular CO2 concentration. Rain Shelter (RS) indicated: the branch length significantly increased by 19%, the internode length significantly increased by 26%, the internode thickness significantly decreased by 20%, but ther was no significant effect on the longitudinal fruit diameter and transverse fruit diameter, and the fruit color change was delayed by 8 d (14%), yield significantly increased by 20%, the titratable acid content significantly decreased by 14%, the total sugar content significantly decreased by 11%, the total free amino acids content significantly decreased by 7%, the vitamin C content significantly decreased by 6%, the total phenols content significantly decreased by 64%, the total flavonoids content significantly decreased by 43%, the β-carotene content significantly decreased by 37%, the chlorophyll-a content significantly increased by 10%, the chlorophyll-b content significantly increased by 37%, the net photosynthetic rate significantly decreased by 50%, the transpiration rate significantly decreased by 62%, and the stomatal conductance significantly decreased by 55%, the intercellular CO2 concentration significantly decreased by 7%. Rain Shelter + Light Supplement (RSL) indicated: the branch length significantly increased by 19%, internode length significantly increased by 7%, the internode thickness significantly decreased by 6%, while there was no significant effect on the longitudinal fruit diameter and transverse fruit diameter, and the fruit color change was delayed by 4 d (7%), yield significantly increased by 23%, the titratable acid content significantly decreased by 8%, the total sugar content significantly decreased by 10%, the total free amino acids content significantly decreased by 6%, the vitamin C content significantly decreased by 4%, the total phenols content significantly decreased by 50%, the total flavonoid content significantly decreased by 37%, the β-carotene content significantly decreased by 25%, the chlorophyll-a content significantly increased by 19%, the chlorophyll-b content significantly increased by 40%, the net photosynthetic rate significantly decreased by 37%, the transpiration rate significantly decreased by 46%, and the stomatal conductance significantly decreased by 51%, but there was no significant effect on the intercellular CO2 concentration. 【Conclusion】 Light Supplement (L) can significantly improve the leaf photosynthetic characteristics, increase the nutrient contents in fruit, and accelerate the time of fruit color change, but cannot effectively increase the yield. Rain Shelter (RS) and Rain Shelter + Light Supplement (RSL) can significantly increase the yield, but it may lead to the decline of the plant photosynthesis characteristics and the intrinsic fruit quality, and delay the time of fruit color change. All indicators of RSL were better than RS, indicating that light supplement can compensate for the influence of insufficient light, but the effect of light source in this test is apparently less than that of natural light. Rain shelter and light supplement should be used according to the actual requirements.

Key words: Passion fruit; Rain shelter; Light supplement; Yield; Fruit quality; Photosynthetic characteristic

西番莲是原产于热带地区的西番莲科(Passifloraceae)西番莲属(Passiflora Linn.)草本或常绿攀缘木质藤本多年生植物,国外一般称“Passion fruit”[1],并根据口味的酸甜分为酸果型西番莲(sour passion fruit)[2]和甜果型西番莲(sweet passion fruit)[3]。国内则习惯根据果皮颜色将可食用西番莲分为“紫果”和“黄果”两大类,也常将二者统称为“百香果”,甜果型黄果西番莲(P. edulis f . favicarpa)因甜度高、香气多样而成为当前主栽的鲜食品种[4]。


笔者在本试验中以贵州当前主栽品种甜果型黄果西番莲为研究对象,观测西番莲在避雨(Rain Shelter,RS)、补光(Light supplement,L)、避雨+补光(Rain Shelter+Light supplement,RSL)和露地栽培(CK)等不同栽培模式下结果枝生长、果实发育及产量,可滴定酸、总糖、总游离氨基酸、维生素C、总酚、总黄酮、β-胡萝卜素含量等果实品质指标,叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量,净光合速率、蒸腾速率、胞间二氧化碳浓度、气孔导度等光合特性指标,探讨不同栽培模式对西番莲的影响,以期为西番莲设施栽培提供参考。

1 材料和方法

1.1 试验地与材料

试验在贵州科学院植物种质资源保育基地(26°55′22″ N,106°49′25″ E,海拔1 051.3 m)进行,棚内设4个小区,采用4 mm钢丝搭建单层双向垂帘架,架高1.8 m。基地年均温15.3 ℃,极端高温37.8 ℃,极端低温-2.9 ℃,土壤pH 6.5,0~20 cm土层全氮含量(w,后同)2.42 g·kg-1,全磷含量1.25 g·kg-1,全钾含量12.86 g·kg-1,有机质含量6.01%。

供试材料为甜果型黄果西番莲5月龄嫁接苗,苗高80~100 cm,每小区种植2行,行距4 m,每行15株,株距1.5 m,种植密度为110株·666.7 m-2(1650株·hm-2)。所有试验材料于2023年3月定植,每株施农家肥5 kg,栽培模式如图1-A所示,所有小区均采用相同农艺管理。

1.2 试验设计

设置避雨和补光2个因素,共3个处理和1个对照,分别为避雨(Rain shelter,RS,图1-B)、补光(Light supplement,L,图1-C)、避雨+补光(Rain Shelter + Light Supplement,RSL,图1-D)和露地栽培(open field cultivation,CK,图1-E)。避雨棚膜为聚乙烯薄膜,厚15 S(0.15 mm),顶高5 m,大棚侧面薄膜全部打开。补光灯为LED灯,功率30 W,设置在植株上方1 m,白光(410 nm)∶蓝光(450 nm)∶红光(660 nm)=1∶1∶1,光照度设置为西番莲适宜光照度2800 lx[15],根据西番莲适宜光周期16∶8[16]设置补光时间为5:00—21:00,其间当光照度低于2800 lx时补光灯自动开启。

1.3 指标及测定方法

1.3.1 结果枝长度、节间长度及粗度 5月初,每个处理随机选取10株,每株随机选取1个二级蔓新萌发嫩梢,每隔5 d测量枝条长度,共测7次,并在35 d将结果枝打顶,同时测量第3~8节[17]节间平均长度和粗度。

1.3.2 果实纵径、横径及转色时间 6月底,每个处理随机选取10朵花,在同一日进行人工授粉,每隔5 d用电子游标卡尺测量果实纵横径,共测7次,并观察记录果实成熟所需转色时间。

1.3.3 单果质量、单株结果数及产量 各处理于9月中旬(记为S1期,下同)采集主蔓和一级蔓成熟果实,10月中旬(记为S2期,下同)采集二级蔓成熟果实,在两个时期分别随机取10个果实测定单果质量,并计算平均单果质量。每个处理随机选择5株,收集首次采摘到11月底全部成熟果实,计算平均单株结果数。根据平均单果质量、平均单株结果数和种植密度计算产量。

1.3.4 果实内在品质 于S1和S2时期,各处理随机取10个成熟果实可食部分混样,3次重复。用酸碱滴定法测定总有机酸含量,采用酸水解苯酚-硫酸比色法测定总糖含量,采用茚三酮显色法测定总游离氨基酸含量,采用2,6-二氯靛酚滴定法测定维生素C含量,采用福林酚比色法测定总酚含量,采用硝酸铝盐比色法测定总黄酮含量,采用乙醇-石油醚提取直接比色法测定β-胡萝卜素含量。

1.3.5 叶绿素含量 于7月中下旬和8月中下旬(S1和S2果实生长发育时期),各处理随机取10枚完整、健康叶片剪碎混样,5次重复。采用分光光度法[18]测定叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量。

1.3.6 光合参数 7月中下旬和8月中下旬选择某一晴天,于当天的09:00—11:00,各处理随机选择健康西番莲5株,在植株0.6、1.2、1.8 m处用LI-6800光合仪测定叶片净光合速率、胞间二氧化碳浓度、蒸腾速率和气孔导度。

1.4 数据处理与分析

用WPS进行原始数据记录和整理,栽培模式采用Adobe Illustrator作图,用R语言进行数据分析统计,显著性检验通过t检验进行。

2 结果与分析

2.1 避雨补光对西番莲结果枝生长的影响

西番莲结果枝生长情况如图2所示,前15 d各处理的差异在不断变化,萌芽后20 d结果枝生长稳定,避雨组结果枝长度显著高于未避雨组(L和CK为未避雨组,RS和RSL为避雨组,下同),且补光对结果枝生长无显著影响(图2-A),节间平均长度在避雨组与未避雨组间有显著差异,RS显著高于RSL,节间平均长度表现为RS>RSL>CK>L(图2-B);节间平均粗度在4个处理间均有显著差异,最大为L,其后依次为CK、LRS、RS(图2-C)。西番莲结果枝生长情况说明,避雨能增加西番莲结果枝长度和节间长度,同时降低枝条粗度,而补光有利于枝条增粗。

2.2 避雨补光对西番莲果实生长发育的影响

西番莲果实生长发育和转色时间如图3所示,果实在授粉后3周膨大基本结束,不同处理间果实纵径和横径在7个观测时间点均无显著差异,在授粉35 d后纵径呈现L>CK>LRS>RS(图3-A)、横径呈现CK>L>LRS>RS的趋势(图3-B);果实转色平均所需时间最短为L(52.8 d),较CK、RSL、RS分别显著缩短2.6、6.4、10.7 d(图3-C)。观测结果表明,避雨和补光对果实纵横径无显著影响,但会影响果实转色时间。

2.3 避雨补光对西番莲产量的影响


2.4 避雨补光对西番莲果实内在品质的影响


2.5 避雨补光对西番莲叶绿素含量及光合特性的影响



3 讨 论

3.1 避雨补光对西番莲生长发育及产量的影响


试验中各处理间西番莲果实纵横径没有显著性差异,说明光照条件对西番莲果实纵横径生长影响不显著,西番莲果实生长发育主要与水肥供给差异有关[21-22];补光能够加快西番莲果实转色,主要表现在光照能促进植物色素合成与积累[23-24]。综合来看,西番莲果实从生长到完成转色的最快处理为L处理,需80 d左右,生长周期比相关文献报道结果[15,22]慢10~30 d,主要原因是西番莲在整个生长发育周期较依赖合适的温度和相对湿度[17],笔者在本试验中未监测环境因子,且避雨棚内小气候变化在不同研究中结论不同[6,25],避雨栽培模式下西番莲生长发育的适宜环境条件另需详细研究。


3.2 避雨补光对西番莲果实内在品质、叶绿素含量及光合特性的影响



4 结 论


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收稿日期:2024-01-02 接受日期:2024-04-08



*通信作者 Author for correspondence. E-mail:longxiuqin@163.com

云南化工(2021年10期)2021-12-21 07:33:16